
Chapter 4.3.6

GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries

Liabilities: Long-Term Debt Obligations

1GAAP Policies and Procedures

Below are the main financing sources that mainly comprise the Long-Term Debt Obligations in the Statement of Net Position and related policies and procedures.

Systemwide Revenue Bond Program

The Systemwide Revenue Bond Act of 1947 (the “Act”) provides the CSU Trustees (Trustees) with the ability to issue revenue bonds to fund specific self-supporting programs. The statute has enabled the Trustees to finance student housing, student unions, parking facilities, health facilities, continuing education facilities, and designated auxiliary organization facilities.

The Systemwide Revenue Bond program, formerly the Housing Revenue Bond program, was approved by the Trustees in fiscal year 2003. This program provides funding for various construction projects, including student residence and dining halls facilities, continuing education buildings, student unions, parking facilities, health facilities, and auxiliary organization facilities at certain campuses within the University system as specified by the individual bond documents. It is designed to provide lower cost debt and greater flexibility to finance revenue bond projects at the University. Rather than relying on specific pledged revenues to support specific debt obligations, this program pools several sources of revenue as the pledge for the revenue-producing projects.

In June 2014, the State enacted legislation that granted additional capital financing authorities to the University. These new authorities include the ability to pledge the University’s annual general fund support appropriation less the amount of that appropriation required to meet State general obligation bond payments and State Public Works Board capital lease payments to secure the payment of debt obligations issued by the University pursuant to the Act. No more than 12 percent of the University’s annual general fund support appropriation, less the amount of that appropriation required to meet State general obligation bond payments and State Public Works Board capital lease payments, may be used for debt service for, or to directly fund certain capital expenditures.

The University records the principal and related premium or discount as “Long-Term Debt Obligations”. The related premium and discount are amortized over the life of the debt. Liabilities that are reasonably can be expected, as part of normal University business operation, to be liquidated within 12 months of the Statement of Net Position date are considered to be current.

The SRB program refinances outstanding bonds by issuing new bonds. Two reasons for refunding: to reduce the interest expense or to remove the restrictive covenant imposed by the terms of the bonds being refinanced. The proceeds of the new bonds are either deposited in escrow to pay the debt service on the old bonds when due (an advance refunding) or used to promptly (typically within 90 days) retire the outstanding bonds (a current refunding). Both current and advance refunding result to defeasance of debt. The carrying value of the refunded bonds are removed in the books of the University and the new bond with its related premium or discount is recorded.

The difference between the reacquisition price and the net carrying amount of the old debt should be reported as a deferred outflows of resources (loss on debt refunding) or a deferred inflows of resources (gain on debt refunding), and recognized as a component of interest expense in a systematic and rational manner over the remaining life of the old debt or the life of the new debt, whichever is shorter. Refer to Chapter 4, Deferred Outflows and Inflows of Resourcesfor similar discussion.

Bond Anticipation Notes (BANs)

The Trustees have authorized the issuance of BANs to provide short term financing to the University for certain projects. The BANs are purchased by the CSU Institute (Institute) with proceeds from the commercial paper issued by the Institute. The BANs are generally issued for periods of up to three years in anticipation of issuing permanent revenue bonds at a future date. State law was amended in 2008 to allow BAN maturities to extend beyond three years and the maturity date for the issuance of BANs to be determined by the Trustees. In fiscal year 2010, the Trustees authorized three projects for financing with maturities beyond three years and they will remain in BANs until the debt is retired. BAN interest is variable and changes based upon the cost of the Institute’s commercial paper program.

Liabilities that are reasonably can be expected, as part of normal University business operation, to be liquidated within 12 months of the Statement of Net Position date are considered to be current.

General Obligation Bond Program

The General Obligation Bond program of the State has provided capital outlay funds for the three segments of California Higher Education through voterapproved bonds. Each of the approved bond programs provides a pool of available funds, which is allocated on a projectbyproject basis among the University, the University of California, and the Community Colleges. Financing provided to the University through State of California General Obligation Bonds is not allocated to the University by the State. This long-term debt remains the obligation of the State and is funded by state tax revenues.

In the State Budget Act for Fiscal Year 2015, the State included in the general fund support state appropriation the amount to pay the general obligation bond debt service attributable to the University’s capital projects financed by capital outlay funds. The long-term debt, as mentioned above, remains the obligation of the State. The receipt and payment of general funds for general obligation debt service are recognized as revenue and expense, respectively, in the books of the University. This is recorded centrally at the Office of the Chancellor.

2Relevant Accounting Literature

  • GASB Statement No. 34 Basic Financial Statements – and Management’s Discussion and Analysis – for State and Local Government
  • GASB Statement No. 65Items Previously Reported as Assets and Liabilities paragraph 6 and paragraph 14
  • Concepts Statement No. 4Elements of Financial Statements

3Objectives of GAAP Adjustments

SRB and BAN Related GAAP Adjustments (via CO pass down schedules)

  • To record additions to long-term debt including principal and net premium or discount for new issuance of bonds and BANs.
  • To record current year BAN activities such as rollover of interest payments.
  • To record current year principal payments of long-term debt for bonds and BANs.
  • To record current or advance debt refunding of long-term debt for bonds.
  • To record amortization of net premium or discount.
  • To reclassify the current portion of the long-term debt obligations as of year-end.
  • To reclassify a portion of the long-term debt obligations equivalent to spent proceeds to purchase or construct capital assets from restricted net position to net investment in capital assets, net position as of year-end.
  • Note: The accounting records for the SRB debt and BANs are maintained by the CO during the fiscal year and then passed down to the campuses as GAAP manual adjustments.Refer to Chapter 5, GAAP Adjustments or Reclassifications that Require Information from CO.

