Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) FY 2017
Name of Grant Program: Integrated Education and Training/ IntegratedEnglish Literacy and Civics Education / Fund Code: 686/359a
Applicants are required to provide page numbers on every page of the proposal, including appendices and material not subject to the page limits. All narrative responses must be in Arial 10 point font, with 1" margins.
Please indicate in Part I whether applying for an Integrated Education and Training (IET) or Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IEL/CE) grant or both (if both, provide separate budgets for each program). Narrative responses may not exceed six(6) pages per proposed program. If submitting proposals for both an IET and an IEL/CE program, narrative responses may not exceed twelve (12) pages. Responses to Section IV(Program Design) and Section V (Budget) are not included in the page limit. Additional attachments will not be reviewed.
Applications are eligible to earn 100 points.
- Provide an overview of the proposed project(s). Describe the proposed integration of education and training components, specifically, how educational supports will be combined with skills training to meet both employer and student needs. What industry-recognized credential(s)will be earned? Include:
- A Timeline
- Number of participants (ABE for IET; ESOL for IEL/CE)
- Student and program outcomes (20 points)
NOTE: If the proposal intends to supplement an existing or pre-existing program, describe all modifications (e.g., target population, curriculum, outcomes).
- Please list and give a brief summary of each participating organization, including employers and workforce partners, and their roles in the proposed project.Give a detailed account of how the organizations will partner to develop and deliver the IET programming. (10 points)
- Identify the regional employment needs where services will be offered and identify the specific occupation or occupational clusterthat will inform your IET or IEL/CE project. Describe the skill needs of these occupations.(5points)
- Identify the target population (ABE or ESOL). Describethe process to recruit, identify, assess,and select students.(5points)
- Describe the integrated instructional model and support services (e.g. advising, tutoring, retention support) to be implemented. If needed, please refer to the Community College Research Center’s typology of integration (page 20). (30 points)
- Identify a lead person for the IET initiative. Describe this person’s experience running IET and/or IEL/CE or similar programs. Additional hours may be provided to an appropriate staff person such as an instructor, advisor, coordinator, or the ABE Director for these purposes. (5 points)
- Describe the planned outcomes and measures that will be used to evaluate the program, identifyingwho will be involved in the evaluation process. (5points)
IV. PROGRAM DESIGN:(10 points)
All applicants must include a chart that shows the class schedule with the hours, days, and weeks for the grant period.
V. BUDGET–(10 points)
Applicants must submit a budget for FY 2017 (September 1, 2016–August 31, 2017).
Applicants are advised to refer to the ESE Grants Management Procedural Manual at to the Fund Use section of the RFP for guidance.
- Budget Narrative: Submit a detailed budget narrative that provides an explanation foreachproposed expenditure.
At the top of the budget narrative, clearly indicate how the applicant agency defines full-time, in terms of the hours per week and weeks per year that determine the total number of annual paid hours for full-time staff.
The budget narrative must correspond to the line item sequence in the Part II Project Expenditures budget detail pages (see Required Forms section of the RFP). The budget narrative must clearly explain each expenditure in the budget forms. For example, the narrative should: briefly summarize the scope of work, hourly rate of pay and annual paid hours for each staff person, with more detail regarding paid staff for whom job descriptions are not provided; itemize the specific costs included in the fringe rate; and, fully explain each proposed non-personnel expenditure.
- Match Narrative: Provide a separate but equally detailed match narrative that describes matching resources consistent with the purpose, priorities, and fund use of this grant program. Identify the source of all matching funds.
IET/IEL/CE grant applicants must provide fully auditable matching resources for each year of the multi-year grant equal to at least 20% of the initial grant award.
The match narrative must correspond to the line item sequence of the Part II Project Expenditures budget detail pages.
- Required Budget Forms: Enter the dollar values of the proposed grant expenditures onto the appropriate budget lines in the Part II Project Expenditures budget detail pages. Enter the dollar values of the proposed grant expenditures and match into Columns A and B in the appropriate budget lines on Schedule B. Round all figures to whole dollar amounts. See the Required Forms section of the RFP.
Use the applicant agency’s definition of full-time employment as a basis for calculating Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) for all salaried staff on both forms.
Note regarding required audit: The copy of the applying agency's latest audit report, submitted as required with the CommunityAdultLearningCenter application, meets the requirement. No additional copy is required with the response to this RFP.
FY 2017 Integrated Education and Training/Integrated English Literacy and EL Civics Fund Code: 686/359a