Professor of Philosophy Tenured, 1977

Department of Philosophy

University of Missouri-Kansas City

Telephone: (816) 235-2816


Ph.D., University of California, Davis; Philosophy, 1971

Thesis: "Leibniz: The Physicist as Philosopher" M. Grene (Director), N. Gilbert, R. Arbini

Post-doc, Linacre College, Oxford; with Rom Harré; 1971

M.A., California State University, San Francisco; Philosophy, 1967

B.A., University of Santa Clara; Philosophy, 1965


1971-present. UMKC Department of Philosophy, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor

1967-71. (Variously) Associate-in-Philosophy and Post-Graduate Research Fellow, University of California, Davis

1965-67. Graduate Assistant, California State University, San Francisco

1963-65. Departmental Reader and Assistant, University of Santa Clara


1996-- Executive Secretary/CEO, Philosophy of Science Association

1992-3. Chair, Arts & Science Faculty, UMKC

1967-71. Administrative Assistant, Step VI (Senior), Department of Philosophy, University of California, Davis

1965-67. Administrative and Technical Assistant, Woodrow Wilson Lux Laboratory, San Francisco Unified School District


Philosophy of Science Association

American Philosophical Association

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Phi Kappa Phi

Metaphysical Society of America

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2001. Editor’s Choice, Selected Papers 1988-2001, American Journal of Physics

1999. Fellow, Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh

1997--. Editor for North America, Metascience

1996--. Steering Committee, History of Philosophy of Science Working Group (HOPOS)

1995-8. Member, Governing Board, National Academy of Sciences as Delegate from International Union for History and Philosophy of Science

1989. UKC Fellowship

1988-9. National Science Foundation Fellowship (with John Urani), "The History and Fate of the Big Bang"

1987. Matchette Visiting Professor, Western Maryland College

1986. Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy, Wuhan University, Wuhan, P.R. China

1984. Visiting Professor, Oxford University, England

1984-6. Member, Governing Board, Leibniz Society of America

1984. Member, Program Committee, Philosophy of Science 1986

1984-7. Member, Editorial Board, Astronomy Quarterly

1983. Fellow, Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh

1980. President, Central States Philosophical Association

1980. NSF Short Course Grant

1980-5. Member, Editorial Board, American Philosophical Quarterly

1979. Visiting Professor Grant, Council for Philosophical Studies


a. Books:

1979. Theory of Science (McGraw-Hill), 298 pp.

b. Papers:

I.  Philosophy:

2003. “Scientific Explanation,” The Cambridge History of Philosophy 1870-1945,

pp. 608-620, Cambridge University Press.

2003. “Saving the vine from Phylloxera: a never-ending battle.” M. Sandler and R.Pinder (Eds.) Wine: A Scientific Exploration. Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 70-91.

2002. “Cosmology: Methodological Debates in the 1930s and 1940s”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2002 Edition), Edward N. Zalta(ed.)URL=

2002. “Leibnizian Harvest from the Quantum Fields”, Actas del Congreso Internaciona Ciencia, Technología y bien Común: La Actualidad de Leibniz, Andreu, A., Echeverría, and Concha Roldán (eds.) Valencia: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, pp. 57-67.

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2000. (with C. Pinnick) “Philosophy of Science and History of Science: A Troubling Interaction,” Journal for General Philosophy of Science/Zeit-schrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie, Vol. 31/2000, pp. 109-125.

1999. (with J. Urani) “Milne, Bondi, and the ‘Second Way” to Cosmology”, in H. Goenner (ed.) The Expanding Worlds of General Relativity, Boston: Birkhauser, pp. 343-77.

1999. Essay Review of Dionysios Anastasiou Anapolitanos’s Leibniz: Representation, Continuity, and the Spatio-Temporal in The Leibniz Review, Vol. 9, pp. 87-95.

1998. “Idealization in Cosmology: A Case Study,” in Niall Shanks (ed.)

Idealization IX: Idealization in Contemporary Physics, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Vol. 63, pp. 165-182.

1998. “Rescher on Evolution and the Intelligibility of Nature,” in A.

Wüstehube and M. Quante (eds.), Pragmatic Idealism: Critical Essays on Nicholas Rescher’s System of Pragmatic Idealism, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Vol. 64, pp. 45-59.

