Garage doors are starting to look a little rusty, dirty, and some of the trim is falling off. I think we should be proactive about their repair to avoid major work in the future.

Action taken:

The rear chain in the parking lot looks terrible with the cone under it, can we replace the chair and maybe put a reflective sleeve over it. Just to make it look cleaner and better.

Action taken:

Landscaping: We are way behind and it does not seem that the company doing it knows much about landscaping. Took 2 weeks to put mulch down. Was done in 1 hour last year. Grass has not been treated, old plants have not been removed. We should invest a little more effort in this to maintain the buildings appeal and have professionals taking care of the work.

Action taken: Trustees will meet on this. Walter & Kirks suggestions are appreciated. S&K has more work to do asap if they will in fact will continue to landscape for us. Why are dead plants still in ground?

Rental units: this is becoming an issue. Too many rented units. This will hurt our ability to get financing and already hurting the way the building / area looks. More kids, more noise. I think we should do a survey of all units and find a way to stick to our 3 rental unit policy. There has to be a better way to manage this.

Action taken: Trustees will meet on this. Walter & Kirks suggestions are appreciated.

165 Mail Room Door: They replaced the lock on this door years ago and the inside was never covered up. We need to get a stainless plate to put under the lock to cover the hole and the wood

Action taken:

Vinyl floor between unit 7 and unit 12: The floor is in really bad shape. Peeling away from the concrete by the mail room, bubbling up in other areas, ripped in others, … can we look into some options to fix/replace this. I'd even be willing to pay to tile/do something a little more appealing if that's at all possible. (ALSO in front of mail room at 165...replace it altogether)

Action taken:

Trash room @ 165, can we replace the light switch with a timed motion sensor like at 163. This way the light isn't always left on or off.

Action taken:

Trash room, summer is coming and this room always smells terrible. We once discussed putting in a fan or an opening to the outside. Can we re-discuss this option?

Action taken: Will leave the door open to ventilate.

Can we sweep or power wash the garage floor then repaint the parking spot numbers?

Action taken:

Will you send out invoices for monthly fees? Have not seen one for May.


We need to have someone look at the crumbling concrete along walkways and railings.

Action taken:

Timers on outside lights need adjusting.

Action taken: