Mapleton City Council Minutes


May5, 2015

Tax Equalization Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance

Call to order 6:08pm

Present:Mayor Hillman, Council Members, Johnson,Pederson, Odegaard,& Lund

Others present: Bruce Dockter (Comstock) Harold (Accountant) Brandon(Moore Eng.) Sarah Wear (Ohnstad) Jay (P & Z) Jerry V (Park) Kayla (MVFD), Duane, & Cody.

MotionPedersonapprove agenda, 2ndLundRCV/MC

Motion Odegaard approve consent agenda:Minutes 4/7/15, bills paid April, billsto be paid May: Agricredit $18,703.64; Amazon $48.12; AmeriPride $218.30; Bergeson N. $226.50;BCBS $1865.96; C Brodal $314.60; CC Government $1636.08; CC Reporter$52.56; CRW $5,750.00; Charlie & Sons $232.00; City of Fargo $14.00; CNHI $28.60; Cross, $27.70; Dietz, M $27.70; D Wacker $9.65; Dakota Fence $4513.00; Doug’s Repair $100.; Farnam’s $96.22;1st Int Bank $19,549.24; Gordy’s $123.24; Hillman $120.06; Johnson & Johnson Ins $14.00; Lund $96.96; M Hinschberger $76.44; McCoy $27.70; Menards $33.34; Metro Disposal $4072.40; Network Center $128.52; NW Tire $15.32; Otter Tail $2,499.70 & 21.59; Pederson $96.96;RR Management $691.23; Reardon $167.78; Ryan, J $27.70; USPS $112.00 & 112.54.Financials prior to accountant review,Central Cass Booster Club local permit authorization, 2ndPederson. RCV/MC

Forestry: Mary - presented plans, removal & planting bids for 5 grants

Sheriff Report: introduced Corporal Wiedenman

P & Z: Jay –reviewed minutes. Waste Management access, now changed – driveway entrance width wider than ordinance concern - referring back to P & Z. Also water line under city right of way being used for proposed employee parking – not typical.

312 3rd St driveway extension approved.

Permit #5 not approved issues with codes & work prior to permit.

P & Z not in favor of “Special Request” Permits being issued (1 time exception-apartment building) MG 2nd, work started, no approved permit apartment.

City Engineer: Brandon O

Levee Recert. #2012-1

Motion Johnson,Industrial Builders pay #4 - $15,346.64 2ndLundRCV/MC

Motion Johnson, Moore Inv 9998 - $6391.55 2nd Odegaard RCV/MC

1st Ave SE Extsn 2012-5

Motion Lund,change order #1 - $1560.00 2ndOdegaardRCV/MC

Motion Odegaard, Pay # 1 - $11,056.50 2nd Pederson RCV/MC

Motion Lund, Material Testing for concrete work - agreement with NTI –Est. $2500.00 2nd Johnson RCV/MC

Motion Johnson, Moore Inv 10001 - $2332.92 2nd Odegaard RCV/MC

MG 2nd - Sw Wtr Strt Imp Dist 2013-1

Council understood April 1 start date for project, even with extension granted, now saying July 13.

April 22nd KPH was mailed request for schedule, not received.

Motion Odegaard, Moore Inv 10006 - $2602.50 2nd Johnson RCV/MC

Original Town site - Public informational meeting May 21 @ 7 pm

Drainage Ordinance - Motion Lund, Moore Inv 10003 - $1345.00 2nd Johnson RCV/MC

City Attorney– Sara M

Working on drainage ordinance w Brandon.

Utility line in sewer line - Settlement agreement name changes to be made.

Ashmoor Glen - Double stubbed lots & curb stop abandonment in process.

Accountant - Harold

Defibrillator Kit – no need - MVFD has one.

Cemetery metalsigns posted at 3 entrances. See attached. Bylaws to come.

Nuisances, junk, unlicensed vehicles, etc. – Duane & Cody will drive city – letters will be sent.

Happy Days 21 & 22 – Fire Chief asking if city will furnish hot dogs to sell. Kevin will check if Sysco will donate.

Maple River antenna control box access - new water tower– no keys issued - contact city PW.

225 MPB resident request to til and plant grass in city right of way by ditch - city will provide seed – under direction of PW.

Parking ticket & unauthorized access to be enforced with attorney assistance.

Old pump house needs painting.

Cody passed both state wastewater tests.

MotionJohnson, adjourn 2ndLund.


Mayor, Eric HillmanAttest:Cody Brodal

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