Committee Meeting
Tuesday 22nd July 2014 at Westgate Leisure Chichester
Present: Shaun, Jason, Trycha, Brian, Sophie, Steve, & Stuart
Apologies: JK, Nicky, Adam, Del & Mike.
Update from previous meeting;
Brian wanted to know if Lizzie G is still going to receive part of the coaching funding, as she is still not a member and has not show any commitment to the club so far, which is one of the criteria. Shaun said she would not receive any funding all the time she is not a member. Shaun also said that Mike P has ask if he can go on a bike course, which the committee passed and can replace Lizzie G place.
1. Membership numbers; breakdown, total, new and lost members;
Steve has not managed to get a final number of members but with Trycha help we are around 76 adult members and 8 new members since April. About 35 have not rejoined in March so Shaun said to Steve to make sure we take them off the email list by the end of July and send out the email to saying this ASAP.
2. Committee membership fee;
It was decided that Shaun and Jason are going to put together 3 proposals to the AGM for what the committee should pay as membership fees and if coaches should get reduced/free membership.
3. Thursday swim lanes update;
Shaun said the youth session at 7:30 is working well and Trycha said the adult lanes could go down to a 1hour session to save money. This was agreed and Trycha is going to email Westgate and tell them this and Jason will update the booking form to starting In August.
4. Clubs Charity update;
Sophie has not managed to sort out the charity information but will update the club at the next committee meeting.
Shaun – Del has resigned his position on the committee but is still saying on as a member. Shaun has thanked Del for all his hard work to the club for the past 4 years.
Jason is going to talk to Emily a member of the club and see if she would be interested in taking over from Del as she has shown an interest in helping to organize the club end of year social event. Stuart is going to take over the club series information.
Steve - web site event list needs to still be updated which Stuart is going to do.
Brian – handed out a sheet with the information on the club 15% discount at Cotsworld. He is going to hand out to members at the start of the swim sessions and send an email out to members informing them of this and he is also going to look at other companies to give discount to our members.
Brian - needs the club logo design, which Jason and Shaun are going to look for.
Shaun – would like to see Marketing added to the agenda at the next meeting and an update on the Westgate membership numbers, which Jason will do.
AGM date was agreed to be on 11th November 19:00-20:30, before the club swim session to see it this will help bring more members to it. Jason to confirm date to Shaun for his monthly email.
Shaun - constitution to be displayed on website after AGM have agreed.
Next meeting suggest in 6 weeks, 2nd September.