Candidates shall be of good character.


Candidates shall be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.


Candidates shall have obtained a good general level of education to enable him/her to undergo successfully the appropriate training and to perform his/her duties satisfactorily.


(It is desirable to have satisfactorily completed one or more of the following courses. Please note all courses below must be current at the latest date of receipt of applications.)

  • Safe Pass
  • Manual Handling
  • Chainsaw Basic
  • Chainsaw Advanced
  • Safe System of Work Plan (SSWP)
  • Lawnmower and Strimmer
  • Ride on Lawnmower
  • First Aid
  • Pesticide Training (Safe Use of Pesticides and Hand Held Applicator)

Candidates shall hold a current valid driving licence which allows you to drive in Ireland (Class B)


Applicants are reminded that any attempt by themselves or by any persons acting on their behalf directly or indirectly by means of written communication or otherwise to canvass or otherwise influence in the candidate’s favour any employee of the County Council or persons nominated by the Chief Executive to interview or examine applicants, will automatically disqualify the applicant for the position they are seeking.




This panel will be used to fill vacancies as they arise.

  1. WAGES


€490.23 - €567.90


The duties of the employment are to give to:

(a)Mayo County Council under the control of the Chief Executive or his nominee,

(b)to any other local authority or body with which an agreement has been made by the local authority,

under the general direction and control of the Chief Executive or of such other employee as the Chief Executive may from time to time determine, such appropriate services of an administrative, technical, supervisory or management nature as may be required by any local authority or body hereinbefore mentioned in the exercise and performance of any of its powers, functions and duties, and to exercise such powers, functions and duties as may be delegated to him or her by the Chief Executive from time to time including the duty of servicing all committees that may be established by any such local authority or body. The holder of the employmentwill, if required, act for an employee of a higher level, if qualified to do so.

Other duties shall include:

  • Carrying out duties of a general operative nature in the roads, parks, open spaces, cleansing, water and drainage areas.
  • Operating equipment, tools and machinery
  • Following instructions from ganger.
  • Coning and signalling works.
  • Installing covers and frames.
  • Assume personal responsibility for own safety at work.
  • Available to work out-of-hours.
  • Participate on on-call roster.
  • Working collaboratively with other staff.
  • Dealing effectively and courteously with customers.

These duties are indicative rather than exhaustive.


Persons who become pensionable employees of a local authority who are liable to pay the Class A rate of PRSI contribution will be required in respect of their superannuation to contribute to the local authority at the rate of 1.5% of their pensionable remuneration plus 3.5% of net pensionable remuneration (i.e. pensionable remuneration less twice the annual rate of social insurance old age contributory pension payable at the maximum rate to a person with no adult dependant or qualified children).

Persons who become pensionable employees of a local authority who are liable to pay the Class D rate of PRSI contribution will be required in respect of their superannuation to contribute to the local authority at the rate of 5% of their pensionable remuneration.

All persons who become pensionable employees of a local authority will be required in respect of the Local Government (Spouses and Childrens Contributory Pension) Scheme to contribute to the local authority at the rate of 1.5% of their pensionable remuneration in accordance with the terms of the Scheme.

In order for a new entrant to the scheme to qualify for a pension, he/she must have served a minimum of two years employment in a local authority.

For new entrants under the Single Public Service Pension Scheme effective from 01/01/2013 superannuation contributions are as follows:-

3.5% of net pensionable remuneration and 3% of pensionable remuneration.

Pension and retirement lump sum based on career-average pay; pensions will be co-ordinated with the State Pension Contributory (SPC).


Appointees who are deemed not to be “new entrants” as defined in the Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, retirement is compulsory on reaching 65 years of age.

Effective from 1st January, 2013, The Single Public Service Scheme applies to all first-time new entrants to the public service, as well as to former public servants returning to the public service after a break of more than 26 weeks.

Retirement age set, initially, at 66 years; this will rise in step with statutory changes in the State Pension Contributory (SPC) age to 67 years in 2021 and 68 years in 2028.

Compulsory retirement age will be 70.


Holders of the position shall reside in the district in which his/her duties are to be performed or within a reasonable distance thereof.


Annual leave entitlement is 25 days per year.


Where a person who is not already a permanent employee of a Local Authority and is appointed to a permanent position the following provisions shall apply: -

(a)there shall be a period after such appointment takes effect during which such person shall hold such position on probation;

(b)such period shall be one year but the Manager may at his or her discretion extend such period;

(c)such person shall cease to hold such position at the end of the period of probation unless during such period the Manager has certified that the service of such person in such position is satisfactory.

(d)the period at (a) above may be terminated on giving one weeks notice as per the Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts;

(e)there may be assessment(s) during the probationary period.


Candidates may be shortlisted for interview on the basis of information supplied in their application. Where it is considered that it would be reasonable not to admit all candidates to the interview, by reason of the number of applications received and the standard of knowledge, training or experience in general of the candidates, only persons likely to attain at the interview a standard sufficient for selection and recommendation for employment shall be called for interview.


i)Selection shall be by means of a competition based on a competitive interview conducted by or on behalf of the Local Authority;

ii)A panel may be formed on the basis of such interview.

Candidates whose names are on a panel and who satisfy the Local Authority that they possess the qualifications declared for the position and that they are otherwise suitable for employment may within the life of the panel be employed as appropriate vacancies arise.

The local authority shall require a person to whom an appointment is offered to take up such appointment within a period of not more than one month and if he/she fails to take up the appointment within such period or such longer period as the local authority in its absolute discretion may determine, the local authority shall not appoint him/her.


Candidates shall be required:

  1. to possess a full current valid Driving Licence which allows you to drive in Ireland (Class B) ;
  2. Mayo County Council reserves the right to provide a van to enable you to carry out your duties. The provision of a van will be at the discretion of the Chief Executive.

Each candidate will be required to submit as references the names and addresses of two responsible persons to whom he/she is well known but not related. Candidates will be required to submit documentary evidence to the Local Authority in support of their application.


Applicants are reminded that any attempt by themselves or by any persons acting on their behalf directly or indirectly by means of written communication or otherwise to canvass or otherwise influence in the applicants favour any employee of the County Council or persons nominated by the Chief Executive to interview or examine applicants, will automatically disqualify the applicant for the position they are seeking.