General Practice within Bristol
Produced by the Medical Education Department
July 2011
Welcome to the North Bristol NHS Trust
We hope you enjoy your time here. The Foundation Clinical Tutors and Medical Education staff are on hand to help and support you during your training at North Bristol. The aim of this guide is to provide you with useful education and training information at your fingertips to help you through the Programme. In addition to the guide the department has a comprehensive website that will provide you with up-to-date information on foundation and other teaching activities within the Trust, useful links to college’s and other professional organisations, and help and advice to guide you through your training.
If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact any of the key contacts listed in this booklet.
Good luck on the Programme
You are expected to keep up-to-date and to complete all your assessments within the given time scale. You should arrange regular meetings with your Educational Supervisor and ensure that you have a Clinical Supervisors Report for each placement you are in. You will be reminded about assessment submissionsjust beforeChristmasand again at the beginning of April but apart form this, we will give no other reminders. Completion of the ePortfolio and foundation competency assessments is YOUR responsibility. Failure to meet the minimum competencies by the beginning of June (our in-house deadline date) will result in you not being signed off for full GMC registration or able to start your next post.
In-house mandatory teaching. No excuses for missing teaching unless you are on annual leave, sick leave, study leave or first on call or post nights. If you are an F1 on twilights it is your decision whether you come in for teaching or not – but you must still meet the 70% required attendance overall.
If you fail to reach the 70% (F1s) and 60 hours (F2s) target referred to below, you could end up failing your year. Do not make the mistake of thinking that you can catch up in the next placement (as this will probably be just as busy).
Non-attendance forms are sent to you regularly and if you miss teaching for any reason other than the above you must complete a non-attendance form. They are available from the Medical Education Offices. These forms need to be signed by your Clinical Supervisor on the day ofteaching and submitted to the Medical Education Office immediatelyfollowing a missed session. These forms are for your benefit as it is a means for us to identify a problem straight away if one is occurring in a Department where trainees are being held back and one which can be solved swiftly if we are aware of it.
F2s – Regionalteaching days –you must attend one mandatory Clinical Skills session and it is recommended that you attend a Human Factors session. To ensure that you reach your teaching target of 60 hours we would encourage you to attend at minimum of 4 regional training days.
Clinical Tutor meetings
You will be invited to meet with a Clinical Tutor in October and again in March so that they can see how you are getting on and answer any queries you may have. They are of course available if you wish to make an appointment at any other time throughout the year.
Dr Joe Unsworth,
Dr Janine Mendham –
Dr Clare Kendall –
Dr Kay Spooner –
Sue NutlandTel: 0117 323 8554
Medical Education ManagerFax: 0117 323 5332
North Bristol NHS
Donna Paddon Tel: 0117 323 6157
Deputy Medical Education ManagerFax: 0117 323 5332
North Bristol NHS
Julie DennisTel: 0117 3232435
Senior Administrator – Foundation ProgrammeFax: 0117 3235332
North Bristol NHS
Jacqueline ParsonsTel: 0117 323 3815
Administrator - Foundation ProgrammeFax: 0117 323 5332
Linda SummersTel: 0117 323 8216
Medical Education AdministratorFax: 0117 323 5332
Julie VernonTel: 0117 3402619
Medical Education AdministratorFax: 0117 340 3731
Mandy PriceTel: 0117 340 3787
Senior Administrator – Bristol GP EducationFax: 0117 340 3731
PGME Website:
(foundation specific site)
Severn Deanery
Deanery House
Unit D – VantageBusinessPark
Old Gloucester Road
Bristol BS16 1GW
Tel: 01454 252633
Dr Clare Van Hamel
Associate Postgraduate Dean and Director of FoundationSchool
Ms Clare Moorcroft
Foundation Programme Manager
Mrs Janette Patterson
Foundation Programme Administrator
Mrs Heather Samuel
Careers Advisor
The Director of Medical Education is responsible for the strategic development and quality assurance of postgraduate medical education for the North Bristol NHS Trust.
The Foundation Programme Director will be responsible for the overall management and quality assurance of a Foundation Programme. The Foundation Programme Director will ensure that each placement of the Foundation Programme meets the Deanery standard for training and that each foundation doctor is able to access a comprehensive range of experiences which will enable them to gain the competencies necessary for full registration and completion of the Programme.
The Foundation Tutors monitor individual progress and development of the education programme. They provide career advice and pastoral care.
Medical Education Manager
The Medical Education Manager is responsible for the management and development of medical education and facilities at North Bristol NHS Trust.
