Harcourt Reading

Theme 4, Story 1: A Butterfly Grows (-ch/-tch)

High Frequency Words (tested):

grewflyairfriendsplay needwatchrain


Robust Vocabulary:

These words are introduced for meaning to expand the students’ vocabulary. These words are tested for meaning not reading recognition.

Theme 4, Story 1: A Butterfly Grows

  1. astonished- something that amazes and surprises you
  2. continue- to keep doing it
  3. doubt- you do not believe it is true
  4. transform- to totally change something (like the toys called transformers)
  5. examine- to look at very closely
  6. devour- to eat it all up very quickly

Harcourt Reading

Theme 4, Story 2: Mark’s Big Day (-ar)

High Frequency Words (tested)

againput sayfeel house know loud


Robust Vocabulary:

These words are introduced for meaning to expand the students’ vocabulary. These words are tested for meaning not reading recognition.

Theme 4, Story 2: Mark’s Big Day

  1. approached- move toward something
  2. energetic- filled with energy
  3. pace- how fast or slow you are going
  4. blunder- a big or bad mistake
  5. reassure- when you tell someone that everything will be okay or all right.
  6. excel- to be very good at something

Harcourt Reading

Theme 4, Story 3: Tomas Rivera (wh, qu)

High Frequency Words (tested):

aboutbooksfamilypeoplename readwork writing


Robust Vocabulary:

These words are introduced for meaning to expand the students’ vocabulary. These words are tested for meaning not reading recognition.

Theme 4, Story 3: Tomas Rivera

1. cozily- warm, comfortable, relaxed (cozy)

  1. interrupted-to stop in the middle of something
  2. triumphantly- to be excited or proud
  3. accomplishment- when you’ve worked hard to get something done
  4. admire- when you think a person is very special because of the things he/she does
  5. ambition- something you want to do very much

Harcourt Reading

Theme 4, Story 4: One More Friend (er, ir, ur )

High Frequency Words (tested):

alwaysby Cow's joinnice pleaseroom


Robust Vocabulary:

These words are introduced for meaning to expand the students’ vocabulary. These words are tested for meaning not reading recognition.

Theme 4, Story 4: One More Friend

  1. captured- when you’ve caught something and you don’t let it go
  2. mercy- to show kindness or forgiveness to someone who has done something wrong
  3. struggling- something that takes a great effort to do (mind or body)
  4. compatible- to get along well with each other
  5. amiable- someone who is friendly or good-natured
  6. relax- to rest or take it easy

Harcourt Reading

Theme 4, Story 5: Can Elephants Paint? (-le)

High Frequency Words (tested):

buycarrymoneyotherpaint would paper


Robust Vocabulary:

These words are introduced for meaning to expand the students’ vocabulary. These words are tested for meaning not reading recognition.

Theme 4, Story 5: Can Elephants Paint?

  1. agreement- you think the same as others

2. unnoticed- no one sees it

3. unthinkable- something you never thought could or would happen

4. rejoice- to be very happy

5. predicament- a serious or difficult problem

6. extraordinary- something very unusual and not ordinary

Harcourt Reading

Theme 4, Story 6: Snow Surprise (-ow, -oa)

High Frequency Words (tested):

ourprettysurpriseover threemouse


Robust Vocabulary:

These words are introduced for meaning to expand the students’ vocabulary. These words are tested for meaning not reading recognition.

Theme 4, Story 6: Snow Surprise

1. bulged- so full that it looks as if it will burst

2. jostled- to bump or poke to make someone or something move

3. argue- to disagree or fight using words

4. command- to order, to tell someone what to do

5. labored- to work very hard

6. wary- to be unsure or cautious