Gardening Group Agenda Wednesday 21st September 2016

  1. Apologies; Helen Randall, Leigh Jennings.

Present:Brigid Scott Baker, Luis Rio (Ginkgo),Hugh Picton, Marilyn Buekett, Judith McCarthy,Elizabeth Campbell-Bevan, Pam Richardson, Elizabeth Lawrence, Jonathan Wheeldon.

BSB – Thanked all those present, and briefed the group on the plans and the areas that the gardeners will be concentrating on for the next 6 months.

Augustus Close entrance to the Dock – Replanting the junction with the High Street, possibly with ‘Red Robin’ more colour for the banked area and whips to be planted around the green waste area to hide the waste bags. MB,PR & JM all asked for more daffodils for the grass area, the group looked at the possibility of having a residents/children’s planting day, supervised by Ginkgo to plant daffodils.

Syon wall path–BSB noted that the grass in this area had recovered well and it was proposed to plant shrubs on the bank, particularly Camellia. ECB was worried that Camellia may be the wrong plants as they need water, it was thought that with high tides they would be Ok and they would be watered anyway until they were established.

Boiler room bed – This is going to be improved by splitting plants and trying to achieve a mirrored effect. Plants were discussed for this area but the conclusion was that it is so dry due to the boiler extraction fans in this area that the number of plants that would be successful was very limited.

The group then discussed other matters

Numa Court Canal Entrance 3 – JM asked what was being considered for this area to break-up the concrete wall following the removal of the large plants that used to be there. BSB said that this would have to be out of a different budget to the gardening allowance as it would be too expensive. LR said that he had quoted for building a sleeper bed to grow plants in about a year ago and he would forward that quote. JM and other Numa Ct residents asked if ‘passion flowers’ and ‘clematis’ of various kinds could be grown. LR said that they would need wire support to be fixed to the wall. This would need board approval.

ECB asked why the new lavender in the planters by the marina looked so poor, BSB said that this was due to a fungal infection and alternative plants would be considered. The pros and cons of bay or olive trees were also discussed but without consensus being reached.

HP asked if consideration could be given to recycling the green waste on the Dock. LR said that it was not feasible to produce good quality compost here, but explained that all our green waste went to a recycling company and was turned into compost.

ECB asked about the removal of the terracotta pots and the reasoning behind it, BSB and JW gave a brief overview but suggested that this was not the forum to discuss this historical matter.

HP asked on behalf of LJ if it was OK for Leigh to continue gardening the planters in front of Romulus Court – this was agreed.

HP also asked what was happening with the Romulus Court canal side planters and the decision to plant ‘Vinca’ rather than annual bedding plants. It was explained that this decision was made last year; MB thought the ‘Vinca’ was the wrong plant as it was not doing well. LR said that the ‘Vinca’ that had died would be replaced, but that they would be a good choice once they were established.

The group wish to thank Ginkgo for the condition and overall look of the grounds and for the way Ginkgo work with residents to improve the gardens year on year.

PR – asked if a sign could be placed by the rose garden canal side by Dock Road requesting dog owners to refrain from letting their dogs urinate on plants as they were being killed. JW said he would put something in the newsletter and consider a sign.

JM asked if the area between the carpark and canal side footpath between Numa and Julius could be tidied up. LR said that this was already in hand.

HP asked if a final decision had been made about the greenhouse as it was looking very scruffy. BSB said that it would be going but a smaller replacement would be available if requested. HP suggested a resident’s greenhouse ‘clear out’ day, this was agreed as a good idea.

Meeting closed at 7.30pm.