RES 5560—Classroom Assessment
Quiz No. 1
Begin by SAVING this document as “QUIZ 1 <your first name> <your last name>”, without the quotes, to your desktop or to a flash drive. For instance, if I were saving it, I would save it as:
QUIZ 1 George Olson
Respond to each of the following items in the space provided. Re-SAVE the document following your response to each item. When you are finished SAVE the document again and email it to .
Item No. 1: Imagine yourself in a conversation with a group of classroom teachers who have NOT read the articles you have been assigned to read over the past couple of weeks. You want to convince the teachers that they, and their students, could benefit from a greater focus on assessment for learning. What points, or arguments, gleaned from the readings (be specific) would you use to bolster your argument? (Use the space below for your response.)
(Respond to Item No. 1 here)
Item No. 2: Stiggins, in his article, “New Assessment Beliefs for a New School Mission,” asserts that the statement that, “the instructional decisions of adults contribute most to student learning and school effectiveness,” is actually a mistaken belief. Sketch Stiggins’ argument, pointing out why he thinks this statement is incorrect and what he would substitute in its place. (Use the space below for your response.)
(Respond to Item No. 2 here)
Item No. 3: In Chapter 1 of his textbook, Popham pointed out two things that educational leaders really need to know about educational assessment: one, that test results are the most widely used indicator of educational effectiveness, and two, that when properly used, assessment can have a powerful, positive impact on instruction. In a BRIEF paragraph (no more than five sentences), explain Popham’s reasoning behind his second proposition, i.e., that assessment can have an important impact on instruction. (Use the space below for your response.)
(Respond to Item No. 3 here)
Item No. 4: In Chapter 2, Popham draws a distinction between content standards and performance standards. In a BRIEF paragraph (no more than five sentences), describe this distinction, and tell why the distinction is important for educational leaders. (Use the space below for your response.)
(Respond to Item No. 4 here)
Item No. 5: In classroom assessment, which makes more sense: norm-referenced assessment or criterion-referenced assessment? BRIEFLY (no more than five sentences), explain your reasoning. (Use the space below for your response.)
(Respond to Item No. 5 here)
Item No. 6: In Chapter 3, Popham deviates from most educational testing and measurement specialists in arguing that, instead of reliability and validity, the most important factor to consider when evaluating an educational assessment is the extent to which the assessment makes an educational contribution. BRIEFLY (no more than five sentences), explain his reasoning. In your response, point out at least two ways of determining whether or not an assessment makes an instructional contribution. (Use the space below for your response.)
(Respond to Item No. 6 here)