Thursday, January 3, 2013

4:30 p.m.

Present: Berlin, Conolly, Hunigan, McDonald, Muelder, Peterson, Phillips, Reichel. [8]


Also present: Corine Andersen (City Council Liaison), Harriett Zipfel (Library Director), Jane Easterly (Assistant Director), and Nancy Terpening (Library Staff).


Present Reichel called the regular monthly meeting of the Galesburg Public Library Board of Trustees to order at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 3, 2013.


It was noted that Lohan Anderson was not asked to participate in the design competition as reported in the December 6, 2012 minutes.

Phillips made a motion to approve as corrected the minutes of the December 6, 2012 regular board meeting. Hunigan seconded. There was voice vote approval.

Peterson made a motion to approve the minutes as written of the December 18, 2012 special board meeting. Phillips seconded. There was voice vote approval.


Peterson presented the list of expenses, add-ons, and estimated payroll. He was very encouraged by the expenses versus budget comparison. There are still some bills to be applied to last year’s budget.

Peterson made a motion to approve the payment of the list of bills and estimated payroll in the amount of $77,427.43, add-ons in the amount of $15,267.22 plus petty cash expenditures in the amount of $513.29. Berlin seconded.

Roll Call #1.

Ayes: Berlin, Conolly, Hunigan, McDonald, Muelder, Peterson, Phillips, Reichel. [8]

Nays: None.

Absent: None.

President Reichel declared the motion carried.


Building Committee: Chairperson Hunigan reported that the committee had not met.

Personnel Committee: Chairperson Phillips reported that the committee had not met.

Finance Committee: Chairperson Peterson reported that the committee had not met.

Policy Committee: Chairperson McDonald reported that the committee had not met.

Construction Committee: Chairperson Reichel reported the committee met on December 26, 2012 to discuss the building grant application and the upcoming interviews with construction managers. The committee decided to proceed with the grant application. The interviews are scheduled for next week. All board members were invited and encouraged to attend.

Friends Coordinating Committee: Ms. Zipfel reported that the Friends had not met.

GPL Foundation: The Foundation board did not meet. Money given for Mike Kroll’s memorial and any other money given for the new library will be placed in a fund with the foundation.

Muelder made a motion to move into Executive session to discuss security. Hunigan seconded. There was voice vote approval.

Moved into executive session to discuss security.

Phillips made a motion to reconvene in regular session. Peterson seconded. There was voice vote approval.

Muelder made a motion to uphold with assurance to letter writer that the board could reconsider with evidence of reliable change in behavior. Hunigan seconded. There was voice vote approval.

Hunigan made a motion to un-table motion from previous meeting moving unexpended funds to special reserve fund. Phillips seconded. There was voice vote approval.

Ms. Zipfel said that there will be excess funds after all 2012 expenses are paid. Reichel said that we will need to move the unexpended funds once expenses are paid.

Muelder made a motion to move unexpended funds to the special reserve fund after all expenses are paid. Peterson seconded.

Roll Call #2.

Ayes: Berlin, Conolly, Hunigan, McDonald, Muelder, Peterson, Phillips, Reichel. [8]

Nays: None.

Absent: None.

President Reichel declared the motion carried.

President Reichel asked the board to consider using some funds from the special reserve fund (formerly long-term capital improvement fund) for expenditures associated with the new library construction project.

Phillips made a motion to approve using special reserve fund for expenditures associated with the new library construction. Peterson seconded.

Roll Call #3.

Ayes: Berlin, Conolly, Hunigan, McDonald, Muelder, Peterson, Phillips, Reichel. [8]

Nays: None.

Absent: None.

President Reichel declared the motion carried.


Ms. Zipfel reported that an employee tripped on her own feet, hit her forehead on a pole and fell. She was sent to the emergency room and is fine. A worker’s compensation claim will be filed.

A heat control valve was installed in the director’s office.

The City Council approved the library’s original budget so no amendments are needed to the budget.

Ms. Zipfel received a letter from an attorney regarding a collection letter received from Unique Collection. The board discussed this matter. Ms. Zipfel will send a letter to the attorney.

Libraries are now required to certify annually in order to be a system member. Our certification must be completed by March 31, 2013.

The Illinois Public Library Annual Report (IPLAR) is due to the State Library by the end of February.

The City Council will vote to transfer property to the library on February 4, 2013.

Phillips made a motion to adjourn. Muelder seconded. There was voice vote approval.
