Geometry / Trigonometry
Course Syllabus
Academic Year 2016-2017
Mr. Miranda
UCT 802
(908) 889-8288 x870
The Academy for Information Technology is a small, four-year career academy that fosters critical thinking skills in its culturally diverse student population. By stressing intellectual curiosity, hard work, ethical behavior and technological expertise with business integration, the school community guides its students to achieve their greatest potential. The AIT graduate is prepared academically, technologically, and interpersonally for the challenges of the future.
Geometry / Trigonometry is an in-depth coverage of all the topics in a traditional Geometry course with the additional study of Trigonometry. In this course you will learn about reasoning and logic, proofs, constructions, lines, triangles, polygons, circles, similarity, congruence, transformations, planar and space measurements as well as trigonometry.
Geometry / Trigonometry will emphasize the development of reasoning and problem solving abilities. Students will routinely use technology such as graphing calculators and computer software to reinforce concepts visually. You will be expected to communicate mathematically, in both written and verbal forms, while solving real-life problems. Students will work individually and in-groups. PARCC and SAT questions will be reviewed periodically.
Materials and Textbook
- Each student will be issued a copy of Geometry by Larson, Boswell, Kanold, and Stiff. Your textbook must be covered. Students will be held financially accountable for any misuse or excessive wear of the textbooks.
2. All students are required to obtain:
one 3-ring binder (2-3 inch ring diameter) with dividers for sections
loose-leaf paper
graph paper
pens, pencils
12 inch ruler and colored pencils (for home use)
3. Homework help is available during co-curricular everyday (per 6) and with Hotmath; login to using the school passwordAITmath1617to see step-by-step solutions to all odd-numbered problems of the textbook. In addition, the website explains how to use some of the functions of TI-83/84 calculators.
A final grade of 65% is required to pass the course. Each marking period grade will count for 20% of the student’s final grade for the course. Midterm and final examinations each will count for 10% of the final course grade. All assessments will be posted on school wires and google classroom.
In Geometry / Trigonometry, your marking period grade will consist of:
- Tests: 40% (you will be tested at the end of each chapter)
- Quizzes: 30% (1 to 2 short quizzes per chapter)
- Homework: 15%
- Class participation: 10%
- Course Binder: 5%
Class participation
All students are expected to follow the three simple rules below:
Be On Time
Be Prepared
Be Courteous
Each student begins each marking period with a test grade of 100/100 for participation.
Failure to meet the above expectations will result in lost points for class participation:
Powering on /using/ displaying a cell phone, IPod, etc. 10 points
Being late to class 10 points
Not having homework 10 points
Not having a binder 5 points
Not doing the do now 10 points
Not staying on task (talking, doodling, not taking notes) 10 or more points
Daily Homework
Homework is an essential component of this course. It is expected that each student complete the assigned homework each day. It will be randomly collected and graded. Please consult the Union County Vocational-Technical Schools Student Handbook 2015-2016 for the district homework policy found in the General Rules and Regulations section 1.13.
- Most of the homework problems have to be completed correctly in order to get credit. If the homework is from the textbook, you have to copy all problems onto loose-leaf paper before attempting to solve them. Make sure to show all work. If your assignment is a worksheet, you can solve the problems on the worksheet only if there is enough space to show all work. Otherwise, use loose-leaf paper, copy the assignment and solve by showing all work.
- Half credit will be given for homework submitted late. No credit will be given after you have taken a chapter test. Example, if you owe homework from section 1.3, then must make up the assignment before you take the chapter 1 test.
- Some homework problems will be reviewed in class. I will have a place on the marker board that says “Got Questions”. Write down the numbered problems that you would like me to go over in class.
- and co-curricular Math Helpare your homework and extra help resources provided by the school. I am available for math help period 6 everyday in my classroom.
- All homework assignments will posted in the following: school wires, google classroom, on the marker board at the end of the period, and on the practice lesson worksheets at the bottom of the worksheet.
- All handouts will be posted on school wires and google classroom if you need a copy due to an absence or if you lost it.
1. If you are absent, you need to obtain worksheets/ handouts given out in class from the
Absence folder in our classroom or school wires / google classroom.
2. Being absent from class does not excuse a student from not doing the homework or taking a quiz or a test.All homework must be made up within 2 school days and must be brought to class or Math Help.
3. If you are absent on the day of a quiz or a test, you need to contact Mr. Miranda by e-mail as
soon as possible to determine the time, date and place where a make-up test or quiz will be
given. Otherwise, a make-up will be given at your teacher’s discretion.
Academic Honesty
Please consult the Union County Vocational-Technical Schools Student Handbook 2016-2017 Conduct and Discipline section 6.2 Major Offenses.
Cheating on any work connected to the class will result in the grade of zero for that assignment. Examples of cheating include but are not limited to:
- Copying or allowing others to copy information from someone else’s work, test paper, homework, etc.
- Display or use of cell phones, study aids, cheat sheets, notes, or information in calculators during assessments.
3. Distribution and unauthorized prior knowledge of the content of tests and quizzes.
Each student is required to read the above course syllabus and review the document with a parent/legal guardian. Both student and parent/guardian must sign the attached receipt verification.
I thank you in advance for your cooperation. I look forward to an exciting year full of fun and academic exploration!
Mr. Miranda