GCSEPEAnalysis of performance for your sport
Example questions that you may be asked to demonstrate your knowledge
Rules, regulations and terminology.
Can you tell me 3 rules associated with your sport?
Do you know any more complex rules for your sport? Ones that are needed to understand the game at a high level!
Do you know the correct terminology and referee/umpire signals associated for the rules?
What decision would the referee give when these rules are broken?
Are there any safety rules associated with your Activity?
Is their any sporting etiquette (unwritten but generally practiced rules) associated with your game?
Observe and analyse
Out of the players that you play with, think of someone who would you chose as a good player for your team.
What attributes do they have?
What skills and strengths do they have that makes them a good player?
Can you link what they do to components of fitness or the ‘perfect model’?
Can you discuss what makes them a good performer?
Out of the players you play with, think of someone who has an area they need to improve in your team.
What elements do they need to improve?
How does this effect their playing abilities.
Can you think of any areas of fitness that would help them improve? How?
If they wanted to improve in those areas what drills/practices could they do?
Can you think of ways that you could observe and record a player’s progress? How would you analyse a performance?
Evaluate performance
Do you have a hero/heroine for you sport?
What makes them so good at their sport (perfect model)?
What components of fitness would a ‘perfect model’ have for your sport/position?
Why are these components important?
What do they allow them to do to beat the opposition?
What other qualities do they have to make them good at their sport? (e.g. awareness of tactics and strategies in game, good leader, good communicator, good role model etc.)
Plan strategies, Tactics and practices
Can you recommend a drill or practice that your player needs to do to work on their area for improvement?
Could you draw a diagram to help explain it?
Can you explain how you would monitor it to see if improvements were being made?
Can you discuss how you would make changes to make the practices easier or harder if it is necessary?
Personal Exercise Programme
Looking at your PEP what weaknesses did you identify and want to improve?
What training methods did you use through your PEP?
What activities did you do? Why did you choose those activities?
How did you test yourself to monitor improvement? How could you see progress? Did you set any SMART targets?
Did you use any principles of training through your PEP? What ones and how?
Have you seen any improvement in your performances after your PEP?