Code of Conduct & Dance Team Commitment Agreement
To promote interest, enthusiasm, sportsmanship, and cooperation among the student body of West Forsyth toward the athletic program. To provide creative opportunities for dancers.
Team Membership
- The number of members on the Dance Team will be determined by a clear break in the scores and the Dance Team coach(es).
- Anyone who meets the guidelines set forth by the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School System with regards to West Forsyth students shall be eligible for tryouts as long as she/he meets the following requirements: (1) An overall unweighted 2.0 grade point average, (2) Be of unquestionable character.
- Dance Team members who quit the team will not be permitted to try out the following year.
- Selection to the current year’s team does not guarantee future selection to the team; you are required to try-out each year. Your actions from the preceding year can play a part in the future selection of the team.
- All West Forsyth Dance Team members will be asked (and the parent will need to sign as well) a Code of Conduct Agreement & Dance Team Commitment.
- Dance Team members will:
-perform at all home and away varsity football games (regular and post season)
-perform at all home basketball games for the varsity girls and boys games
-perform at all post-season playoff games as deemed appropriate by the Coach(es) and Staff
-perform at Pep Rallies and other school related functions and eventsas deemed
appropriate by the Coach(es) and Staff
- Attendance at all required rehearsals, practices, performances, games, etc. is mandatory. In certain cases, absence may result in disciplinary action. Emergencies will be handled on an individual basis.
- Dance Team members are expected to display maturity, leadership, and sound judgment, as evidenced by faculty evaluation, observation, and conduct grades. Dancers must demonstrate a clear ability to work well with others.
- Think seriously before joining clubs, sports, or part-time jobs, since Dance Team is a very demanding sport, requiring a full team effort.
- Parents/dancers must be financially prepared to meet all Dance Team expenses during the year. A cost estimate will be provided early in the season, and a specific cost break down will be provided once the final Team is selected.
- Dance Team members must maintain an overall 2.0 (C) average in school, physical examination , health insurance, as well as any other requirements as outlined by the WS/FCS.
- Dancersmust be prepared to work on fundraising projects and do their part in raising money for uniforms, pom-poms, competition fees, etc.
- Dance Team members must be willing to take dance technique classes. Dance Team members are encouraged to take dance on their own and/or here at West Forsyth.
- If a dancer must miss due to illness or other emergency, it is the responsibility of the student to call, email, or text the Coach(es) and notify them. Documentation from a parent or doctor will be required.
- Any decisions regarding absences and how to handle that may arise are at the sole discretion of the Coach(es) and will be made in the best interest of the Team as a whole.
- If a dancer’s attendance, or lack thereof, becomes detrimental to the Team as a whole at any point during the season, the dancer may be removed from portions or all choreography of routines, as in the best interest of the Team as a whole.
- Any scheduled absence (i.e. vacation, etc.) must be emailed or given in writing to the Coach(es) as soon as the parent/dancer is aware of the possibility, and is required no less than two weeks prior to the event. Failure to do so could result in disciplinary action.
- Dancers are required to be available for all performances, games, tournaments, etc. as provided at the beginning of the year in the Team schedule.
Practices and Conflicts
- If you miss practice it is your responsibility to learn the material before the next practice. The material might be reviewed, but it will not be re-taught.
- Failure to support the Team as a whole, and your Teammates, may result in disciplinary action or removal from the Team, as deemed necessary by the Coach(es).
- Appropriate attire is required; dance pants or shorts, fitted shirts, and shoes. No jewelry (including earrings). -No food, drinks, or gum during practices (besides water or sports drinks). -Girl's hair must be put up before practice begins.
- As pre-determined by the Dance Team Coach and the athletic team Coach, Dance Team members may participate in another sport, but only with special written permission.
- Team practices are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 4:00-5:15
- If you are present at school and become ill or have some other reason for not attending practice or a game, YOU MUST NOTIFY THE COACH IN PERSON that you will not be able to attend. A note is required afterward from a doctor, parent, or other acceptable source.
- Part-time jobs and participation at outside dance studios should not interfere with practice or
- Doctor's appointments should be scheduled at times other than practices. Use the calendars when planning all appointments.
J. Dance Team members should still attend practice to observe if unable to participate due to illness or
injury if they were present at school that day. If a dancer is on probation they are still required to participate in practice.
- Dance Team members are expected to attend all games and be ready to dance at any time.Please pay close attention to all schedules and calendars.
