Scottsdale Child Care Centre is committed to the ongoing learning and care of children. As such, our philosophical approach is a collaboration of Northern Children’s Network’s “helping create confident children” as well as our own community focus. A statement of beliefs is required by National Quality Standards to guide and develop our service. Regular review of the philosophy against new research, learning frameworks and family and community needs will support our goals for Continuous Improvement.
Philosophy Statement
The philosophy adopted by Scottsdale Child Care Service educators and management has been developed in conjunction with all stakeholders. This philosophy reflects the needs of our children, families and community, incorporates Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics, Australian Early Years Learning Framework, My Time Our PlaceFramework andthe guidelines of Australia’s Childrens Education and Care Quality Authority
The overall aim of our centre is the provision of a sustainable community basedservice, while providing a high quality care environment for young children. This will include early childhood education and support for families.
A play based curriculum provides children with opportunities to learn and develop. This can be achieved by providing educational experiences that are of personal interest to children and their families.
Philosophy Practices and Strategies
We believe that children have the right to:
- Play
- Feel safe, physically and emotionally and develop a sense of “Belonging, Being and Becoming”
- A nurturing environment that develops, challenges and enables each child to progress at their own rate of learning
We aim to encourage children:
- To develop a sense of self worth in building the formation of stable, caring relationships with educators, other children and their local community
- In the development of independence and personal achievements
- To develop an awareness and understanding of equal opportunity, social justice and cultural diversity
- To actively explore and develop an awareness, respect and appreciation for their environments
Policy and Procedure Links
This philosophy statement is fundamental to all other policies and should be used to guide all aspects of the service and its delivery of quality child care.
- Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) (2009) My Time Our Place Framework for School Age Care Australia
- NCN Philosophy Statement 2013
- Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) (2011) Guide to the National Quality Standard
- Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) (2009) Belonging, Being and Becoming The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia
- Early Childhood Australia (2011) EYLF PLP E-newsletter No 15 Our Philosophy E-newsletter No 28 Revising the service philosophyaccessed 2012
- Kay Margetss and Bridie Raban (2011)Principles and Practice for driving the EYLF Teaching Solutions
- Bridie Raban, Kay Margetss, Amelia Church, Jan Deans (2010) The Early Years Learning Framework in Practice Teaching Solutions
- Arthur, L., Beecher, B., Death, E., Docket, S. & Farmer, S. (2005) Programming and planning in early childhood settings.Thomson, Melbourne.
- Early Childhood Australia (1990). Code of Ethics. Early Childhood AustraliaWatson ACT.
- NCAC (2005) Quality Practices Guide.National Childcare AccreditationCouncil, Surrey Hills.
Review History and Schedules – Annual Review
- April 2011
- April 2012
- July 2013
- Next Review April 2014
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