Foundation Programme Staff
Julie Dennis is the Senior Administrator for the Foundation Year Programme, based in the Department of Postgraduate Medical Education, Learning & Research, SouthmeadHospital. Jacqueline Parsons is the Administrator for the Foundation Year Programme and is also based in the Department of Postgraduate Medical Education at Southmead. Both Julie and Jacqui travel across site frequently and you will more often than not see one of them on your in-house teaching days.
Set out below are the standards we require you to aim for and emulate and what you are expected to time manage into your day to day activity
The responsibilities of the foundation doctor with respect to the in-work assessment programme are that they:
1Demonstrate professional behaviour in accordance with Good Medical Practice
2Seek help from appropriate people to address any problems that may arise
3Engage with the processes of education and assessment and demonstrate this engagement by attending educational sessions and by participating in the full range of activities to enable their competencies to be signed off
Learning during the Foundation Programme is trainee-led and evidence-based. You will have the same Educational Supervisor throughout each rotation for the whole year. It is your responsibility to meet with your educational supervisor. They will notcontact or chase you.
Educational / Clinical Supervision Meetings & e-Portfolio Documentation:
Initial, induction, mid-point and final review meetings:
Please see Plan of Meetings Form for details of when meetings should take place.You must complete an initial, induction and end of placement review meeting for every placement and these are mandatory sign-off requirements.
RIPP form (Record of in Programme Progress):
You only need to complete one and this form should be done within e-Portfolio during the mid point of your whole year. It is to gain an overview of everything from appropriate workload and teaching to career plansand is mandatory for sign-off purposes.
Clinical Supervisor Report Forms:
If the consultant for whom you work (clinical supervisor) is not your named educational supervisor, you should ask them to electronically complete a ‘clinical supervisors report form’, accessible from your e-Portfolio, towards the end of each placement. This form will then appear for your educational supervisor, enabling them to view feedback on your clinical performance.
Self Assessment Form:
This is part of the educational / reflective process and supports your personal development plan. This should be completed via your e-Portfolio before each initial meeting and can be used to form the basis of discussion during the initial meeting with your educational supervisor. You can add to this or create subsequent ones at any point.
Self Appraisal of Learning Form:
This should be done just before you meet with your Educational Supervisor to carry out an end of placement review meeting. This form gives you change to reflect on what you have done/learnt/achieved during the placement and gives you a basis for discussion with your Educational Supervisor.
PDP (Personal Development Plan):
Again, this should be completed via your e-Portfolio before your initial meeting and can be reviewed / updated accordingly. It forms an important part of the evidence of your self-directed learning. You should be able to import your PDPs into your educational logs within the e-Portfolio system.Guidance and support on developing your PDP is available from the Foundation Tutors or Education Fellow. Also included on page 13is a short guide.
Declarations and Agreements:
There are various agreements that you need to sign within your e-Portfolio including the ‘educational agreement’. You will need to sign this and then your educational supervisor will need to countersign it. This should be done during your very first educational supervision meeting. Health and Probity statements need to be signed by you for each subsequent placement.
Educational Log:.
You should upload examples of audits, meetings, courses, presentations etc. by ‘linking’ these to the various areas of the curriculum competencies to show you have achieved these.
It is advisable to keep paper copies of evidence, including anything you may do from the BMJ on-line learning site.
Reflective Practice:
As a tool for recording your thoughts and concerns please take advantage of the reflective practice log in your e-Portfolio. This is a useful way of recording a variety of learning experiences, whether clinical, legal or personal that you will experience albeit negative or positive. Writing things down is a great stress reliever.
Logbook of Core Procedural Skills:
Is a list of mandatory procedures that you must be assessed on at least once during the year and record that you have completed each one satisfactorily. Your Educational Supervisor / Foundation Programme Director will ask to view this logbook. We will inform you in due course of the number required. If you wish to carry out other procedures in addition, which are not listed you can use a DOPS assessment form. Please note that you must complete all the mandatory procedures and we can not accept alternatives or DOPS
The Deanery has informed us that this will apply to F2s.
Towards the beginning of June, your educational supervisor will need to complete an achievement of F1/F2 competency checklist which will then be used to aid the Foundation Programme Director in signing you off. Further details of exact deadlines and forms to use will be circulated nearer the time.
Teaching Sessions (bleep free):
F1 – 70% in-house teaching attendance is mandatory for successful completion of the F1 year. 70% takes into account on-calls, annual leave and sickness. If any of these listed absences occur, please let us know prior to any teaching sessions, so this can be recorded. If you are on twilights it is your decision to attend or not.
F2 –60 hours made up of both in-house and regional teaching is mandatory for completion of the F2 year. Attendance will be monitored at Trust and Deanery level and if you do not attend you will not be signed off for the year. You will not be able to take up any further training posts until you complete the F2 requirements.
