Generic Technical Caseworker job description
In house job title:
- To provide technical and other advice, assistance and support to older or disabled people and other vulnerable individuals who wish to repair, adapt or improve their homes.
- Provide an appropriate technical service for the benefit of customers and colleagues from the referral stage through to completion of works within the framework required by the agency
- Provide a key worker and liaison service for the client throughout the process and with all other agencies.
- To develop the technical and caseworker service where appropriate and contribute to the overall development of the Home Improvement Agency
Technical Caseworker Components
To visit clients in their own homes, providing the required level of advice and information, and maintaining regular contact with them at each stage of the case
To assess the building work required to the property.
To identify property defects and to recommend priorities; prepare preliminary costings; prepare schedules of works, working drawings and implement The agency The agency’s tendering process and evaluate the quotations.
To maintain and review an up-to-date register of preferred contractors.
To administer the contracts for works, instruct contractors and monitor the quality of workmanship
Caseworker Components
Advise clients of the financial help available, including grants, welfare benefits, equity release, loans and help them obtain the aid to which they are entitled.
Ensure all stages of work are monitored, including supervision of work on site and satisfactory completion.
Identify other areas of help which may be needed by, or are available to, the client such as re-housing, home care and lifeline and ensure that necessary services are applied for on behalf of the client.
Ensure that the client understands and is kept informed of all the procedures and practices involved with their particular circumstances
Establish a good working relationship with relevant local authority departments, health services, housing and voluntary groups who are in contact with the client group.
Set up systems and maintain the smooth running of the project by ensuring good records are kept on all cases.
Provide information to the Manager and other bodies responsible for monitoring the projects performance.
Support the Manager in the promotion of the project and ensure widespread publicity through production of leaflets, media coverage and other promotional methods such as talks to groups or attending relevant events.
Keep up to date with developments in relevant fields of work and research.
Arrange to prepare with the project’s Technical officer’s schedule of work, specifications and drawings as appropriate taking into account the client’s needs and wishes.
Seek out estimates for work evaluating these and ensure proper contractual agreements are made between the client and the builder.
Arrange final inspections, check final accounts and defects liability and advise clients on payment.
Ensure that good records are kept in all cases, updating computerised records as necessary and maintaining case notes and progress forms
Participate in staff meetings and training courses as required.
Carry out other tasks that may reasonably be required from time to time by the Manager in support of the project and its development.
Promote and maintain a customer focus
Promote and maintain an active approach to health and safety, in respect of yourself, colleagues and customers.
Ensure that the organisation’s Equality & Diversity Policy is fully implemented at all times.