Mrs G Hatton


Trenoweth Mill

St Keverne



TR 12 6QN

Tel. 01326 280777



Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Council at St Keverne Methodist Hall, on Thursday 6th April 2017 at 7.00pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:

Yours sincerely

Clerk 30th March 2017


1.  To accept apologies for absence

2.  Members to declare disclosable pecuniary and prejudicial interests (including details thereof) in respect of any item on this agenda and any dispensations thereon previously granted or requested now

3.  To receive Cornwall Cllr Walter Sanger’s report.

4.  Public Question Time

5.  To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting

6.  To receive the following pre-planning applications

7.  To receive the following planning applications

a)  PA17/01670 Formation of a dwelling (outline with all matters reserved), Chymbloth Way, Coverack, Ms Natalie Rawson

b)  PA17/02453 Formation of single storey side extension and detached garage with room above - amended design of extant permission, Cove Outlook, Chymbloth Way, Coverack, Mr & Mrs J Gaunt

8.  To receive planning decisions

9.  Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on this agenda

10.  To discuss current situation with regard to future location of St Keverne Community Library

11.  To consider obtaining two more defibrillators for outside the surgery and fire station, plus signage. Fire station willing to install and host one of our own.

12.  To finalise arrangements of ceremony for refurbishment of cannon, including wording for plaque

13.  To consider a sign for St Keverne car park stating no long stay parking, shoppers only

14.  To receive update on engineering works at Trewoon Farm, Tregidden

15.  To discuss meeting venues for next year

16.  Correspondence

17.  To receive the financial statement

18.  The cheques to be signed by Councillor D Kevern

19.  To approve the following outstanding accounts:

a)  Clerk’s pay (gross) 680.33

b)  Clerk’s back pay (gross) 84.50

c)  Clerk’s expenses 71.17

d)  St Keverne & Ponsongath Methodist Church (hall hire) 20.00

e)  Susan Roberts (St Keverne bus shelter cleaning) 60.00

f)  SSE (street lighting energy) 101.57

g)  Cormac (toilets cleaning x 2 months) 4194.96

h)  Metro Rod (toilets unblocking) 102.00

i)  Cornwall Council (rates Porthallow toilets) 51.54

j)  Cornwall Council (rates Harbour toilets) 59.84

k)  Cornwall Council (rates St Keverne toilets) 71.65

l)  J Clayton (trimming) 150.00 (paid)

m)  Information Commissioner (registration renewal) 35.00 (paid)

20.  Any other business (for information only)

21.  The next meeting of the Council (Annual Meeting) will be held on Thursday 11th May 2017 (due to election) in St Keverne Methodist Hall, at 7.00pm.

22.  In view of the nature of the following items, it is RESOLVED to exclude members of the press and public under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 (Standing Order 1)