1997. “Is Leibniz Really a Rationalist?,” Synthesis Philosophica 24, Vol. 12, pp. 391-402.

1997. "Anthropic Principle: Physics or Metaphysics," in R.F. Hassing (ed), Final Causality in Nature and Human Affairs, pp. 188-210, Washington: Catholic University of America Press.

1997. “The Role of Leibniz and Haldane in Wiener’s Cybernetics,” Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics 52: 247-261.

1997. (Gale and C. Pinnick) “Stalking Theoretical Physicists: An Ethnography Flounders: A Response to Merz and Knorr Cetina,” Social Studies of Science 27: 113-124.

1996. (Gale and N. Shanks) “Methodology and the Birth of Modern Cosmology,” Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 27: 279-296.

1996: “Cosmology for Everyone or How Did the Universe Get So Popular?,” Communications and Cognition 29: 169-184.

1996. “The Stars Above and the Very Idea of Philosophy,” Vistas in Astronomy 39: 547-551.

1994. (J. Urani and Gale) “E.A. Milne and the Origins of Modern Cosmology: An Ubiquitous Presence,” in J. Earman, M. Janssen and J.D. Norton (eds.), The Attraction of Gravitation: New Studies in the History of General Relativity, pp. 390-419, Birkhaeuser: Boston.

1994. (Gale and J. Urani) "Philosophical Midwifery and the Birth Pangs of Modern Cosmology," American Journal of Physics, 61: 66-73. (This paper was selected as an “Editor's Choice: selected papers, 1988-2001” Romer, Robert H. Amer.Jl.Physics 69: 635-641. )

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1993. "Multiple Universes," in N. Heatherington (ed), Encyclopedia of Cosmology: Historical, Philosophical, and Scientific Foundations of Modern Cosmology, N.Y. and London: Garland Publishing House, pp. 417-425. Reprinted in N. Heatherington (ed), Cosmology (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities), N.Y. and London: Garland Publishing House, 1993.

1993. (Gale and J. Urani) "Philosophical Aspects of the Origin of Modern Cosmology," in N. Heatherington (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cosmology: Historical, Philosophical, and Scientific Foundations of Modern Cosmology, N.Y. and London: Garland Publishing House, pp. 481-495. Reprinted in N. Heatherington (ed), Cosmology (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities), N.Y. and London: Garland Publishing House, 1993.

1993. "Leibniz," in Samuel Macey (ed), Encyclopedia of Time, N.Y. and London: Garland Publishing House.

1993. "Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence," in Samuel Macey (ed), Encyclopedia of Time, N.Y. and London: Garland Publishing House.

1992/3."Dirac, Eddington and the Rationalist Origins of the Anthropic Principle Programme," Il Cannocchiale: Rev. di Studi Filosofici, 3: 3-26.

1991. "Rationalist Programmes in Early Modern Cosmology," Astronomy Quarterly, 8:193-218.

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1990. "Cosmological Fecundity: Theories of Multiple Universes," pp. 189-206 in Physical Cosmology and Philosophy, John Leslie (ed) (New York:


1990. Essay Review. Physics, Philosophy and Theology: A Common Quest for Understanding. R.J. Russell, William R. Stoeger, and George V. Coyne (eds.) (Vatican City Press/University of Notre Dame Press), in Phil. Religion 30:184-186.

1989. "Physics, Metaphysics, and Natures: Leibniz' Later Aristotelianism," in Leibnizian Inquiries, N. Rescher (ed), Univ. Press of America, 1989, pp. 95-104.

1989. "Cosmology," in Handbook of Metaphysics and Ontology (Munich: Philosophia Verlag).

1988. "Leibniz and Multiple Universes," in Proc. V. International Leibniz Kongress (Hannover: Niedersächisches Landesbibliothek, 1988).

1988. "The Concept of `Force' and Its Role in the Genesis of Leibniz' Dynamical Viewpoint," Journal of the History of Philosophy, 26, 1:45-67.

1987. "A Revised Design: Teleology and Big Questions in Contemporary Cosmology" (essay review), Biology and Philosophy, 2:475-491.

