Title V, Part A: Innovative Programs Report

Best Practice Activities for School Year 2013-2014

District Name SAU #

Purpose:This instrument is a required part of reporting for the local education agency’s use of Title V federal funds. It also provides a method for collecting examples of best practices for the use of Title V funds and allows New Hampshire to evaluate local and state progress toward Title V and NCLB goals. Information provided on this instrument may be used in the New Hampshire’s annual report of state-wide activities to the United States Department of Education and other reporting publications. If additional clarification is needed, please call Ashley Frame at 603-271-6579 or .

Provide examples of the use of Title V funds for public school(s) and, if applicable, one example for private nonprofit school(s). The example must represent the activity for which the greatest amount of Title V funds were expended or in which the greatest number of students were served. The LEA may provide no more than two additional best practices examples for public schools and no more than two additional best practices examples for private nonprofit schools.

Primary Target Population and Number Served under this Activity:
Public School(s)
Private Nonprofit School(s) / Number of
Schools: / Number of
Staff: / Number of
NCLB Goal(s) Addressed (check all that apply):
1. By 2014-2015, all students will reach high standards, at a
minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language
arts and mathematics.
2. All limited English proficient students will become proficient
in English and reach high academic standards, at a
minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language
arts and mathematics. / 
3. By 2005-2006, all students will be taught by highly qualified
4. All students will be educated in learning environments that
are safe, drug free, and conducive to learning.
5. All students will graduate from high school.
Title V Innovative Program Area(s) Addressed (check all that apply):
1. Teacher Quality, Professional Development and Class-Size
2. Technology and Educational Materials
3. Education Reform and School Improvement
4. Programs for Specific Student Populations / 5. Parental Options
6. Literacy, Early Childhood Education and Adult Education
7. Community Service and Community Involvement
8. Health Services
9. Other
Description of Activity, including how it contributed toward improved student achievement and/or increased quality of education:
Performance Target/Expected Results: / Actual Results: (please indicate numbers or percentages to support your findings)
Describe the means by which the results were measured or the effectiveness was determined: / Describe how the evaluation will be used to improve student achievement and/or increase the quality of education next year:

*While the LEA is responsible for providing an example of only one but not more than three activities funded with Title V funds on this instrument, the grantee is also responsible for evaluating all activities funded with Title V funds and using those evaluations to improve student achievement and/or increase the quality of education next year.