Title: STCHA 360 Demo
Duration: 1:02 minutes
A 360° tour of the demonstration laboratory of the Shell Technology Centre Hamburg, showing where the performance of new lubricants is demonstrated and evaluated.
STCHA 360 Demo Transcript
Centred on a black screen, two flat white outline illustrations of a mobile phone and a computer screen appear alongside each other. Inside each illustration is a 360° angle view icon with an anticlockwise rotation symbol.
360° Tour
[Unidentified Male Speaker]
Following testing in our main laboratory, we then evaluate candidate oils in this purpose-built demonstration laboratory using these Perspex gearboxes. We’ve evaluated in great detail various blends and how they warm up, and how this affects their viscosity so we can identify which formulations give the greatest benefits. We’ve observed, again with the Perspex gearboxes, that lubricants which have lower temperature rises tend to give lower friction losses and so give higher gearbox efficiencies. The benefits of such oils are that they will give reduced vehicle fuel consumption and so reduce operating costs for customers.
[Video footage]
360° view of the Shell Technology Centre Hamburg demonstration laboratory. Against the outer wall of the room, a line of workstations can be seen with screens above them fixed to the walls. Four men are seen standing at various points in the room, all wearing white lab coats, gloves and safety glasses. One of the men stands in front of a large projector screen which displays images relating to the demonstrations. Another man stands beside the demonstration Perspex gearboxes. The fifth man appears through the door of the laboratory, also dressed in a white lab coat, and starts speaking. He gestures to the Perspex gearboxes as he describes and discusses them. The man standing beside the Perspex gearbox appears to show how one goes about setting up and observing the lubricants using the Perspex gearboxes. When the speaker draws to a close, he walks over to the second Perspex gearbox, bends slightly to look at it, then picks up one of the canisters of lubricant set on top of the Perspex gearbox to have a cursory look at it before setting it down again. The scene dissolves.
Shell jingle
Shell Pecten centred on a white screen