1986. "Whitehead Revealed" (essay book review), Nature, 319:6054-55.

1986. "Some Metaphysical Perplexities in Contemporary Physics," International Philosophy Quarterly, XXVI:393-402.

1986. "An Attempt to Explain Two Contemporary Divergences from Mainstream Philosophy of Physics," Foundations of Physics, P. Weingartner & G. Dorn (eds.) (Vienna: Hölder-Pinchler-Tempsky), pp. 3-17.

1985. "Whither Cosmology," in N. Rescher (ed.), Teleology in Natural Science (Univ. of Pittsburgh Press).

1985. "Anthropocentrism Reconsidered," A. Donagan, et al. (ed.), Human Nature and Natural Knowledge (Reidel, 1985), pp. 233-241.

1984. "Science and the Philosophers," Nature, 312, 5994: 491-495.

1984. "Leibniz' Force: Where Physics and Metaphysics Collide," in W. Totok (ed.), Leibniz' Dynamics (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner), pp. 63-70.

1983. "As We Finally Get Around to Noticing that Leibniz Played a Significant Role in the Genesis of Modern Physics. . .," Proc. IV Int'l Leibniz Kongress (Hannover: Niedersächische Landesbibliothek), November, pp. 211-217.

1982. "How is Scientific Discovery Possible?," New Mexico Journal of the Sciences, December, pp. 2-5.

1982. (John Urani and George Gale) "An Extension of Special Relativity to Accelerating Frames and Some of Its Philosophical Implications," Synthese, 50, 3:301-323.

1981. "The Anthropic Principle," Scientific American, December, pp. 154-171.

1981. "Theory and Practice in Science: Leibniz, Conservation Principles, and the Gap Between Theory and Experiment," Studia Leibnitiana, XXII:8-16, Proc. III International Leibniz Kongress, October.

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1976. "On What God Choose," Studia Leibnitiana, VIII, 1:69-87.

1975. "Leibniz, Chew, and Wheeler on the Identity of Philosophical and Physical Inquiry," Review of Metaphysics, XXIX, 2: 322-333.

1975. "Are Some Aesthetic Judgments Empirically True?," American Philosophical Quarterly, 12, 4: 341-348.

1974. "Leibniz and Some Aspects of Field Dynamics," Studia Leibnitiana, VI, 1: 28-48.

1974. "Chew's Monadology," Journal of the History of Ideas, XXXV, 2: 339- 348.

1974. Did Leibniz Have a Practical Philosophy of Science; or, Does `Least-Work' Work?," Studia Leibnitiana, Supp. 13, January, pp. 151-160.

1973. (Gale and E. Walter) "Kordig and the Theory-Ladenness of Observation," Philosophy of Science, 40, 3:415-431.

1973. "Leibniz' Dynamical Metaphysics and the Origins of the Vis-viva Controversy," Systematics, 11, 3:184-207.

1970. "The Physical Theory of Leibniz," Studia Leibnitiana, 11, 2:115-128.

ii. Philosophy of Science Education:

1981. "I ain't gonna dry-lab no more: Some Reflections on the Curious but Significant Relation Between Science, Science Education, and Philosophy of Science," Journal of College Science Teaching, May.

1973. "Two Concepts of Matter," Chemistry, 46:13-16.

1973. "Forces and Particles: Concepts Again in Conflict," Journal of College Science Teaching, 111, 1:29-35.

1968. "Phlogiston Revisited: Explanatory Models and Conceptual Change," Chemistry, 41:16-20.

iii. Book Reviews:

1999. Book Review. Peter Machamer’s Galileo, in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.

1996. Book Review. Donald Rutherford’s Leibniz and the Rational Order of Nature, in Foundations of Physics 26: 431.

1996. Book Review. “Review of Nicholas Jolly (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Leibniz, in Isis 87: 650.

