Geneseo Hills Homeowners Association Board meeting

Jan 12, 2010

These minutes were read and approved as written on Feb. 9, 2010 Motion by Gary, second by Chad.

Gus Stetter, Gary Gallens, Heidi Gazay, Eddielea Sheets, Chad Weinzierl present.

Guest included; Tim Grau, Donavon McKeag, and Steve Miller.

The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. at 50 Longview Drive.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. Moved by Gus and seconded by Heidi.

The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Tim Grau questioned the light bill. Gary explained that that the bill included fees for last year. The report was then approved. Eddielea moved and Gus seconded the motion.


Electricity $3,685.26

Water Engineer 1,331.16

Chemicals and analysis 71.82

Postage and billings 88.44

Totals $5,176.68


Water and Lights $1,265.00

Money Market Interest 16.31

Totals $1,281.31

Monthly Water Usage 901,510 gal

Money Market Balance $25,547.99

Checking Account balance 2,104.05

Old Business

Eddielea reported that three (3) homes remain for sale in the subdivision; one (1) has sold. New owners have been informed as to Water and Lights responsibilities.

Tim Grau inquired about the raise in water/lights fees and registered his concern that the residents had not been given ample notice of the increase. He also questioned the need for an increase. The Board discussed the reason for the increase, the announcement at the annual Meeting concerning the increase and that the information that had been included on fall and winter bills concerning the increase. Gary explained that water/light costs had not increased in several years. In addition, testing might become more expensive as the EPA releases control of the project to GHHA. There is a need for a generator for emergency purposes, and the Board felt the need to begin to save, in earnest, for the possibility of future improvements to the system.

Mr. McKeag questioned the interest in water meters for the subdivision. Chad addressed the issue. The committee has not yet met. The Board felt the inquiry was necessary due to a call from the Annual Meeting for such an inquiry. Information to resident will follow as it is gathered. Residents will have input at some point in time.

Mr. Miller wanted to know if the standing water on Deer Path was a Health and Safety Issue that the Board might address. This issue was raised last summer and fall due to the heavy rains and the alignment of the water way in reference to a recently placed culvert. This being a valid point, the Board encouraged Mr. Miller to pursue the issue with Henry County officials and his neighbors for a solution.

New Business

Gary presented Eagle Recycling figures. These will be posted on the website.

Reports were received from the EPA to be filled in by Merle.

The issue of lawn mowing was raised by Kevin Rowe via e-mail. Before contracting the service for 2010, the Board will look into setting up a rotation. The issue of a budget analysis to determine average cost increases for the future was tabled for discussion at the Feb. meeting in order to compile information. Minutes from former meetings are available on the website; minutes from meetings held years ago are being rescanned, where available, and posted on the site also. Residents will be reminded of major property maintenance where and when necessary.

At 7:29 p.m. the Board went into closed session. Heidi gave an update on five (5) possible liens. A decision was made to compile a packet to be given to each new homeowner to include: By-laws, covenants, website information, water/lights rates and schedules and other information about the subdivision.

The Feb. meeting will held at 50 Longview Drive at 6 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Eddielea sheets