General Biology (BI 103) Spring 2006

Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:50 pm

Instructor: Carolyn A. Menke

Office: NS 220Phone: 838-8036 Email:

Course Webpage:

Office Hours: Tuesday 10-12 am, and by appointment

Texts-Lecture: Biology, Life on Earth, 7th Edition by Audesirk, Audesirk, & Byers

Laboratory: A packet available in the bookstore

Course Content: This is the third term of a three-term general biology series for non-majors. The general goal of the series is to understand and appreciate various aspects of biology as they relate to the world around us. In particular, we will focus this term on understanding the anatomy and physiology of both plants and animals, with an emphasis on human anatomy and physiology.

Course Grading Policy: There will be two midterm exams and a partially cumulative final, which when combined, will account for 70% of your grade. There may be opportunities for additional points. The remaining 30% of your grade comes from your laboratory. Lab grading will be explained by your lab instructor.


Lecture: Attendance is critical for you to learn in this course. You are expected to have read the assigned chapters BEFORE coming to lecture. Any notes available on the web will not contain all the lecture material, and are not intended to be a replacement for lecture attendance. Course materials may be removed from the web if lecture attendance decreases.

Laboratory: ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY! Three or more absences will result in a failing grade for the ENTIRE course. Failing lab also results in failing the entire course. You are expected to have read the lab in advance, and to have completed any pre-lab assignments before lab starts.

Missing an Exam: All students will take the exams on the day they are scheduled. Only illnesses and severe legitimate situations will excuse a student. Illnesses can only be verified by a physician. Notify the professor of emergency excuses within 24 hours of the missed exam. If an absence can be foreseen (i.e. games, field trips), you must present the excuse BEFORE the event. No excuses will be accepted after these absences.

Final grades will be calculated on a percentage basis from total points as follows:

A = 90-100%B = 80-89%C = 65-79%D = 55-64%

F = less than 55% or missing three or more labs or a failing grade in lab.

Additional Accommodations

Any student who feels that she or he may need an accommodation for any type of disability should see me during office hours the first week of the course and should contact the Office of Disability Services (838-8250) in AP 405.

The Biology Department’s Policy on Cheating:

During a quiz or exam, any written or spoken interaction with other students or the use of any notes or looking at other students’ test papers will be regarded as cheating. The penalty for cheating will be a zero grade for the exam, quiz, or assignment in question.

Week of:Lecture*** ChaptersLaboratory

April 3IntroductionNo labs this week!

Plant Anatomy & Nutrient Transport24

April 10Plant Reproduction and Development25Lab: Plant Form

Plant Reproduction and Development25

April 17Plant Responses to Environment26Lab: Plant Reproduction

Plant Responses to Environment26

April 24Animal Homeostasis and Organization27Lab: Plant Growth

Midterm 1-Thursday April 27

May 1Nervous System34Lab: Plant Function

Nervous System34

May 8Endocrine System33Lab: Reflexes & the Brain

Muscular and Skeletal Systems35

May 15Cardiovascular System28Lab: Diabetes

Midterm 2-Thursday May 18

May 22Respiratory System29Lab: Muscle/skeletal

Immune System32

May 29Nutrition and Digestion30No labs this week!

Nutrition and Digestion30

June 5Urinary System31Lab: Circulation


***Please note: This syllabus is subject to change.

FINAL EXAM: Wednesday June 14th, 2-4 pm ROOM TBA