12 Littleville Road Huntington, MA 01050
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Wendy V. Long, Public Relations
(413) 685-1003
High School Honor Roll
Gateway – Principal Kathleen McSweeney has announced the honor roll for the second term of the 2008-09 school year.
In accordance with the student handbook, honor roll status is granted to students with high academic achievement for a marking quarter. First honors are awarded to students who receive A’s in all courses taken. Second honors are awarded to students who receive a minimum of two A’s and receive B’s in all other courses taken. Third honors are granted to students who receive a minimum of one A, with B’s and no more than one C in all courses taken.
Grade 9
First Honors: Kyle Bartlett, Evan Blanchette, Calvin Carrington, Chelsea Merritt, Leif Newman, Hannah Pease, Nathan Reynolds, Daniel Slowick, Emily Stone, Crystal Tarris
Second Honors: Dillon Brown, Sean Cook, Paige Fairman, Cody Gawle, Christopher Handschuh, Caleb Hartley, Emily Lessard, Kyleigh Lund, Spencer Martin, Christopher Riccitelli, Tomas Rizzitano, Emily Savery, Luke Stiles, Roman Vasilchenko
Third Honors: Nathan Baillargeon, Jennifer Burmer, Jacqueline Dalton, Nicole DeGray, Ashlin Dion, Sara Pandolfino, Matthew Tanski, Abbigail Thompson, Aaron Whitaker
Grade 10
First Honors: Kaitlyn Fay, Melissa Jacques, Michael Paul Loiselle, Anatoliy Tereshchuk
Second Honors: Matthew Baker, Isabella Barden, Nathan Bolduc, Raymond Bressette III, Christopher Camarco, Chelsea Cassidy, Neelie Goewey, Monique Hudon, Matthew Larson, Tyler Pease, Benjamin Senecal, Kathleen Toomey
Third Honors: Kyle Blanchette, Erika Mason, Rachel Normantowicz, Natasha Rutherford, Natalie Saloio
Grade 11
First Honors: Tina Clark, Matthew Curry, Kelly Garen, Jessica Hopson, Nicole LaPlante, Emma Long, Leland Martin, Jay Ringenbach, Caleb Robitaille, Elizabeth Rock, Korey Whitaker
Second Honors: Emily Bandoski, Tyler Cook, Martin Cotti, Taylor Derrig, Catherine Donovan,
Alexander Hoey, Kirsten Huff, Rebekka Kolm, Emily Lak, Josh Leis, Karley Lemire, Zoe Milos, Emiley Osden, Lloyd Peters, Corey Poulin, Justin Rogozinski, Katlyn Rowe, Joshua Stebbins, Maxwell Taylor
Third Honors: Gabriel Baillargeon, Brendan Booth, Steven Ellershaw, Trevor Hamel, Renee Hudon, Christopher LaBranche, Briana Martin, John Montesi, Alisha Seney, Nicole Unger
District telephone: (413) 685-1000 Fax: (413) 667-8739