
Self Supporting Budget Request Instructions

When completing your Fiscal Year 2015-16 Self Supporting Budget Request you will be utilizing the following:

·  FY2015-16 Self Supporting Budget Request Memo

·  FY16 Self Supporting Budget Req Template or FY16 Self Supporting Budget Request Template – Lab Fees

·  Organization Summary by Object from the Financial Data Warehouse (DW)

·  Fringe Benefits Schedule

·  Revenue/Object Code List

·  List of Accounts

In addition, you will receive the following reports which directly apply to your account(s).

·  General Operating and Travel Expenditures Report

·  Positions By Account Number

FY16 Self Supporting Budget Request Tab


·  Enter Account Title

·  Enter Account Number – (fund-agency-org)

·  Enter Account Manager – Persons with primary responsibility for account or primary signature authority

·  Enter date

Completing the FY14 Actual Column

·  Open the Data Warehouse report, Organization Summary by Object. Please refer to the following link:

o  After signing in with your User Name and Password follow the instructions on the illustration below:

Please note - data from this report will be used to complete the FY14 Actual column, FY15 Projected column and FY16 Requested Budget Column.

·  Select Fiscal Year: “2014” and “13 (Year End)”. Enter account number with no dashes.

The numbers on the illustration below refer to instructions 1-3.

1.  From Appropriation Cash Balance Section of the Organization Summary by Object report, enter the Beginning Cash Balance in the Beginning Cash Balance cell of the FY14 Actual column.

2.  From the Revenue Budget Summary section of the Organization Summary by Object report, enter data from the Revenues Year-to-Date column, for each applicable revenue source, in the FY14 Actual Column.

3.  From the Expense Budget Summary section of the Organization Summary by Object report, enter data from the Expenditures Year-to-Date column, for each applicable object code, in the FY14 Actual Column.

Please note that the Ending Balance in the FY14 Actual Column should equal the Balance in the Appropriation Cash Balance section of the Organization Summary by Object report.

FY15 Projected Tab
Data entered into the FY15 Projected tab will automatically fill in data on the FY15 Projected column of the FY15 Self Supporting Budget Req tab.

·  Click on FY15 Projected Tab.

·  Open the Data Warehouse report, Organization Summary by Object.

·  Select Fiscal Year: “2015” and “8 (February)”. Enter account number with no dashes.

The numbers on the illustration below refer to instructions 4-9.

4.  From the Revenue Budget Summary section of the Organization Summary by Object report, enter data from the Current Budget column, for each applicable revenue source, into the FY15 Budgeted column. [The Beginning Cash Balance in the FY15 Budgeted column will equal Revenue Source 97 (Balance Forward) from the Current Budget column in the Revenue Budget Summary section of the Organization Summary by Object report.]

5.  From the Expense Budget Summary section of the Organization Summary by Object report, enter data from the Current Budget column, for each applicable object code, from the FY15 Budgeted column. [The Ending Balance in the FY15 Budgeted column will equal Object Code 79 (reserves) from the Current Budget Column on the Expense Budget Summary section of the Organization Summary by Object report.

6.  From Appropriation Cash Balance Section of the Organization Summary by Object report, enter the Beginning Cash Balance into the Beginning Cash Balance cell of the FY15 Year-to-Date column.

7.  From the Revenue Budget Summary section of the Organization Summary by Object enter data from the Revenues Year-to-Date column, for each applicable revenue source, in the FY15 Year-to-Date column.

8/9. From the Expense Budget Summary section of the Organization Summary by Object,
total the amounts from both the Outstanding Encumbrances column (8) and the
Expenditures Year-to-Date column (9), for each applicable object code. Enter the totals
into the FY15 Year-to-Date column.

FY15 Anticipated Revenue and Expenditures column

·  Enter anticipated revenues for the remainder of FY15, in the FY15 Anticipated Revenue column, for each applicable revenue sources.

·  Enter anticipated expenditures for the remainder of FY15, in the FY15 Anticipated Expenditures column, for each applicable object code.

·  The FY15 Year-To-Date column and the FY15 Anticipated Revenue and Expenditure will automatically be added to the FY15 Projected Column.

·  The ending balance in the FY15 projected column will automatically calculate into the Beginning Cash Balance of the FY16 Requested Budget column on the FY16 Self Supporting Budget Request Tab.

FY16 Student Fee Revenues Tab

Fee revenues will need to be calculated using the FY16 Student Fee Revenue tab. In order to complete this tab, you will need to identify courses, fee amounts, students per section and number of sections. A Special Course Fee spreadsheet has been provided by Institutional Research. Please use this data to project your student enrollment numbers for FY16. The special course fee spreadsheet includes final data for Fall 2012 - Fall 2015, as well as Spring 2015 enrollment numbers to date. The course list is rolled up by Discipline and the amount of the Special Course Fee that is assessed. For instance, we currently offer 64 Art courses; in 57 of those courses we assess a $20 lab fee; in 7 of the courses, the fee is $25. In the spreadsheet, you will see two rows for ART: enrollment for the 57 courses at $20 and enrollment for the 7 courses at $25.