- No visiting with spectators during the game is allowed (except at halftime).
- Dance Team members are not to make fun of or yell at the referees or players, or have any unsportsmanlike behavior at any time.
- There will be no talking or fidgeting during the National Anthem.
- Dance Team members must be in school at least 50% of the school day to be allowed to dance that night or at practice.
- No gum, food or candy during the game (besides water or sports drink).
- A Dance Team member is expected to be on time returning from halftime break.
- Dance Team members should attend games to observe if unable to participate due to injury or illness, but able to attend school. They will need to attend the game in the warm ups, or uniform as determined by the Coach(es).
- Dance Team members are expected to participate in all tournament games, including the Varsity basketball tournaments over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays as determined by the Coach.Attendance at Conference and State Playoffs is required.
- A Dance Team member who misses the practice prior to a game may not be allowed to perform in the following game.
- If you are not dancing due to probation you are still required to be in uniform and will sit with the coach.
Appearance and Uniforms
- No grooming during games or performances.
- Put hair up before gamesand performances in the assigned hairstyle for that game/performance.
- Make-up should be neat and conservative. Personal hygiene should be maintained at all times. Underarms to be shaved, etc.
- Tasteful/neutral fingernail polish can be worn. Fingernails (real or false) need to be kept a reasonable length for safety reasons.
- Keep uniforms neat, clean and pressed, and keep shoes clean.
- Wear only the designated uniform to school or event for which it is assigned.
- Each Dance Team member will be held financially responsible for damaged or lost uniforms and equipment.
- Any alterations to the uniform must be approved in advance by the Coach.
- All uniforms are school property and must be returned at the end of the season - clean and in the same condition that they were issued (taking into consideration normal wear and tear) unless purchased by individuals.
- If you do not have all the required elements of your uniform you will not be permitted to perform.
- Uniform pieces include team jacket, which must be brought with dancers to every game/performance.
- Dance Team members will be selected at the try out/auditionby a panel of judges and West Forsyth staff.
- A football cadence dance, a basketball dance, and technique will be judged.
C. The top scores given by the judges determine who makes the team.
Team Captain(s) Duties
- The captains are your leaders and an extension of the coach(es) voice.
- The Dance Team will have a Captain(s) or Co-captains. The method of selection will be determined by a team vote with the ultimate decision made by the Coach(es). At the discretion of the Coach(es), a new Captain and/or co-Captain may be chosen as deemed necessary.
- In order to be Captain, students must have at least one year of experience on the West Forsyth dance teamand be a Junior or Senior.
- Captains shall have the power to call and preside over meetings and practices with the approval of the Dance Team Coach(es).
- Captains must be at practices before starting times and have the practices start on time and help keep them moving.
- Captains should show no partiality and should consider suggestions from all Team members.
- Captains will aid the Coach with certain responsibilities, not limited to communication with the Team on an as-needed basis.
- Captains may be asked to create and distribute written materials to the team. (ie. Calendars, order forms, handouts, etc.)
- Captains will be responsible for communicating any changes to game or practice schedules, assigning hair and uniforms for each game/performance, etc. with the approval of the coach.
- Captains and Coach(es) will be responsible for ultimate decisions regarding the use of any choreography.
- Dance Team members must be able to provide or secure transportation to all home games and practices. Bus transportation will NOT necessarily be provided to away events (i.e. Frank Spencer), and therefore dancers may be required to provide transportation to and from such events as deemed necessary.
- The school will provide transportation to and from all away games on the regular season schedule.
- All Dance Team members must go to away games and return as a group unless they ride home with their parent/guardian (parent/guardian must sign a release to do so). Certain games may require all students ride the bus back to West Forsyth.
- A parent/guardian must sign their Dance Team member out when leaving an away game and not traveling with the team. This is a school/district required rule.
- Dance Team members may not share choreography information or videos with outside dancers/friends/etc. Doing so will result in disciplinary action.
- Any member of the Team is invited to submit choreography for considerationto be used by the Team. The Coach(es) and Captains will have the final say in any choreography used by the Team.
- The choreography must contain appropriate movement to appropriate music.
- Any choreography taught and music choices must be pre-approved by the Coach before it is taught to the Team.
- Dance Team members are expected to do their part in each dance and perform each dance to their highest potential.
Sideline and Performance Positions
- Dancer’s placement in the sideline formations will be determined on a variety of factors such as: years on the team, memorization of material, performance quality, etc.
