Name ______

Genetics MODSIM Webquest

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You will be working with two gizmos today in class. Make sure you are working on the correct gizmo as you complete this assignment.

Launch the Mouse Genetics (one trait) Gizmo

Pre-Lab Vocabulary

1. Define phenotype-

The organisms physical appearance.

2. Define genotype-

The letters that make up the trait’s genes.

3. Allele-

The letter that symbolizes the gene.

Part A- observing patterns of inheritance

1. On the Gizmo, drag a black mouse over the PARENT ONE label in the purple breeding cage at the top of the tree diagram. Then, drag a second black mouse over the PARENT TWO label.

a. what color offspring do you PREDICT to result from these parents?


b. click BREED. Was your hypothesis correct?


c. click BREED 4 more times to generate additional litters from the same parents. Did

all the offspring have the same fur color?


2. Click CLEAR, draw two white parents to the breeding cage. Click BREED 4 more times and observe the outcome of the breeding.

a.  what color offspring resulted from two white fur parents?


3. Click CLEAR. Drag a white mouse and a black mouse into the breeding cage.

a. with a black fur and a white fur parent, what are possible colors for the offspring?

Black and white

b. click BREED. What did the offspring look like?


c. Click BREED several more times, is there any change in the color of offspring?


d. Draw TWO of the offspring and place them into the HOLDING CAGES in the

bottom of the screen.

Part B- Predicting Genetic Crosses

On the upper right hand side of the screen, place a check next to SHOW GENOTYPE. In this example, the allele for black fur is F and the allele for white fur is f.

Drag a pure black mouse into Parent ONE and a pure white mouse into Parent TWO.

1. Move the cursor over the black mouse. What is the genotype of a pure black mouse? FF

2. Move the cursor over the white mouse. What is the genotype of a pure white mouse?ff

3. Usually one allele is dominant and the other is recessive. Click BREED. Which color fur appears to be dominant? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER.

Black. Because when you click breed all of the offspring are black. And dominant traits cover recessive. And the genotype is FF.

4. Explain which color fur appears to be recessive? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER.

White because when you click breed all of the offspring are black. Dominant traits cover recessive so there would be no white. Also the genotype is ff.

5. Move the cursor over one of the offspring to view its genotype. What is the genotype of an offspring with a black fur parent and a white fur parent? Ff

6. What allele did the mouse inherit from its black fur parent? F

What allele did the mouse inherit from its white fur parent? f

7. What is the phenotype of all the offspring? Black. But have the trait for white

8. True or False. The parents have homozygous alleles.

9. True or False. Parents with a homozygous dominant trait and a homozygous recessive trait with produce offspring that are heterozygous.

10. Clear the breeding cage. Drag the two offspring in the holding cages into the Parent One and Parent Two cage.

a. move the cursor over the first parent.

What is the mouse’s genotype? Ff

What is the mouse’s phenotype? Black. But has the trait for white

b.  move the cursor over the second parent.

What is the mouse’s genotype? Ff

What is the mouse’s phenotype? Black. But has the trait for white

c.  What are the only two possible alleles these parents can pass on to their offspring?

F and f

11. To model the possible allele combinations in the offspring, complete the Punnett Square below and cross the two parents to show all possible genotypes of their offspring:

12. Using the Punnett Square results from above, answer the following:

a. list all the possible genotypes the two parents can produce:

FF, Ff, ff

b. list all the possible phenotypes the two parents can produce:

black, white

c. what percentage of the offspring will have black fur?


d. what percentage of the offspring will have white fur?


e. what percentage of the offspring will have a homozygous genotype?


f. what percentage of the offspring will have a heterozygous genotype?


13. Check the SHOW STATISTICS box in the left hand side of the screen. Click BREED and keep clicking until you have generated 100 offspring.

a. how many offspring had black fur? 85

b. how many offspring had white fur? 15

14. Drag a heterozygous black mouse into the HOLDING CAGE. Clear the rest of the breeding cage. Drag a PURE white mouse into PARENT ONE and drag the heterozygous mouse from the HOLDING CAGE into PARENT TWO. Create a Punnett Square for your two parents.

a.  what percentage will have black fur? 50%

b.  what percentage will have white fur? 50%

c.  click BREED until you have reached 100 offspring. How close were your results to the predicted percentages? (**hint to find percentage: [number / total] x 100**)

White: 54 Black: 46

d. Explain why increasing the sample size will get you results closer to the predicted percentages?

Because a percent is a number out of 100. And the more of the sample size you have the more chances you will have to be correct.


Scroll down pass the gizmo and answer the 5 question. Record your answers below:

1. ff 2. Both are heterozygous 3. All of the offspring will be white 4. Ff and ff 5. All of the above

Launch the Inheritance Gizmo

Part One-Asexual Reproduction (click on ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION at the top of the screen)

1. Create an alien by click on CREATE ALIEN. You may choose any characteristics you want. Please fill in the information you selected into the chart below, in the PARENT row.

2. Drag the parent over to the PARENT ONE space and press REPRODUCE. Fill in the OFFSPRING traits in the table above. What similarities in traits OR differences in traits are there between parent and offspring?