GAAP Adjustments Not Passed Down by CO

  • To reclassify the proceeds from new campus originated debt as derived from legal basis into long-term debt obligations account (if legal object code does not automatically map to long-term debt obligations).
  • To reclassify current year principal payments of long-term debt for bonds recorded in legal as an expense into a reduction of the long-term debt obligations account.
  • To reclassify the current portion of the long-term debt obligations as of year-end.
  • To reclassify additional portion of the long-term debt obligationsequivalent to spent proceeds to purchase or construct capital assets from restricted net position to net investment in capital assets, net position as of year-end.

4GAAP Accounting Treatment And Journal Entries

4.1RelatedGAAP Account(s)

712107–Long-term debt obligations – current portion

712205 – Long-term debt obligations – net of current portion

GAAP Accounting Treatment

4.2SRB Passdown Schedule

All transactions related to SRB debt and BANs are accounted for in the CO’s legal ledger. As such, during GAAP reporting period, the CO sends the SRB passdown schedules to campus so they can record the transactions in their GAAP ledger. The passed down transactions are reversed in CO’s books to facilitate the consolidation.

Below is a list of the information included in the SRB passdown schedule:

a.Long-Term Debt Rollforward– This tab shows the rollforward activities from prior year-end to current year-end by SRB program (i.e., Parking, housing, Union, Auxiliary, CERF, and Health Center) and by project which include additions, reductions of the following:

a)Long-term debt obligations principal

b)Long-term debt obligations net premium/discount

c)Unamortized loss/gain on debt refunding

The information is used to complete Note 8.1 input sheet in YES (TM1) reporting package.

b.Amortization Schedule – This tab shows the amortization schedule for the net premium/discount and loss/gain on debt refunding for the life of the debt by project by fiscal year. The net premium/discount is amortized over the life of the debt and charged as an adjustment to interest expense. The loss/gain on debt refunding is amortized over the life of the old debt or the new debt, whichever is shorter.

c.Footnote Schedule – This tab shows the following information by projectrelated to the campus SRB debt:

  • Interest rate range (high and low)
  • Fiscal year maturity date
  • Original issue amount
  • Amount outstanding
  • Future principal payments by fiscal year
  • Future interest payments by fiscal year

d.Journal Entries– This tabs lists all the GAAP journal entries that campus should record as they relate to the SRB debt and BANs. It covers all transactions related to the debt, investment held by CO, debt services, investment income. Although the entries are provided by CO, each campus should review them for accuracy prior to booking in the ledger. Campus should understand the objective of each entry and be able to perform its own reconciliation.

e.Check - This tab acts as a tie-point to make sure that the journal entries prepared as a result of the transactions during the year will agree to the expected account balance in the rollforward tab.

f.Rollforward of Investments Held in State Funds 0576 and 0578 – This tab shows the investment activities within the CSU funds in State Funds 0576 and 0578. The proceeds from bond and BAN issuances are held in State Fund 0576 and campus withdraws funds during construction of capital asset. The debt service activities are in held State Fund 0578. Some of the activities are already booked by the campus in legal ledger while the others are through passdown journal entries.All the transactions are presented in this tab to determine the ending balances of Investment in State Funds 0576 and 0578 which are reported in Note 3.2 of the YES (TM1) reporting package as Investment Held by CO.

g.SCF – This tab shows the details of the amounts that will be used by campuses in completing their statement of cash flows:

a)Amount paid to escrow related to refunding.

b)Purchases and sales related to 0576/0578 investment in SMIF.

h.Loss on Debt Refunding Calculation – This tab shows the calculation of the loss on debt refunding for all current and advanced refunding by project. This tab will only be available if there are debt refunding in the current year.

i.Sources and Uses – This tab shows the breakdown of the sources and uses of the funds received as a result of a new debt or a refunding of debt.

  • Debt proceeds that are not related to the capital asset (e.g. unexpended portion of bond proceeds, non-capitalizable expenses or debt service costs) should not be recorded in fund 0997.501 to avoid understating the net investment in capital assets.
  • For both the BAN and SRB, campuses must analyze the interest expense and investment income passed down from the CO to determine how much, if any, of the interest expense in excess of investment income should be capitalized towards the cost of each project’s CWIP. Refer to Chapter 4 Capital Assets, Depreciation and Amortization.
  • Please note that pre-2008, the proceeds from SRB issuances used to finance capital assets of auxiliary organization or refund bonds originally issued by auxiliaries are covered by a capital lease agreement between the campus and auxiliary organization. The campus shall carry the long-term debt obligations and capital lease receivable. Refer to Chapter 4, Receivables, for accounting treatment for capital lease receivable.
  • Post-2008,the proceeds from SRB issuances used to finance capital assets of auxiliary organization or refund bonds originally issued by auxiliaries are covered by a note agreement between the CSUTrustees and auxiliary organization. The CO (as the headquarters) shall carry the long-term debt obligations and note receivable.

5Reference Tools

5.1Tables of Object code and CSU Fund Definitions

Appendix 19, Table of Object Code Definition/Table of CSU Fund Definitions and Authorities


Systemwide Passdown Schedules

Revision Control

Document Title:Chapter 4.3.6 – GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Liabilities: Long-Term Debt Obligations

Revision and Approval History

Section(s) Revised / Summary of Revisions / Revision Date
4.2 / Added additional description to the sections of the passdown schedules. / April 2017
New in FY14/15 / April 2015
4.03.6-1 / GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Liabilities: Long-Term Debt Obligations | June 30, 2018