Secretary: David Elworthy,
Tel 07554194448
Agenda for Committee Meeting Monday 21st December 2015
David Elworthy (DE)Barrie Pollard (BP)Yvonne McCartney (YM)
Jill Warwick (JW)Stuart Birkett (SB)Paul Watts (PW)
Tracey Watts (TW)Matt Pilgrim (MP)Ryan Mountney (RM)
Emma Dodds (ED)
Bob Ellis (BE)
Minutes of Last Meeting
Signed as a true record, authorised by JW & YM
Matters Arising
TW – do we have approval from amendments? BP is still waiting to hear from East.
MP – amendment e-mails from TEX system seems to have been resolved, however PW may have removed availability requests for certain umpires to appease individuals.
MP – clarification has been gathered for clubs supplying own umpires, this is at no cost if done in a certain way.
BP – confirmed Brian James being auditor for LCHUA. Tex to be contacted to correct Brian’s access on LCHUA website.
MP – to re-generate account reports to clarify why such an amount of variance is still present.
Chairman Report
BP presented report, to be submitted on the website as an additional report.
JW has requested from the LHA exec that an umpire coach is sent to ALL junior events in Lincs. This will be actioned as best as we can due to availability.
Treasurer Report
TW is to ask MP to draw down report from website and TW will send out separately. Approx £500 in account at present (not including holding account).
Membership Secretary Report
TW said that there are still 147 members active on the LCHUA website.
Secretary Report / Correspondence
E-mails from England Hockey – New Officiating / Workforce Team Structure
BP reported that Jack Warner has been made an honorary member of the Yorkshire HUA as per e-mail received from Mike Talbot.
BP also reported from Mike Talbot has e-mailed the North Region stating that they would like to nominate YM as a L2 Umpire Coach Candidate
Chief Coach Report
See attached report.
See attached report.
Youth Co-ordinator
RM working with Norfolk to try and make a Youth “Young Umpire Course” in regards to the development of attracting young umpires. RM is to speak to DE about national incentives.
Appointments Secretary
See attached report.
Updated pre-match chat to be added onto website (Action PW).
As above, regarding the coach request at all Junior Events. Also, JW reported that EHA have asked for all counties to have a representative for exec meetings to represent the county’s master’s players.
JW also reported back on proposed structure for the Lincolnshire County Championships, however work needs to be done in regard to who would be in which “Cup or Plate” competition to be played over certain weekends. MP is also working on this and the layout will be confirmed by the end of the season and the next LHA exec meeting has been delayed so that final league positions have been decided.
Nothing to report for this meeting.
DBS / CRB’s – any done at club level, please send through date of completion to TW for registering.
PW – proposal is that EVERY umpire coach appointment is claimable for expenses through the usual channels, YM seconded. Motion was carried.
SB – reported that Barry Barr is going through treatment for cancer at present, however is having a break in treatment. LCHUA sends their best wishes to the family.
DE - Communication –
*Club Umpire Developer
*Neutral Pool
*New Year Greetings
*Website usage for members
DE to action asap.
PW –discussion about Lindum Ladies not putting forward an umpire into the neutral pool to satisfy East Rules. BP to discuss in January.
PW – Grantham HC are having an extraordinary general meeting on the 4th January 2016 which may result in them folding.
To be confirmed but likely beginning of March 2016.
Chairman’s Report - December 2015
1. Going out to Clubs continues, thanks to Stu, Paul, Phil,
2. Tom Lawrie from Loughborough – been invited to umpire on Sat.30th Jan at Lindum. Young umpire I worked with at HIPAC.
3. Exchange with IOM? Nothing planned as yet. Would we like it pursued for this season or postponed until next season?
4. Congratulations to David Elworthy – the newly appointed EH Workforce Administrator. We wish him well in his new role.
5. Congratulation to Ryan Mountney & Conor Carmody for gaining their L2 Indoor Award.
6. Good news that Dean Newell has gained his outdoor L2 with the Midlands.
7. Once again, I would like to thank all the Committee Members for their hard work throughout the first half of the year.
8. It is my intention to step down as LCHUA Chairman at the end of this season. I will be proposing Stu Birkett to be my successor.
Barrie Pollard
(Chairman LCHUA)
Report to LCHUA from ERHUA meeting of Wednesday 2nd December, 2015
- Members will be asked to increase their annual subscription to £35 to provide a sinking fund for radios which have now been provided to all active umpires.
- Clubs have all paid their fees.
- Sport England has had their funding increased as a result of the latest finance bill but this is likely to provide funding at the elite end only.
- ULO’s should provide more for all umpires attending matches. There is no longer the same consideration to umpires as there previously was. There ought to be a “Meet and Greet” arranged for umpires to make them feel welcome.
- Assessors and Coaches should include player coaches and this may assist in building up a better player/umpire relationship.
- There was a long debate over the Level 2(Or as I pointed out regional) umpire coach development. It seems that England Hockey is not providing a practical consideration. Alan Budd pointed out that the new pathway was in place but the rhetoric fails to match the reality. It was decided that the East Region would develop the prospective regional Coaches as they always have done so that when England Hockey gets things in place then East Region would be in good shape to progress their coaches. The Chief Coach expressed his frustration in respect of a lack of real progress by England Hockey. Several County representatives also expressed their concerns as the grass roots seems to be the poor relations. I pointed out that the most up to date Level 1 assessment form which Lincolnshire had been using since RGJ put it out, together with guidance was still not available on the England hockey web-site. (The old one is!)
- County Secretaries should have received the most up to date Umpire Pathway model.