1993. Book Review. John Leslie's Universes, in Philosophy of Science, 60: 2.

1989. Book Review. Gerald Holton's The Advancement of Science, in Philosophy of Science, Sept. 1989.

1984.  Book Review. "MacDonald Ross on Leibniz," in Leibniz Newsletter, June, pp. 8-9.

1979. Book Review. "N. Rescher's Methodological Pragmatism," in Journal of Philosophy, LXXVI, 6:338-342, June.

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c. Reprints and Translations:

I. Articles:

1999. “On What God Chose: Perfection and God’s Freedom” in Spanish as “Acerca de lo quo Dios eligio: libertad de Dios y perfeccion”, Revista de Filosofia y Teoria Politica. 33: 87-113.

1997. “Is Leibniz Really a Rationalist?” in Serbo-Croatian as “Je le Leibniz doista racionalist?”, Filozofska Istrazivanja 17:341-352.

1986. "Leibniz, Chew, and Wheeler on the Identity of Philosophical and Physical Inquiry," in Italian, with book-length commentary, as Identita di Ricerca Fisica e Filosofica nel Pensiero de Leibniz, Chew e Wheeler, Emileo di Domencico (Penne; Edizioni Core).

1986. "Anthropocentrism Reconsidered," Lapole es Konyvk Szemleje (in Hungarian).

1982. (Urani and Gale) "An Extension of Special Relativity to Accelerating Frames and Some of Its Philosophical Implications," in H. Plendle (ed.), Philosophical Problems of Modern Physics (Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1982).

1981. "The Anthropic Principle," Scientific American Offprint Series (San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1981).

1981. "On What God Chose: Perfection and God's Freedom," in German as: "Woher Gott Wählte," in A. Heinekamp and F. Schupp (eds.), Leibniz' Logik und Metaphysik (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftlich buchgesellschaft).

ii. Books:

1987. Theory of Science (Wuhan, P.R. China: Wuhan University Press), Chinese translation .

1984. Theory of Science (Tokyo: Yachiyo Shuppan), Japanese translation.

d. In Press:

“Saving the Vine from Phylloxera—a never-ending Battle” in M. Sandler and R. Pinder (eds.) Wine: a Scientific Exploration, Taylor and Francis, London. (to appear Fall ’02)

“Scientific Explanation 1890-1950”, Cambridge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Cambridge University of Press, Cambridge.

e. Under Construction:

The Great Dying on the Vine, a book ms. under review

Cosmologies in Collision, a book ms. under contract with ABC/Clio


1994. “Archival Research: Herbert Dingle’s papers in Oxford and London,” State Research Board of Missouri, $6,000. Awarded

1992. Humanities Computing Committee member, proposal to Missouri State Research Board for Humanities Computing Center, $85,000. Awarded.

1991. (W/John Urani) “Historical and Philosophical Investigation of Big-bang Cosmology (Renewal),” to NSF, $90,000. Not awarded.


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1995. Invited Paper, "Milne, Bondi, and the `Second Way' to Cosmology," Fourth International Conference on History of General Relativity, July, Berlin.

1993. Invited paper, "The Amazing Epistemological Debate of 1937," History of Science Society, annual meeting, Santa Fe, NM, November.

1993.  Invited paper, "Cosmology: Where Science and Philosophy Collide," East Tennessee State University, September.

1992. Invited papers at University of Notre Dame and Catholic University, September.

1991. Contributed papers (with John Urani), 3rd International Conference on General Relativity and Cosmology, Pittsburgh, PA, June.

1991. Invited paper, Virginia Polytechnic University, April.

1990. Invited paper, Symposium on Time in Cosmology, Soviet Academy of Science, Leningrad, December.

1989. Invited paper, "Dirac, Eddington and the Rationalist Roots of the Anthropic Principle Programme," Symposium on Cosmology and the Anthropic Principle, Academy of Science, Leningrad, USSR, November 30.

1989. Invited paper, "Philosophical Midwifery and the Birth Pangs of Modern Cosmology," Annual Joint Meeting, American Physics Society/American Association of Physics Teachers, January 22.

1986. Contributed paper, University of Pittsburgh Fifth Annual Conference on Philosophy of Science, December.

1985. Contributed paper, Metaphysical Society of America, March.

1984. Contributed paper, University of Pittsburgh Third Annual Conference on Philosophy of Science.

1984. Invited paper, London School of Economics, June.

1984. Invited paper, Metaphysical Society of America, March.

1983. Invited paper, Int. Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Salzburg, Austria, July.