
Class Description

Students who participate in swimming must be able to compete at a varsity level and perform all four competitive strokes. The top 38 swimmers (19 girls and 19 boys) will make the team. Any student that wishes to be added to the team roster after the tryout period must meet a qualifying time. The first three weeks of practice the team will concentrate on stroke mechanics and turns. When we begin conditioning the team will be swimming 4,000-7,000 yards a day. The competitive season begins in August and ends in February. During the remainder of the year we will continue to swim and cross train, a swimmer has the option to transfer to another high school sport once the season is complete. Students must provide their own transportation after practice ends. Please take note of the practice times and make sure you are picked up promptly.

Practice Requirements:

  • A swimmer must have athleticpaperwork completed and turned in before they can practice. Paperwork includes, physical form completed and turned in to trainers, code of conduct form, Illegal steroid use form, physical form and web publishing permission form.
  • Each athlete is expected to be at every practice.
  • You must be on time! If a swimmer is late to practice or leaves early for any reason minutes missed will be recorded, accumulating 40 minutes will count as one missed practice. Eagle swimmers must be on the pool deck by 7:15 a.m. & Patriot Swimmers on deck by 2:45 p.m.
  • If a swimmer is unable to be at practice on time please contact one of the coaches. If arriving or leaving swimming practice becomes a problem then options, if any, will be discussed.

Attendance Policy:

It is important that each team member strive for 100% attendance at all practices and meets.

Any swimmer that falls below 85% attendance will not be able to swim in meets until the percentage is above the requirement. If the swimmer does not improve their attendance pattern they may bedismissed from the team the following semester.

Excused practices are as follows:
Excused practices are counted has one miss.

  • When a swimmer is sick and not attending school, call and leave a voice mail or e-mail with one of the coaches.
  • A teacher signed note regarding academic work; however all academic help should be during morning tutorials, not during swim practice.
  • When a swimmer misses a practice due to another activity or appointment and approved by the head coach.
  • When a swimmer misses a practice because of a medical reason.
  • Family related emergencies.**
  • Allowable college visits.**
  • SAT or ACT **

** will not affect swimmers practice percentage!!

Personal Days:

Each swimmer can earn up to 4 personal days one at the end of September, October and November. Personal days can be used by the swimmer at any practice session during the swim season. Personal days will not count against the swimmers attendance percentage. If the student does not use the personal days during the season it will count toward the yearend total practice percentage.

Earning personal days= Accumulating at least 90 points during the tryouts and earning a practice attendance of 97% or more by the end of September, October and November

Unexcused practices are as follows:

Unexcused practices are counted as two misses.

After the 2nd unexcused miss all will count as three misses.

  • The swimmer is missing a practice due to serving detention for discipline reasons.
  • If a swimmer misses practice and school, or if parents, or the head coach did not excuse the swimmer.
  • If a swimmer misses his/her event at a swim meet, unless excused by the coach.
  • If a swimmer forgets his/her swimming equipment during a practice session and cannot participate.
  • If a swimmer misses the school bus when leaving for a competition or practice.
  • NOTE: All swimmers must follow the school code of conduct!!!!

Make-up Practices:

A swimmer can make-up a practice after any regular scheduled practice by swimming 10 x 100’s. Upon the completion, the swimmer will have made-up ½ of a practice. There will be a limit of six practices during the competitive season that the swimmer may make-up. Throughout the season there may be other opportunities swimmers can make-up practices, but it is not a guarantee. Make-ups will be unlimited during the off season.

Disciplinary Actions (Behavior):

Swimmers must be willing to do their best at each and every practice. Swimmers must follow directions and carry them out. If a student is a constant disturbance to the team the head coach will follow these procedures to remedy the situation.

  • 1st offense = Verbal warning to the athlete.
  • 2ndoffense = Parents will be notified.
  • 3rd offense = A disciplinary form sent to their Principal.

Any or all of the above situations may affect the swimmers letter award and possible removal from the team.

Varsity Letter Requirements:

  • A swimmer must attend and compete in all scheduled swimming meets and events, unless excused by the head coach due to family emergency or illness.
  • When a swimmer is ineligible at the nine week grade reports – two times during the semester s/he will not be eligible for a varsity letter.
  • A swimmer that earns a practice/meet attendance of 90% or more and accumulates an average of 4 points per meet.
  • Any percentage below 90% and or below the required points the swimmer will not receive a varsity letter award.
  • The head coach makes all the decisions regarding varsity letter awards.

Grading Policy:

Attendance percentage will determine the swimmers grade during a progress report or 9 week grade.

  • A percentage of 90 percent or above, the swimmer will receive a 100 percent as a grade.
  • 85-89 percent the swimmer will earn 90 percent.
  • Below 85 percent the percentage earned will be the grade.

Any swimmer that falls below 85% attendance will not be able to swim in meets until the percentage is above the requirement.

Eligibility (Grades):

  • When a swimmer fails an academic class, he/she will not be able to compete for a period of time set by the U.I.L.
  • When a swimmer becomes ineligible they will not be able to participate or attend swim meets until they regain their eligibility.
  • When a swimmer is ineligible to swim due to grades the second nine weeks they willnot be able to swim at the district meet and may be asked to transfer to another class during the second semester. The swimmer will not be able to try-out for the following year unless grades have improved and eligible.

Any swimmer that falls below 85% attendance will not be able to swim in meets until the percentage is above the requirement.

Drugs and Alcohol

The following violations will/may result in dismissal from the team.

  • Drugs
  • Chewing tobaccoCONSUMPTION
  • Smoking

The entire team will follow the school policy regarding the use possession, consumption or distribution of the above.

Relay Teams

Individual relay splits taken throughout the season will determine who will be on a district relay. When a swimmer is a member of a district relay it does not mean that swimmerwillautomatically bemember of the on the regional or state relay team. The head coach makes the final decision.

Travel Procedures to an away meet

  • Riding the bus to and from the meets is mandatory unless there is an extenuating circumstance and permission is obtained and approved by the head coach.
  • When a swimmer misses the bus to an away meet, they must be driven to the meet by a parent in order to participate.

Other Team Policies

  • Do not use profanity or anything that could be deemed disrespectful at any time.
  • No public display of affection (pda) except for holding hands.
  • Girls and boys must wear swim suits to practice. Girls may wear two piece suits, but the

bathing suit should be a reasonably cut.

Equipment and Supplies:

All swimmers will be issued competitiveteam caps and a team swim bag. This equipment is not for daily use, only for swim meets. Kickboards, Pull buoys and hand paddles are supplied by the school.

Equipment the each swimmers needs to purchase:

  1. Fins needed for practice.
  2. Practice suits and competitive suits Eagles (black) & Patriots (navy blue).
  3. Team sweatstop must be purchased.
  4. Team sweat bottoms or shorts must be purchased. GHS must be gray, black or royal blue in color. EVHS must be gray, black or navy blue in color.
  5. Team T-Shirt can be purchased from the booster club.

When the team competes at a swim meet each team member is required to wear the team sweats and T-shirt. The swimming suit must be black or navy blue in color, but can be of any style or make.