Community Partnership Workgroup

Youth Town Hall Planning Meeting

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Meeting Minutes

Participants: Aisha Brown, Supervisor Keith Carson Office; Manijeh Fata, KQED Public Television; Diana Lake, CASA; Therese Clenney, CYC; Sara Lamnin and Angela Ciesla Lincoln Child Center; Sherri Brooks and Fredi Juni, SSA;

Youth Leaders: Amanda Brown, Danisha Brown, Sade Daniels and Tina Henry (Birth Parent)

We began the meeting with a powerful testimony from Danisha Brown, a former foster care youth and her birth mom Tina Henry. Danisha has been in foster care for 12 years and was reunited with her birth mom Tina Henry two years ago. They spoke about their strong interest in participating in the planning workgroup because they want to inform the community about their experience and that with support, families can successfully reunite.

Danisha stressed that she is particularly interested in telling her compelling story of being in foster care for twelve years and the impact of being separated from her mom and not quite understanding why and her experience in multiple placements. She said “ I home with my birth mom, now what?” with strong emphasis on the need for support for life after foster care and the need to connect with other youth and community members to tell her story.

Group Discussion: “Listening to the Voices of Our Youth” how do we build the framework and platform to mobilize, educate and empower the community, policy makers, stakeholders including judges, commissioners, child welfare workers, foster and birth parents to support our youth and their families in foster care.

Manijeh Fata of KQED, stated that she have a budget to support the Town Hall Meeting such as the design and distribution/mailing of the flyer post card and marketing of event.

We discussed the possibilities of having Regina Louise, talented author of Somebody’s Someone as the keynote speaker. We asked if, Supervisor Keith Carson can support us in obtaining her services. Aisha Brown agreed to follow up with him and expressed that Supervisor Carson’s office is willing to support this effort.

Proposed Framework:

Welcome and Opening Comments by: Chet Hewitt, Carol Collins and Supervisor Keith Carson

Introduction of Keynote Speaker: Lori Jones and a Youth Leader

Viewing of “ Aging Out” Documentary and Panel Discussion

Proposed Workshops: “ A Youth Perspective” a youth led workshop with an adult ally about a youth’s experience in foster care and emancipating from the system and to highlight the California Permanency for Youth program and other supportive programs.

“A legal Perspective” the youth would like Judge Carl Morris and Commissioner Lonsdale along with Lawyers available to facilitate/participate in this workshop so that participants would understand the role of the courts, youth rights in speaking in court on their behalf,

“ From a Social Worker’s Perspective” would like to duplicate the “ Before you through stones” workshop, to help participants understand the role and responsibilities of CWW.

“ The Listen Up” Campaign” we would invite key stakeholders, policy makers, legislators, senior administrators, foster parents and birth parents to hear the youth talk about their experience in foster care and the support/services they need to transition to a healthy adulthood

“ A Call for Action” A facilitated discussion of next steps, recommendations and action items.

Resource Exhibits featuring information booths and resources about Housing, How to become a Foster Parent”; How can I become a mentor, volunteer and CASA participant”;

“ Money Matters” understanding banking and budgeting; “ Higher Learning” representatives from local community colleges, universities, vocational training schools to help enrollment/financial aid; “ It’s about Business” Have employers onsite to accept applications, sign up internships, mentoring and how to become a entrepreneur; “ as well as ILSP, CYC, First Place Fund for Youth, Pregnant and Parenting Foster Care Teens, LGBT youth Out of Home Youth Advisory Council, (OHYAC), Alcohol and Drug Services, Family Planning, Pivotal Point, etc.

Closing Remarks:

CYC Talent Show: Edutainment, a spicy mix of talent with a educational theme, such as Spoken word, poetry, singing and dance. We will solicit celebrity judge Renel from KISS radio station, Tinka from KMEL and a local hip hop artist.

Respectfully Submitted By Zandra Washington, Co-Chair CP Workgroup