Present : Cllrs. Mr. Truesdale (Chairman), Mr. Armitt, Mrs. Aston, Mr. Moore, Mr. Young
- New Applications
(a)11/01427 – Baghill Farm, 3 Station Road – demolition of section of wychert wall and erection of 1.2m fence.
Demolition of historic wall and replacement by fencing unacceptable in this location in the Conservation Area. A full report on the yew tree itself and on evidenced ground conditions would be welcome. It is not clear why the wall cannot be repaired and stabilised, or if necessary rebuilt, even if with blockwork and render in order to resemble the present wall.
(b)11/02103 – 19 Station Road – renovation of external skin, including replacement timber cladding, replacement rainwater goods, replacement of slate roof with zinc, insertion of insulation, replacement windows, rebuilding of external staircase and decking, installation of heating system, internal alterations and conversion of integral garage to living accommodation.
The Parish Council trusts that pre-application discussions have now resulted in compromise sufficient to enable renovation to proceed in a manner sympathetic to the building’s listed status.
(c)11/01501 – Townsend Garage, Townsend – demolition of garage and other buildings and erection of detached dwellinghouse and car part – amendment to 10/000646.
Support application.
(d)11/012345 – 1 The Closes – demolition of existing sun room and replacement with a single storey rear extension.
No objection.
(e)11/01640 – 21 Church End – erection of outbuilding – minor amended plan received.
No objection.
(f)11/01068 – 23 Gibson Lane – single storey side and rear extension – minor amended plan received.
No objection.
(g)11/02036 – 44 Station Road – demolition of existing dwelling and erection of block of five flats, comprising 4 x 2 bedroom and 1 x 1 bedroom with associated access, car parking, bike and bin stores.
(h)11/02037 – 44 Station Road – demolition of existing dwelling and erection of four dwellings, comprising 3 x 2 bedroom and 1 x 1 bedroom with associated access, car parking, bike and bin stores.
- The PC objects in principle to the wilful demolition of a perfectly sound house of local historical interest in an arts & crafts style of considerably more interest than the proposed replacements. No justification is offered for this destruction. In contrast to other developers, no attempt has been made by the developer to contact the PC at any stage.
- There has been a material change of circumstances since the previous application with the Government’s amendment to PPP3 enabling local planning authorities to resist garden land development. The PC looks to AVDC to uphold this.
- Both schemes proposed 7 parking spaces in a cramped area which fail to overcome the highway safety issues. The latter seem to the PC to be inevitable given the incidence of speeding by traffic entering the village at this point. Equally inevitable is the likelihood of unwelcome overspill parking either next door, or on the public highway – along with the expectation by residents affected that the PC should resolve the problem.
- The “tandem” layout of the 4 house scheme is unacceptable: it is simply over-development of the site, with confused building lines and the major massing at the rear of the plot.
- The flatted scheme has more merit in design terms – not least because in appearance it apes a single dwelling house. However, there is no disguising that this is a 3 storey block of flats, visually at odds with all its 2 storey neighbours, and simply not appropriate in the context of the village environment.
- The PC questions whether there is a demand for flatted accommodation. The PC notes that flats on the Wirethorn Furlong development have sold very slowly : 2 (of 6) remain unsold after nearly 2 years marketing.
- The existing building should be retained and renovated to provide an excellent family home. We look to AVDC to refuse both applications.
(i)11/01921 – Little Italy 7A FortEnd – change of use from A1 (retail) to B1 (Light industrial) to A3 (restaurants and cafes) – retrospective.
See attached response.
- Applications approved
(a)11/01320 – 15 Wykeham Way – garage conversion and extension.
(b)11/01454 – 102 Churchway – demolition of dwelling and erection of 2 detached houses with associated parking and landscaping.
(c)11/01524 – 5 Gibson Lane – insertion of roof light.
(d)11/01641 – 8 Fort End – raise crown and reduce one yew tree by 25%.
(e)11/01696 & 11/01697 – 4 Stockwell – reinstatement of roof and raising of chimney following fire damage.
(f)11/01644 – land to rear of 1 Fort End – new dwelling with detached garage and access.
(g)11/01722 – 13 Gibson Lane – pollard two willow trees.
3.Update on Vale of Aylesbury Plan – update to be put in Newsletter together with a questionnaire. Public Consultation day to be arranged for 3rd December.