Understand, Help Share”

Dates: 10th -19th september 2017 (10 working days)

Location: Dimitrovgrad, Republic of Serbia

Host NGO: Focus Caribrod Civic Association – Dimitrovgrad, Republic of Serbia

Dimitrovgrad, Republic of Serbia:

·  Find us on wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimitrovgrad,_Serbia

·  Images of Dimitrovgrad: https://www.google.rs/search?hl=en&authuser=0&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=648&q=dimitrovgrad+serbia&oq=dimitrovgra&gs_l=img.1.3.0l6j0i10i30k1j0i30k1l3.3550.5310.0.7568.

Info Accommodation:

·  The accommodation will be provided in Dimitrovgrad, at Hotel Sax Balkan in centre of Dimitrovgrad, in triple (double) bed rooms.The food will be served at restaurant. The main part of the activities will be held in Dimitrovgrad.

·  Info about hotel: http://www.balkan.co.rs/

Reinbursement details

The budget for the project will be:

-  Maximum 275 euro/participant for the participants from Turkey

-  Maximum 180 euro/participant for the participants from Greece

-  Maximum 80 euro/participant for the participants from Romania

-  Maximum 20 euro/participant for the participants from Bulgaria

The reinbursement will be realised during the activities days, by BANK TRANSFER, in the account of each organisation and conform with the reinbursement travel documents, or in cash to each participant.

We will decide this, and other issues related to project on Advance Planing Visit (APV) meeting in Dimitrovgrad that will be held 21st and 22nd august in Dimitrovgrad with all representatives from each partner organisation *1 from each organisation – this activity is part of the project, and is obligatory.

We will need ALL the ORIGINAL proper documents for transport reinbursement (transport receipt, bording pass, electronic tickets, etc, specific for each case)

Project „Understand, Help Share”


Date 10-19 september 2017

arrival date and the first day of activities – Sunday 10th September 2017

departing - Wednesday 20th September;

10 days of activity

Name of the project: „Understand, Help, Share”

Participant countries: Turkey, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia




Partner from Bulgaria: INTELLECT RECONNECT – Lom


Partner from Serbia: Focus Caribrod Civic Association

Total number of participants – 36 (6 + 6 participants from Turkey (2 organizations), 6 participants from Greece, 6 participants from Bulgaria, 6 participants from Romania, 6 participants from Serbia, gender balanced)

Participants profile: 16-22 years old, interested in understanding, helping and sharing informations about problems that refugees and migrants have in their journey from Asia and Africa to Western Europe.

The host association:

Focus Caribrod Association aims to improve the quality of life for the youth by promoting education, non-formal education in particular, the culture and values ​​among them. Focus Caribrod is also active in promotions of human rigths, media freedom and preservation of minority rights.

Summary of the project:

With this youth exchange that will take place in Dimitrovgrad, Serbia, in September 2017, and that will count with the participation of 36 young people from different cultural and social backgrounds, Focus Caribrod Association and partners aim to promote awareness of the young participants about the situation of being a refugee and to give them, not only, the opportunity of getting to know the true refugee situation reality of how, why and what is to be a refugee in EU, but also to promote their will to undertake future actions to fight this problem from their local communities in the future.

All participants will have the opportunity to discuss, share and understand together the all phenomenas, its causes, consequences of the refugee situation. They will understand how to face it, and, how it feels to be a refugee. They will have the oppertunity to see the refugee crisis from the European Due.

For that, Focus Caribrod Association will promote the active participation of everyone involved through educational, non formal methods, like: workshops, seminars, team-building games, experts opinions about the problem.

Participants will also have the chance to briefly be in the situation of being a refugee, participate in a slow run manifestation against the situation of being a refugee, organize a street theather about the Erasmus+.

Project will be focused and elaborate more on the notions of human rights of refugee populations and the discrimination and racism that they are facing within the European Union countries, as well as the “cultivation” of exclusionary practices within the local communities. In order to raise the empathy of the participants towards refugee populations the youth exchange will include the implementation of the human library methodology, in which refugees will be used as “living books”.

Finally, the youth exchange will give the participants the floor to work on their own ideas about efficient practices and methodologies, of social inclusion of refugees into the contemporary society. It is also important to underline that this project wishes to give participants an inner look of how the local community of Dimitrovgrad has managed to deal with the innumerous number of refugees that have reached in Serbia since January 2015.

What you need to prepare before the project:

Prepare the PPT presentations of your organizations and cities – countries from which you are comming. Also, prepare ingredients, food, drinks and music for intercultural activities (every night we will have prsentation of each country – food, costumes, folklore..), materials and games as to participate in the learning process and a presentation of your group/association.

Also please prepaire materials/statistics/presentations related with the theme of the project.

Participant obligations after the end of training activities

-  To fulfill an evaluation of the activities project, by e-mail

-  To complete the Youthpass Certificate

-  To be involved in the dissemination process.


Info currency:

You can’t use Euro in Serbia! (SRB National Currency – Dinar). The exchange rate is: 1 EUR = 119,00 / 121,00 RSD

How to reach Dimitrovgrad:

From Istanbul:


for participants from Izmir:


Notice: If, eventualy, participants from Izmir and Istanbul want to go with airplane (option), nearest airport to Dimitrovgrad is Sofia https://www.sofia-airport.bg/en/passengers .

If they decide to come with airplane we can arange mini bus transportation from airport Sofia to Dimitrovgrad (travel costs arround 10 EURO per person). Please, if you want to come with plane, buy tickets as soon as possible, so you can fit in budget of travel costs (for participants from Turkey is 275 euro per person MAXIMUM).

From Greece: Thessaloniki – Seres – Promachonas – Sofia – Dimitrovgrad :


From Craiova:




From Lom:


Please buy tickets as soon as possible, so they can be less expensive. You can also rent a microbus for this transport.


Project coordinator Toni Aleksov :



Tel: +381 63 441 330 is also Viber number

+381 64 64 500 22

For further communication please fill in the following request form for each participant and send it to:

Not later than 20th August 2017.

Participant Details (please provide us for each participant the informations below)

Full Name: ......

Gender ......

Date of birth: ......

Email address:......

Contact Number: ......

Special Meals (any special food requirements):

Experience related with the theme of the project (past of future plans):