Office of Diversity and Retention
President’s Committee on Diversity and Retention
President’s Committee on Diversity and Retention
The mission of the President’s Committee on Diversity and Retention (PCDR) is to honor and support the multicultural values of the campus community of South Seattle Community College. Members are committed to the empowerment and enhancement of underrepresented students including students of color, women, students with disabilities and LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning) students. In addition, the committee will openly promote opportunities for diverse populations to pursue academic, cultural, social and economic success.
- To administer multicultural programs and activities that develop and implement services for students of color, women, LGBTQ and those with disabilities or special needs.
- To encourage faculty, staff and administrative recruitment practices that generate job applicant pools which are reflective of our student population.
- To improve the institutional climate to make this campus a place where diversity is pursued, cultural values are recognized and appreciated and sensitivity to diverse backgrounds and needs is demonstrated.
The President’s Committee on Diversity and Retention serves as an advisory committee to President of South Seattle Community College and the staff of the Office of Diversity & Retention. In addition, the PCDR facilitates the achievement of the above objectives through college-wide strategies, activities and focused work group initiatives. Committee members meet on a regular basis and provide expertise and advice to the Diversity and Retention staff on how to deal with issues affecting the SSCC community. The Committee provides information to other communities, groups and organizations about SSCC multicultural events and activities.
The President’s Committee on Diversity and Retention (PCDR) is comprised of up to nineteen (19) members in addition to the Dean and Director of Diversity and Retention.
Five (5) full- or part-time faculty;
Five (5) administrative, managerial professional or exempt staff;
Five (5) classified staff and
Four(4) students
Members are reminded that they are representatives of their respective units and are expected to consult with their colleagues whenever possible.
Alternate Members:
Alternate members are non-voting members who attend meetings as their schedule allows and are not required to participate in subcommittee meetings or work groups.
Ex-Officio Members:
The President serves as a non-voting ex-officio member.
The Dean of Diversity and Retention or designee shall serve as the chairperson of the PCDR and facilitate the regularly scheduled meetings. The Chairpersonvotes only in the event of a tie.
Selection Process and Timeline:
New members are recommended by the Committee to the Dean of Diversity and Retention and appointed by the President during May of every academic year.
Length of term:
Members are appointed by the President for one academic year (with an option to serve additional terms). Terms will be on a staggering basis.
- The Dean of Diversity and Retention or designee chairs the meetings. In addition to the standard responsibilities of convening and conducting the meetings, the chair:
- Communicates PCDR recommendations to the President.
- Manages the President’s Committee on Diversity and Retention budget, pursuantto PCDR approval by majority vote. Oversees implementation of funded activities.
- Provides leadership in developing the PCDR strategic plan (goals & strategies).
- Makes provisions for reporting progress on strategic plan.
- Develops agenda items in concert with the committee members.
- Makes provisions for recording and distributing committee meeting minutes.
- Evaluates formally adopted and implemented PCDR procedures.
- Informs the College Council and United Student Association of PCDR activities.
- Upon recommendation of the Dean of Diversity and Retention, a staff person interested in supporting the activities of the committee will be appointed by the President to serve as secretary to the committee.
To ensure the effectiveness of this committee, all members are required to:
Attend the President’s Committee on Diversity and Retention meetings to be held
monthly during the academic year(October – June) unless otherwise noted.
All members need to notify the Dean of Diversity & Retention if they are unable to attend meetings. After three consecutive absences, the member will be asked to serve as an alternate, and a new member will be recommended by the Dean and appointed by the President.
Members are expected to participate in at least one subcommittee or work group per academic year. Alternates and non-members are also encouraged to serve on work groups. Committee members and alternates are encouraged to participate in Diversity and Retention events and activities including committee retreats, workshops and meetings.
The President’s Committee on Diversity and Retention may also establish subcommittees and task forces to address issues that require further study and consideration.
All meetings are open to the entire college community.
- Provisions will be made in the college calendar each quarter for the scheduling of common meeting times for transacting Diversity and Retention Committee business. Meetings will occur once a month from October to June, unless otherwise noted.
- An agenda for each scheduled President’s Committee on Diversity and Retention meeting will be prepared and posted electronically at least three business days prior to the meeting.
- Minutes of each general session will be prepared, distributed and posted electronically within seven (7) business days following the meeting. Meeting minutes will be sent out so members not in attendance will be able to provide input to issues addressed in the meeting in a timely manner.
- Agenda of June Meeting to include welcome new members and learn about the mission of the President’s Committee on Diversity and Retention.
A quorum consists of five active member representatives, with at least one from each group listed above, with the exception of the student group.
Any procedure not specifically addressed within these bylaws will be subject to Robert's Rules of Order.
Bylaw Changes
Proposed changes to the bylaws will be distributed to committee members for their input 30 days prior to vote. The bylaws will be approved by a two-thirds vote of those present, a quorum being established, and are subject to approval by the President.
Revised 9/1/06