FY11CS ES&H Roll-Up Assessment
Dates covered / 10/01/10 – 09/30/11Division/Section/Center / Computing Sector
Author / Amy Pavnica
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OSHA Style Inspections / There were four FSO/Management inspections through all of the CS areas. All findings (one being a category 2) have been closed.
The Computing Sector conducted two Highly Protected Risk (HPR) Inspections, one in FCC and one in GCC. There were 11 findings in all, 9 of which have been closed. None of the findings were serious enough to be categorized as a 1 or 2.
Mandatory Topical Area
Management Assessments / What management assessments did you do? See above.
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Tripartite Assessments / The results of your D/S/C tripartite assessment.
Suspect/Counterfeit Items – We piggy-backed on to the OQBP Assessment. No ES&H findings.
Mandatory Topical Area
Self assessment against contractual ES&H Performance Measures / Computer Room Training Document,
Subcommittee membership/representation,
Notification system of monthly site-wide emergency warning system,
ESHTRK findings
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Results of the FY11CD ES&H Plan / -Data Center Energy Efficiency –Water cooled chillers were replaced in FCC2 computer room with air cooled units, saving 1000 to 17000 gallons of water per minute. In FCC, CR 2, the return air temperature was increased from 69 to 73 degrees F, and the return air temperature was increased from 73 to 77 degrees F in GCC, Computer Rooms A, B and C. Cold aisle containment at GCC has been improved. GCC has been recognized as an Energy Star Building. We received an award for calendar year 2010.
-Human Performance Improvement (HPI) – A few HPI training classes were held lab-wide to introduce the concept at various levels. A handful of people from the Computing Sector were trained in the two day course, and a lab-wide implementation panel was formed, consisting of two CS individuals. The CS SSO sits in on the panel as a consultant.
-Internal Program Reviews – Audits have been performed on the following programs - Computer Room Training document;Subcommittee membership/representation; NEPA; the notification system of monthly site-wide emergency warning systems; Satellite waste accumulation area and ESHTRK findings.
-CD Tracks– An ES&H related article has been written for each monthly issue.
-Give added focus to the Industrial Hygiene Program – All of the computer rooms have had noise samples taken. The results of the rooms have been posted on the CS ES&H webpage.
-Mental Health Focus - We were unable to provide a talk or series of talks focusing on mental health topics, initially because of budgetary reasons. When the budgetary issues were no longer an obstacle, timing became one. Voluntary and involuntary separations were priority in everyone’s minds, and it seemed to be an inappropriate time to invoke these talks.
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Positive ES&H initiatives and/or successes from this fiscal year / Several thousands of gallons of water were saved by the replacement of the water cooled chillers in the FCC2 Computer Center.
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Identified weaknesses / Our injury/illness record of working more than 4 million hours without a DART case was broken this past winter. The reporting of the injury was delayed, as was reporting of other incidents. We need to improve on reporting injuries more promptly.
This roll up assessment must be completed and submitted electronically to the ES&H Director with a CC to the Laboratory Director and the Deputy ES&H Section Head by September 30th of the assessment year.
Please use this template in this font to enable the ESHS to do a lab wide roll up of our ES&H program at the end of each fiscal year.
Guidance documents:
FESHM 1040.1
Previous ES&H Plan Results and Self Assessment Reports