Brinkworth Sports & Heritage Society

Annual General Meeting Monday 29th February 2016 at 7.30 pm

The Reading Room, Village Hall, Brinkworth

Present: Jan & Mary Greener, Kim & Gary Poulton, Nick Magill, Frank & Chris Walden, Martin Norris, Ken Cooper, Jenny & Tom Russell, Roger Sherhod, Karen & Steve Leake, Owen Gibbs, Dave Cutler, Howard & Sally Thomas, Jeff Norfolk, Julian Starr, Laura Dossett, Becky Hobbs, Helen Clarke and Rosemary Magill.

Apologies: Barbara Cooper, David Craddock, Sue Norris and James Holland.

Minutes of last AGM / These were read and agreed as a true record.
Matters arising / A check will be made to ensure donations have been published in the Outlook. / JG/DCu
Chairman's Report / A copy is attached with the minutes.
Treasurer's Report / The accounts were audited during February 2016.
The total funds available - £12582 with £1827 of that in the Recreation Field Maintenance Fund.
Receipts from events during 2015 were down slightly due to the poor weather on Bonfire night.
Election of Officers / Chairman: Jan agreed to stand again for this position.
Proposed by RM; seconded by OG; all in favour.
Vice Chairman: James has indicated he is happy to stand again for this position.
Proposed by JG; seconded by GP; all in favour.
Treasurer: Dave Cu confirmed he was available to continue in the position.
Proposed by OG; seconded by HT; all in favour.
Secretary: Rosemary agreed she was happy to continue in this position.
Proposed by OG; seconded by MG; all in favour.
Committee members: Steve agreed to stand again. KP agreed to take the position vacated by KG.
SL - proposed by KC; seconded by MN; all in favour.
KP – proposed by MN; seconded by OG; all in favour.
Charities Commission / JG is completing the lengthy forms.
We need 4 trustees. JG, DCu, SL and KP agreed.
Once registered as a charity we will find it easier to get insurance. By changing the name of the group to Brinkworth Sports and Heritage Society, we can access funding from sports charities.
Charitable Donations / Donations have already been made to both the school choir and Malmesbury Concert Band for their involvement in the Carol Service.
OG asked for support for the parochial charities who give gifts to certain local residents at Christmas. It was proposed to donate £100.
proposed – OG; seconded – RSh; all in favour.
Any Other Business / There was no other business.
Date of Next Meeting / Date to be confirmed in February 2017 @ 7.30 pm in Reading Room of Village Hall.