It is exactly the same with no differences

**because the offspring inherits its traits from only ONE parent in asexual reproduction, it is called a CLONE.**

Part Two- Sexual Reproduction (click on SEXUAL REPRODUCTION at the top of the screen)

1. In sexual reproduction, two parents will pass on their traits to their offspring. Offspring will inherit traits as a blend from the mother and father. With some knowledge of genetics, one can predict what the offspring will look like. Create the following parents and fill in the table for the offspring’s phenotypes. Make sure once you create the parent to drag them over, once you have both parents dragged over click REPRODUCE. Once you have recorded traits, make sure to exit both parents before moving on to the next cross.

Cross One:

Cross Two:

Cross Three

2. Looking at the above table, what traits do you think are passed down from alien parents to their offspring AND which trait is NOT passes down to offspring?

Body type and tattoo

3. Traits that are inherited are traits passed down from one generation to the next. Traits that are acquired are traits that are NOT passed down.

a. list 2 examples from the above chart that are inherited traits:

Antenna, skin color

b. list 1 example from the above chart that is an acquired trait:

body type, tattoo

4. Suppose a human child had a mother with dyed-pink hair and a father who was missing a finger (lost in an accident). Using your knowledge of inherited vs. acquired traits, explain in your own words why or why not the child would inherit dyed-pink hair and missing finger from the child’s parents?

Since the mom dyed her natural hair pink, the child will not have pink hair. And the dad want born with one less finger, it was lost in an accident. So the child won’t have one less finger either.

5. Create offspring with a few different levels of FOOD SUPPLY (at the center bottom of gizmo). How does food supply affect the body type of the offspring?

The more the offspring eats the bigger it will get. So it will have a thicker body weight.

Part Three- Co-dominant Traits

1. Create a green alien parent with a pink alien parent. What type of skin does the offspring alien have?

Green with pink dots

**When offspring show a mixture of parent traits, the traits are called co-dominant**

2. What do you think will happen when you breed two green and pink spotted aliens?

It will be either pink or green

3. Follow the steps below and complete the chart.

a. create a green parent (with any other traits you decide) and drag them to Parent 1

b. create a pink parent (with any other traits you decide) and drag them to Parent 2

c. click REPRODUCE. Drag the offspring to the space below the NEST

d. click REPRODUCE again and drag the offspring to the space below the NEST

e. Drag the Green Parent and the Pink Parent to the Exit Hole

f. Drag one of the green and pink spotted offspring to Parent 1 and the other to

Parent 2

g. Click REPRODUCE and record what skin type the offspring has. Once you have

recorded the offspring color drag it to the Exit Hole. Click the REPRODUCE button again and record the skin color. Do this same procedure for 10 times and keep a tally of each skin color noted.

4. Looking at your results, what kind of skin type did most of the offspring have?

Pink and green

5. For a co-dominant trait, do the offspring of identical parents always look like their parents? EXPLAIN

Yes. Because they are getting all of the genes of both of the parents. The pink and green gene shared dominance.

Part 4: Dominant versus Recessive Traits

1. Test what happens when you cross an alien with straight antenna with an alien with a curly antenna. Create at least 5 offspring and explain what you notice about the offspring’s’ antenna shape.

There were no offspring that had curly antenna

2. Sometimes when two traits are combined, one is a dominant trait and the other is a recessive trait. If both traits are present, one the dominant trait is seen in the offspring.

Which trait is dominant, straight antenna or curly? Straight

Which trait is recessive, straight antenna or curly? Curly

3. Using the same parents, save 2 of the offspring that have straight antenna and place them below the nest. Exit the parents and now reproduce the 2 offspring with straight antenna you saved. Reproduce them 10 times and record their information below:

4. Using the information you collected in the table above, answer the following:

a. which trait showed up the most?


b. which trait showed up the least?


c. which trait is the dominant trait?


d. which trait is the recessive trait?


e. both parents started with straight traits, explain in your own words how two

straight antenna parents can give rise to a curly antenna offspring.

The parents are heterozygous. They have traits for straight and curly antenna but the straight shows.

5. Cystic Fibrosis is a deadly disease of the lungs and digestive system. It is a recessive trait. How can two healthy parents have a child with cystic fibrosis?

They are heterozygous for the trait. There child got the recessive gene for it.

Vocabulary- using what you have learned define the following vocabulary words:

1. Define trait- Characteristic of a person

2. Dominant trait- the trait that covers the recessive and always shows

3. Recessive trait- the trait that is covered by the dominant trait.

4. Asexual reproduction- when one parent has a child that looks exactly the same as it.

5. Sexual reproduction- when two parents have a child and give a random mix of half of their genes to it.

6. co-dominant- when two trait share dominance

7. clone- when the offspring looks exactly like the parent


Scroll down pass the gizmo and answer the 5 question. Record your answers below:

1. Definitely not 2. Offspring C 3. Brown eyes 4. Skin color C (pink with blue spots)

5. Straight antenna are dominant, and curly antenna are recessive.