2016-2017 Academic Year
Commencement is a joyful time! Help us to get all of the details right in advance, so that we can all celebrate to the utmost when the great day comes. Please complete and return this formto the Office of the Registrar.
Full Name:1
TT 8/24/2015
I am a candidate for the following degree (Check One)
MA(TS) MACM / DMin MDiv (Kansas)MDiv (Oklahoma)
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I expect to successfully complete all course requirements for my degree by (check one):
May 12, 2017
May 19, 2017
Print or type the exact way you want your name to appear on your diploma, including commas, periods, and hyphens. We do not include titles on diplomas.Consider carefully whether you want your full name (including your middle name) to appear on your diploma, or whether you would like only the middle initial to appear. Graduate’s exact name spelling for diploma:
You are expected to attend commencement and the preparatory events for this exciting event.
I expect to attend commencement on (check one):
May 12, 2017 (in Kansas)
May 19, 2017 (in Oklahoma)
I cannot attend either commencement ceremony
*If you cannot attend commencement at eithercampusand wish to graduate in absentia,you must contact Tahmeka by March 1 to make arrangements.
*If you cannot attend commencement rehearsal, you will need to make arrangements with: Tahmeka Thompson, mailto:(Kansas graduates) or
Maria Capezio,(Oklahoma graduates)
You will receive one 8” x 10” color class picture, free of charge, as a gift from Saint Paul. If you would like to order additional copies, please complete the blanks below and include cash or a check with your order when you return this form.
I would like to order (indicate number) additional class pictures @ $5/picture.
Total amount enclosed (cash or check, may be made out to SPST):
- Saint Paul will send a news release announcing your graduation to your denominational conference newspaper. Students who graduate in absentia will also receive this service. Please provide the following information:
Denomination (list state or conference you represent):
Denominational Newspaper Contact (list email):
- We will also send a news release to any additional city newspapers you would like to be informed, please provide the following information:
Your relationship to the town:
(ie hometown, parents live there, currently serve a church there, graduated from institution, etc.
Address:Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
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This is a new address and/or phone number; please change it on my academic record.
Student’s Signature Date
Please return to:
Office of the Registrar
Saint Paul School of Theology
4370 West 109th Street, Suite 300
Overland Park, KS 66211
Phone (913) 253-5026
FAX (913) 253-5075
TT 8/24/2015