Name: ______Per. ____ Date: ______

General Study Guide Sheet for Chapter 7 (pg. 176-202)

Chapter 7 Lesson 1 – (pg. 176-183)

Key Vocabulary:

A two-house legislature means Bicameral (answer)

A type of government where the people rule through elected representatives is a Republic (answer)

To fall or go down in value is Depreciate (answer)

Another word for a law is an Ordinance (answer)

The Articles of Confederation – Our nation’s first written constitution adopted by Congress in 1777.

-Created a weak (answer) central government. Under the Articles of Confederation, the states (answer)kept most of their power. (pg. 177)

Two weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation were that:

  1. Congress had no power to regulate(control) trade
  2. Congress had no power to place taxes on the people

The Northwest Territory was an area of land north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi (answer)River.

-Slavery (answer) was not allowed in the Northwest Territory (180-81)

The Northwest Ordinance, passed in 1787, created the Northwest Territory. It said that when a territory reached

60,000 (answer) (number) people/residents, the people could seek to become a state.

Know two problems that the young United States was having with Britain in the 1780’s: (182-83)

  1. British soldiers were still occupying several forts in the Great Lakes Region (answer)
  1. British were interfering with U.S. trade in the West Indies and other British markets (answer)

Know one problem that the young United States was having with Spain in the 1780’s: (pg. 183)

  1. Spain shut down the use of the lower Mississippi River to American shipping to try and stop U.S. expansion into Spanish territory. (answer)

The name of the mountain range that pioneers were crossing over to get from the east into the Northwest Territory was known as the Appalachian (answer) Mountains.(pg. 179)

Much of the land in the western part of the young United States was sold to pay off debts from fighting the

Revolutionary (answer) War.

Chapter 7 Lesson 2 (pg. 184-191)

Key Vocabulary:

A period of time when economic activity slows down and unemployment goes up is a Depression (answer)

The freeing of slaves is known as Manumission (answer)

The Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia in 1787. A convention is a Meeting (answer).

According to the population or corresponding in size is Proportional (answer)

To end an argument by each side giving up some demands is known as a Compromise (answer)

Shays’ Rebellion happened in the state of Massachusetts (answer). The two groups involved in the rebellion were poor farmers (answer) andwealthy politicians (answer). (184-85)

Shays’ Rebellion showed the young nation that: 184-85)

  1. Articles of Confederation were weak and our government needed to be strengthened (answer)
  2. National government was not strong enough to stop violence within the 13 states.

The issue that was beginning to be questioned and challenged in the nation was slavery (answer) (pg. 185)

(Hint: it was not a major source of labor/work in the North)

The Northern half of the United States began working to end slavery (answer) in America

The Southern half of the United States relied heavily on slave labor (answer) on the farms and plantations in the South (Southerners felt it as very important to their economy and way of life)

The Constitutional Convention began in the city of Philadelphia (answer) in 1787.

These three groups of people were not represented at the convention:

  1. Native Americans 2. African Americans (answer) 3. Women (answer) (pg. 187)

The Virginia Plan and The New Jersey Plan (know the basic difference between the two plans) [pg. 188-89]

Virginia Plan – bi-cameral legislature, number of representatives was proportional, or corresponding in size, to the Population (answer) of each state.[ this plan favored states with large populations]

New Jersey Plan – single-house legislature, number of representatives was equal (each state would have one vote)

The Great Compromise – offered by Roger Sherman. In each part of the two-house legislature representation would be different. In the upper house, the Senate, each state would have two members. (states would be equal in representation). In the lower house, the House of Representatives, the number of representatives would be according to the population of the state. Larger states would have more representation.

The Three-Fifths Compromise – Delegates from the Southern states and Northern states disagreed on whether and how to count each state’s enslaved population. Delegates agreed to what was called the three-fifths compromise. As part of this compromise, every five slaves would count as only 3 persons in the state’s population total. This population total would be the basis for setting taxes and representation in Congress.

The Bill of Rights lists the key rights (answer) and liberties/freedoms (answer) of individuals (pg. 191)

Chapter 7 Lesson 3 (pg. 194 – 199)

Know two sources and two people who our founding fathers (framers) borrowed ideas about government from(194-95)

Two sources (documents) are The English Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights (answer)

The two people were: English philosopher – John Locke (answer) who believed that all people have natural rights (life, liberty, and property)

The French writer Montesquieu (answer) said that the powers of the government should be separated and balanced (answer) against each other. This separation would prevent any one person or group from gaining too much power. (lead to the creation of our system of check and balances)

-Know what the concept of federalism is and why it is important to have this concept in our government. Federalism is the sharing (answer) of power between the federal(national) and state (answer) governments.

Know at least two federal, two state, and two shared powers (see chart on page 196 or handout done for homework)

Federal/National Government Powers Shared PowersState government powers

Print Money (answer) / Borrow money (answer) / Create local government (answer)
Declare War (answer) / Impose Taxes (answer) / Regulate trade within a state (answer)

Know the difference between a Federalist and an Anti-Federalist(pg. 198)

Federalist – people who supported (answer) the new Constitution.

Anti-federalists (answer) - people who were against or opposed the new Constitution

Three Branches of Government:

Legislative Branch – writes/makes the laws. Known as the “Lawmaking branch” includes the Congress which is made up of the Senate (answer) and the House of Representatives (answer).

It is the legislative branch that has the power to declare war. The Capitol Building is where this branch works.

Executive Branch – enforces or carries out the laws. Includes the President, vice-president, and the presidential cabinet. It is the president of the United States who is the commander in chief of our military and has the power of veto. The President resides in the White House.

Judicial Branch – settles arguments about the laws, listens to cases about the law, and decides whether laws agree or disagree with the United States Constitution. It includes the Supreme Court and that court has nine (9) justices.