Regional - Itis mandatory to a Clinical Skills session and it is recommended that you attend at least 3 other days (if possible one of which should be a Human Factors session. The more you attend the better, as the sessions are different from those included in-house and it also allows time where you can purely focus on education and training and get to know your colleagues from around the region. Study leave will need to applied for.
In-house - Many of the F2 teaching sessions provided for you by NBT are mandatory Trust requirements – you will therefore be expected to attend all the sessions scheduled unless you are on annual leave/sick, study leave, nights or post nights. If you are finding it hard to attend please let us know asap.
You should log dates and sessions attended, together with a brief summary of what you learnt within the evidence/reflection area of your e-Portfolio.
If workload or staffing levels prevent you from leaving your ward, you are required to complete a Non-Attendance form) which is available by emailing the Foundation Programme Administrator. Non-Attendance forms will need to be signed by your Clinical Supervisor and forwarded to your base Medical Education Office on each relevant occasion immediately following the session.
Please can you recognise early onthe difference between Educational Supervisors and Clinical Supervisors. Your Educational Supervisor’s main involvement is to oversee your clinical development as a Trainee and to offer support throughout your Foundation year. Your Clinical Supervisor is your Supervisor whilst you are in a specific rotation. Therefore you change Clinical Supervisors per rotationwhilst your Educational Supervisor remains the same. However please note that your Educational and Clinical Supervisor may be the same person in your first rotation for convenience.
This named individual will act as your educational supervisor for the whole year (even when you move placement/site) and will take a special interest in your training and professional development. The educational supervisor is available to meet you throughout your placement. Further details on the responsibilities of the educational supervisor are laid out in the GMC booklets. You should make arrangements to meet with your educational supervisor within the first two weeks of August (or as soon as possible if they are on holiday)and towards the end of each post. You should set out and agree your educational and training needs and goals for the year and how you are going to achieve them.
Roles & Responsibilities of an Educational Supervisor
Every trainee will be allocated an Educational Supervisor, who will remain with them for the whole year, throughout each rotation. Each Educational Supervisor will hold the mandatory four Deanery competencies required.
- The Educational Supervisor should provide regular educational appraisal and assessment. This will involve meeting the trainee at the beginning and end of each attachment to discuss the Clinical Supervisors report and at the appropriate time, read through and feedback the TAB. If a trainee is in difficulty, more frequent meetings may be deemed necessary.
- Support of Trainee:
a)Oversee the education of the trainee, act as their mentor and ensure that trainees are making the necessary clinical and educational progress.
b)Meet the trainee in the first week of the programme, ensure the structure of the programme, curriculum, portfolio and system of assessment are understood. At this first meeting, the ‘Educational Agreement’ should be discussed, signed by the trainee and then countersigned by the Educational Supervisor.
c)Provide the trainee with opportunities to comment on their training and on the support provided and to discuss any problems they have identified.
d)Meetings should be held regularly and recorded on the e-Portfolio:
- Initial and Induction – within first week of programme and beginning of subsequent posts.
- Mid-point – half way through each placement. This is optional but strongly advised, especially in the case of a trainee in difficulty.
- End – towards end of each placement to review ‘supervisors report form’ and ensure trainee is making progress.
It is the responsibility of the trainee to arrange these meetings which should occur in protected time, in a private environment. Meetings should consist of reviewing the learning objectives (PDP)to ensure they have been met, giving feedback – including reviewing and releasing of the peer review exercises(1 x TAB for both F1s and F2s), monitoring the delivery of the Educational Agreement, reviewing the assessments and portfolio of evidence of learning. Before these sessions, the Educational Supervisor will usually have obtained information from colleagues, those involved in clinical supervision and other key professionals with whom the trainee has worked during each placement. The ‘supervisors report form’ (completed by each Clinical Supervisor) should aid in the progress review of the trainee.
e)At the end of the year, the final appraisal session consists of reviewing all assessments, the portfolio of evidence of learning and ensuring that all the learning objectives and competencies of the programme have been satisfied. All the necessary documentation needs to be completed to enable the Foundation Programme Director to satisfactorily complete the end-of-year paperwork.
- If the trainee’s performance is not reaching the required standard:
a)This should be discussed with the trainee as soon as identified.
b)Written evidence of the meeting kept – signed and dated by both parties.
c)Inform Clinical Tutors early of any significant problem, who will liaise with the Foundation Programme Director to implement remedial measures as necessary, with clearly defined written objectives.
d)Trainees must have an opportunity to correct any deficiencies identified.
- All Educational Supervisors:
a)Are responsible for ensuring that relevant information regarding progress and performance is made available to the appropriate Clinical Tutors and Foundation Programme Director and informing them should the performance of any individual trainee give rise for concern.