·  Enter Course/Discipline by course fee in the Discipline/Course Number column.

·  Enter Fee amount for course in the Fee column.

·  Enter number of students in each course in the Number of Students by Course/Discipline column.

·  Student Fee Revenues will calculate automatically into the Total Revenue column

o  Repeat these steps for each discipline/course for FY16.

o  Student fee revenues will calculate automatically into the Student Fee (68 and 69) cells on the FY16 Self Supporting Budget tab.

FY16 Sales and Services Tab

Sales and service revenues will need to be calculated using the FY16 Sales and Service worksheet. You will need to identify activity, rate, and number of units.

·  Enter each activity in the Activity column.

·  Enter rate for each activity in the Rate column.

·  Enter number of units for each activity in the Unit column.

·  Sales and Services Revenues will calculate automatically into the Total Revenue column.

o  Repeat these steps for each activity for FY16.

o  Sales and services revenues will calculate automatically into the Sales and Services (78 and 79) cells on the FY16 Self Supporting Budget tab.

FY16 Salary and Fringe Detail Tab

Professional and Classified

·  Using the Position by Account Number report; distributed to Account Managers, verify all professional and classified positions currently assigned to the account.

·  Enter total FTE, Salary and Fringe amounts for Professional and Classified employees as listed on the Position by Account Number.

LOA (Flat Rate of Pay)

·  Enter name of employee in the Name of Employee column. If name of employee is unknown, type “unknown”.

·  Enter flat rate salary for each employee in the Flat Rate column. Fringe will be automatically calculated.

LOA (Adjunct Rate)

·  Enter name of employee in the Name of Employee column. If name of employee is unknown, type “unknown”.

·  Enter hourly rate of pay for each employee in the Adjunct Rate column.

·  Enter number of hours employee is expected to work for FY16 for each employee in the No. of Hours column.

·  Total LOA (Adjunct Rate) salary will automatically calculate. Fringe will be automatically calculated.


·  Enter name of employee in the Name of Employee column. If name of employee is unknown, type “unknown”.

·  Enter hourly rate of pay for each employee in the Hourly Rate column.

·  Enter number of hours employee is expected to work for the FY16 for each employee in the No. of Hours column.

·  Total Wage salary will automatically calculate. Fringe will be automatically calculated.

Total salary and fringe for each of the above employee types will automatically calculate and be entered into the FY16 Self Supporting Budget Request tab.

FY16 Expense Detail Tab


·  Enter operating expense description.

·  Enter estimate of projected expenditures for FY16.

·  Classified personnel assessment is calculated at .61% of classified salary expense for FY16. This amount will automatically calculate in the FY16 budget column of the FY16 Expense Detail worksheet. This expense is assessed by the Nevada Department of Personnel and posts to the account annually.

Out- of-State Travel

·  Enter travel expense description.

·  Enter estimate of projected expenditures for FY16.

In-State Travel

·  Enter travel expense description.

·  Enter estimate of projected expenditures for FY16.

o  Please note: Lab Fee accounts do not have In-State Travel expenditures.

Revenue Detail Tab

Please note that on the FY16 Self Supporting Budget Req tab (under the FY16 Requested Budget column) revenues for several revenue codes will need to be input directly. Please provide detail on the Revenue Detail tab. The amounts provided on the Revenue Detail tab must directly tie to the request on the FY16 Self Supporting Budget Req tab. Examples of revenues for which detail is required are Gifts, Indirect Cost, Investment Income, Voluntary Transfers In, etc. These can be identified as the cells highlighted in blue.

Expenditure Detail Tab

Please note that on the FY16 Self Supporting Budget Req tab (under the FY16 Requested Budget column) expenditures for several object codes will need to be input directly. Please provide detail on the Expenditure Detail tab. The amounts provided on the Expenditure Detail tab must directly tie to the request on the FY16 Self Supporting Budget Req tab. Examples of expenditures for which detail is required are Recharge, Scholarships, Voluntary Transfers Out, etc. These can be identified as the cells highlighted in green.

Additional Instructions

·  All cells highlighted in yellow are automatically calculated or picked up from other tabs. These fields have been protected and you will not be able to enter data into them.

·  Please do not copy and paste as it may overwrite formulas in cells.

·  Do not delete any tabs. If tabs are not needed, please skip them.

·  Preparer of the FY16 Self Supporting Budget Request will need to sign and date form.

·  FY16 Self Supporting Budget Request will need to be reviewed and approved by VP, AVP, Dean or Director.