Office of Assessment - Provost Office
Janet Thiel, OSF, PhD, Director of Assessment
GCU Academic Program Assessment Plan (Updated Fall 2016)
Learning Outcomes:Upon successful completion of the program of studies for the (Major), the student will earn a (Bachelor of Arts) degree and will have given evidence of the following program outcomes:
Program: / LO 1 / LO 2 / LO 3 / LO 4Related ISLG (Undergraduate) / [TJ2]
Related BRIDGE General Education Goals (if applicable) / [TJ3]
Related Accreditation Standard (if applicable) / [TJ4]
Program Courses and Experiential Learning Mapping to Program Outcomes
How do students learn this? In what course(s) and/or co-curricular experience(s)? / [TJ5]
How and in what course(s) do they demonstrate that they have achieved this outcome.
Formative Assessment will occur in … / [TJ6]
Summative Assessment will occur in… / [TJ7]
Assessment Protocol
How and when do you assess the achievement of all students in your program before they graduate and record the results of your assessment?
Formative Assessment
Direct Evidence / [TJ8]
Indirect Evidence / [TJ9]
Summative Assessment
Direct Evidence / [TJ10]
Indirect Evidence / [TJ11]
What do you consider satisfactory achievement of this outcome? WHY?
Formative Assessment
Direct Evidence / [TJ12]
Indirect Evidence / [TJ13]
Summative Assessment
Direct Evidence / [TJ14]
Indirect Evidence
Program Assessment Time Frame
Time Frame for Assessing the outcome. / [TJ15]
GCU Program Assessment ReportForm[TJ16]
GCUAcademic Program Assessment Annual ReportProgram:
Program Assessment Liaison:
Based on the above plan and the designated outcome(s) assessed for the academic year, the major program submits a Program Assessment Report annually that contains the program assessment plan, assessment data and analysis, and action steps to be taken by the program based on these results. See below for the outline of this report.
Learning Outcome(s) Assessed:
Description of the Assessment Protocol.
Assessment Data and Findings.
Analysis of Data:
Are these results satisfactory? Why or Why not?
Action Plan based on Assessment Results and Analysis:
Time Frame for Action Plan:
What actions have been taken since the previous assessment of these outcomes?
Assessment Data: Please include the data that you used to complete the above report. Attach rubrics, tallies, and method of validation.
Last Update: 10/7/2018Program Assessment 1
[TJ1]Note: These are learning outcomes. If you are working from learning goals, state the goal as a header, then give the related learning outcome. DO NOT give objectives.
Goal: Knowledge of the Profession. Outcome: Students will demonstrate knowledge and application of the theories and application of the xxx Program through course exams, assigned projects, and Major Field Tests in XXX.
[TJ2]For undergraduate level courses only. Be sure that the related ISLGs are included in courses mapped to this outcome.
[TJ3]If the program’s courses contribute to Gen Ed requirement, include here. Otherwise, no connections needed.
[TJ4]Include applicable Standards from discipline’s accreditation body or Standards from the Discipline as noted with National Organizations. A program’s learning outcomes should be such that all discipline standards are included in this crosswalk or mapping.
[TJ5]Map ALL program courses here – required and elective. If a required course cannot be mapped to a program outcome, the outcomes are not inclusive of the program’s goals or the course is extraneous to the program.
[TJ6]Choose ONE course that occurs midway in the program, required of all students, that has an embedded assessment to cover the outcome. There should be several courses covering the distinct outcomes. The courses and assessment evidence chosen will be expanded below.
[TJ7]Again, choose ONE course for end of program assessment of the outcome- a course or requirement for all students in the program. Usually a capstone or seminar course contains an assignment or exam that may fulfill more than one outcome – discriminate the use of the assignment via rubric competencies. The courses and assessment evidence will be expanded below.
[TJ8]State the direct evidence from the course selected above for formative assessment of the outcomes.
[TJ9]State indirect evidence from the course selected above for formative assessment. This may be a student survey or the course evaluation survey done for the chosen course, as aligned with the outcome. Course or Final Exam Pass rates may also be included here.
[TJ10]State the direct evidence from the course selected above for summative assessment. If an assignment, add the phrase “as evaluated by a rubric” – and be sure the rubric contains the criteria of the outcome. If an exam – you need to add analysis of exam results aligned with the objectives or criteria supporting the outcome.
[TJ11]Indirect evidence from the summative course selected above.
[TJ12]From the above formative direct evidence, what is the expected achievement level? If using a rubric, you can state: 80% of students will achieve at or above the developing level (level 2 of4) for all rubric criteria.
[TJ13]Expected level for formative indirect evidence: If using a satisfaction survey: At least 75% of students completed the survey, with an overall satisfaction rate of 3 out of 4 on a Likert scale, with 4 being very satisfied.
[TJ14]Same as formative assessment – only up the ante for summative assessment.
[TJ15]This is a 3 year assessment plan. AY 2016-2017 is Year 1. Data may be collected each year, but analyzed cyclically. Note that some outcomes may need to be collected and analyzed annually based on accreditation requirements. Be specific on data collection and year of analysis. You will spread out the analysis so that your actions based on assessment have time to develop and improvement can be readily seen in the next cycle.
[TJ16]Due June 30. Year 1 of the above plan is expected to be executed and analyzed. Report on such is with this form.