GCSE PE - 5 a day revision questions
Complete 5 practice exam questions a day to help you succeed. Use any highlighted gaps in your knowledge to focus your revision. Good luck!
1. Which component of fitness can be tested using the equipment shown in Figure 1? (1)A Power
B Coordination
C Cardiovascular fitness
D Flexibility
2. Participation in physical activity can bring about many health benefits. Serotonin levels increase when we take part in physical activity.
Briefly explain why an increase in serotonin is a health benefit. (2)
3. Participation in physical activity involves some risk of injury. Identify a risk associated with gymnastics and how to reduce this risk. (2)
How to reduce risk
4. Explain the requirements of a balanced diet. (4)
5. The performers in Figure 3 have the same body type (somatotype).
(a) Name the body type of the performers in Figure 3. (1)
(b) Describe a characteristic of this body type. (1)
(c) Give one advantage of this body type for:
(i) The pole vaulter (1)
(ii) The long distance runner. (1)
1. B
2.A linked explanation that includes the following:
• Serotonin causes a feel good factor/makes you feel good (1)
improving mental health/good for mental health/ decreases depression/stress (1)
• As serotonin makes you feel good (1)
you exercise more which can improve physical health/reduce risk of diabetes/equiv (1)
• As serotonin makes you feel good (1)
you exercise more allowing you to make more friends which improves social health (1)
3.Identification and measure from one of the following:
• (Named) soft tissue injury (1) warm up/stretch (1)
• Fracture/fall from apparatus/poor landing (1) matting/experienced coach/chalk (1)
• Sprain (1) wear support bandage (1)
• Named injury (1) make sure technique is well known/able to complete technique/practice so can complete skill (1)
• Slip from apparatus/blisters (1) chalk hands
4. An explanation that makes reference to any four of the following:
1. Balanced diet should include macronutrients; micronutrients; water and fibre
Balanced diet should include fats; carbohydrates; proteins; vitamins; minerals; water; fibre
2. Correct proportions of macronutrients and micronutrients
Optimal ratio of nutrients
Correct amounts of nutrients
3. Macronutrients for energy
Fats OR Carbohydrates for energy
OR Protein for growth and repair
4. Micronutrients for maintaining body health
OR Vitamins OR Minerals for maintaining body health
5. Water to avoid dehydration
OR Fibre to aid/help digestion
5. (a)Ectomorph
(b) A description that makes reference to:
• Tall and thin OR
• Thin OR
• narrow shoulders OR
• narrow hips OR
• long limbs OR
• not much body fat or visible muscle
(c) (i)One advantage from:
• Lighter therefore easier to lift body weight over bar
• Lighter therefore can vault higher
(ii)One advantage from:
• Longer stride length therefore covers ground quicker
Lighter therefore can run faster as less weight to carry