- If a dancer is absent a substitute will be determined in advance by the Coach(es) and Captains.
- Your position is subject to change at any time.
Performance Checks
- Performance checks will be held before every event that the West Forsyth Dance Team performs at, including but not limited to, football games, basketball games, pep rallies, competitions, etc.
- The dancer must pass performance check in order to perform with the Team.
- Performance checks will be conducted by the Coach(es) and Captains and will be at the Coach’s discretion. Other qualified staff/adults may assist in the process of performance checks.
- Failure to pass a performance check will result in the dancer being benched for that event. It will not affect the next week’s performance checks results.
- Decisions regarding performance checks, and passing or lack thereof, are final.
Dance Team Coaches
- Decisions of the Coach(es) are final, and must be supported by the dancers and parents on Team
B. The designated Team Coach(es)will:
-have complete responsibility for control, organization, and implementation of the
Dance Teamprogram at West Forsyth High School.
-keep all records: Permission slips, home phone numbers, attendance, grades, camp and
competition information, etc.
-have the power to call and preside over all meetings.
-make all final decisions in the best interest of the team as a whole.
- Dance Team members are expected to conduct themselves properly at all times, both at school and outside of school. Dance Team members are official student representatives of the school.
- Dance Team members shall not display undesirable emotions or improper language.
- Dance Team members should display good sportsmanship as determined by administrators or Dance Team Coach(es) at all times.
- Dance Team members shall have appropriate conduct in the classroom and provide good examples to others. Dancers must maintain "Satisfactory" conduct grades at all times. Failure to do so will result in probation.
- Dance Team members are to use proper language during games, competition, practice and at school.
- Dance Team members are to support their own team and are not to criticize either team.
- There will be no public displays of affection by any West Forsyth dancer.
- Dance Team members must remember that he/she is representing West Forsyth Dance Team at any time he/she has on any clothing or attire that says West Forsyth or West Forsyth Dance Team (or similar), regardless of if it is a team or school event.
- Parents, by allowing their dancer to be part of any West Forsyth Dance Team, must agree to fully and positively support the team as a whole.
- All use of the internet, social media, and communication should contain only appropriate language and content. (ex. Facebook, emails, texts, Instagram). All social media is subject to review by the Coach(es) and West Forsyth Staff at any time, and must be maintained on a tasteful level.
- Dance Team members are expected to report inappropriate behavior of another Team Member to the Coach(es), if they have first-hand knowledge of such behavior. Team dancers shall not engage in discussion of, or promotethe discussion of,other Team dancers in a negative manner.
- The power of dismissal shall be considered the decision of the Dance Team Coach(es), Principal, and/or Assistant Principal(s).
- Because of the leadership role of a Dance Team member and the signed commitment of It’s My Call, alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs should not be used. Involvement with any of the above may lead to dismissal from the Dance Team.
- Automatic dismissal for: (1) unpaid debts to the Dance Team fund, (2) smoking or drinking, (3) possession of illegal drugs, (4) suspension from school, (5) excessive absences from school (6) not maintaining a 2.0 (C) grade point average.
- Failure to maintain satisfactory conduct will result in probation for two weeks. The Dance Team member will be required to attend all games during these two weeks and will be allowed to return to normal Dance Team activities once evidence of improvement is shown. If the Dance Team member does not achieve satisfactory conduct within four weeks, dismissal will result.
- ISS or Saturday school assignment will likely result in probation and possible dismissal. This will be decided by the Principal(s) and Dance Team Coach(es).
- Once a Dance Team member has been dismissed from the team, they may not return to the team for the remainder of the school year. Students who are dismissed from the team are eligible to try out for the team the following year.
- A Dance Team member may only be placed on probation one time. Dismissal will result for any future violations that require a second probation.
- A fee breakdown will be provided to parents at the beginning of the season.
- Parent/guardian is solely responsible for all fees associated with the dancer being placed on either Dance Team.
- By signing the Constitution, the parent/guardian accepts full financial responsibility of all fees associated with being on the dance Team. Please consider this prior to committing to the Team.
- We want this experience to be a positive, rewarding one for all. The Coach is happy to explain questions about any fees required to be on Dance Team.
- West Forsyth staff and Coach(es) will do everything possible to keep you informed, and control costs as much as possible.
- Our primary source of communication will be via email.
- The Coach(es) and Captains will set up a group text with the dancers on team to communicate any important changes or details with dancers directly.
Dance Team Discipline Contract