- The Regional website states that Level 1 umpire courses are carried out by Counties. This needs and will be amended to reflect that England hockey, rather than Counties are responsible for this but they do the assessment of unassessed umpires.
- Urinating near to the pitches was discussed and it was made quite clear that this is NOT the umpire’s responsibility but it is the Clubs, coaches and captains who are responsible for pitch side behaviour.
- There was concern expressed regarding the state of some pitches, including lighting. It was pointed out that player safety is the responsibility of umpires (After the first whistle). Some pitches are close to being condemned yet clubs appear to have failed to provide a contingency plan for this. England hockey can only help with funding if clubs are showing that they are providing provision for this, i.e. having a sinking fund. England hockey need to be aware of the situation in respect of all pitches. Consideration will be given to umpires reporting on the state of pitches.
- The quality of umpires at the JRPC events was described as fantastic.
- No East handbooks were available for ERHUA members. The number of handbooks had been vastly reduced to save on costs but it was decided that all ERHUA members ought to be in possession of one.
- Next meeting Thursday 10th March, 2016
Stuart H Birkett (LCHUA Rep to ERHUA)
Chief Umpire Coach Report to LCHUA 21st December 2015
- Thanks to Paul and Tracy Watts for ensuring we have umpires appointed to teams as far as possible and for registering Level 1s with England hockey, maintaining LCHUA’s register and ensuring our umpires are properly CRB checked. I am grateful for the hard work done by LCHUA coaches and assessors who have helped make the first half of the 2015/2016 season so successful.
- Stuart Birkett and Paul Watts spent the whole day at Spalding on Saturday 21st November coaching umpires.
- 6 Full Level 1 umpire assessments completed by LCHUA assessors so far this season.
- 38 Official coaching’s have also been carried out
- The two clubs that I have spent most time at in the County are Spalding and Long Sutton, at a time when Umpires, Umpire Coaches and Assessors are not generally catered for by clubs in recent times, are clearly the exception. They both look after their visitors and their ULO’s do a good job.
- There is one new Level 1 Umpire Coach in Yvonne McCartney. Thank you to Yorkshire for their help in bringing this to fruition.
- Neither Barrie or I could attend the last LCHUA meeting on 7th December but I did provide a report which was amended by Barrie and, I believe forwarded to Jill Warrick and Cheryl Pawson.
Stuart H Birkett (Chief Umpire Coach LCHUA)
Lincolnshire Neutral Pool
by Paul Watts LCHUA Appointments Secretary
As agreed at our last meeting, I got together with Matt Pilgrim and
we worked through the available options to us, for the continuance
of the Lincolnshire Neutral Pool. We came to the agreement, that
because of a shortfall of willing bodies that the option of sending
umpires to games within their triangular geographic areas was
probably not going to work at this time.
The decision was made to drop Men's Div 3NW and Women's Div
2NW from the appointments system (this is more or less what had
been happening anyway) and we would concentrate on Men's Div 1
and Women's Div 1N.
This now means that the only team that receives umpires as of right
is Spalding Ladies 1st team as neither Lindum Ladies nor Bourne
Deeping men have an umpire in the Pool, we do when it suits us for
the purposes of umpire development provide umpires for these two
This now puts us in the position of should we now notify the league
that these clubs have no Pool umpire and are in contravention of
East league rule 5.1.1.
Bourne Deeping are, I believe trying to work on a solution.
When able, Alan Foster and Sam Hanwell have been taking pool
appointments along with stalwart Steve Stapenhill-Hunt.
The New Year is still going to be a challenge.
Pre-match Chat
1. Dress; colour, suitable for teams and background
2. Whistle; Fox or pea
3. Which side? Toss if necessary. Whoever takes the bench side should time all cards (unless a match official is in place).
4. Division of pitch; Basic areas of control for engaged and trail umpires. Long Corner on far side.
Advantage in the boundary areas, who has first crack! Shared areas in far corners.
5. Radios. Remember they are an aid and “arena” umpiring still means voice and signals need to be heard and seen by all present.
6.. Time keeping; Who times each half. Indication of 2/1 minute to go.
Time keeper under pressure. Stoppages, whoever stops time, restarts it.
7.. Position; How far up field in open play, PC's and PS. Remember to look after your D.
8.. Signalling; When help is requested – large signal, so all can see. Advantage, shortening signal. Stopping and restarting time. Confirmation of goal.
9.. Control ladder. Need to be consistent and use low level control measures such as voice, whistle tone reversing decisions, upgrading to PC.
10.. Agreed attitude to; quick whistle and advantage. Dangerous balls, height, legitimate evasive action. Breaking down play. Time wasting. Position of hits. Stationary ball. Dissent and chat. Knocking the ball away.
11.. Cards; where player should go (bench side, about halfway or technical table). If yellow is more than 5 mins.
12. PC ; who deals with what? Engaged umpire to watch for injector feinting and defenders breaking. Disengaged umpire to watch for attackers breaking. In both cases ensure that it is a proper break and that they are dealt with immediately.
Disengaged umpire should then watch for attackers blocking defenders running out, then the line and height of the first hit, then any issue on the line (particularly on their near post).
13. PC; at end of half.
14. Aerial passes, is it safe going up? In flight? At landing? 5 metres ball under control and on the ground. With the ability to play above shoulder height, if a player is able to intercept the ball 5m or more from the intended landing zone then they receive 5m to control the ball.
15.. FH attack near to D; Try not to allow extra defenders to occupy space that they weren't in when you blew the whistle. Do not allow defenders to build a wall, move them away (leave one in place).