Governing Body COMMITTEE Minutes
Chair: Mr S Titchard
Clerk: Miss J Morris
Date of meeting:Wednesday 9th December 2015
Venue: School Library
Time: 4pm
Governors:Mr S Titchard (ST), Mrs C Findlay (CF), Mrs B Scott-Herron (BSH), Mr M Grant (MG), Mrs K Coleclough (KC), Miss J Griffiths (JG), Rev J Goode (JGo), Mrs L Hendry (LH), Mrs S Brammeier (SB), Mr P King (PK)In attendance: Mrs B Dutton (BD), Mr D Willcock (DW), Mr J Koltan (JKo)
Apologies: Mrs R Agnew (RA), Mr P Gilmore (PG), Rev P Wilson (PW), Mrs J Lloyd (JL), Mr B Padgett (BP),
No response: Mr S Wright
Clerk: Miss J Morris (JM)
12 / Welcome and Opening Prayer
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meetingand introduced the two new governors, Mrs Brammeier and Mrs Coleclough.The opening prayer was conducted by Rev J Goode.
Attendance and Apologies
Apologies were noted and accepted.
3 / Declaration of Business Interests
No declarations were reported.Declaration forms for the new academic year were distributed for completion and return to the Clerk.
9 / Election of Chair
2 nominations received for Mr Titchard; no other nominations were put forward at the meeting. The Governors voted 9 in favour, 0 against and 0 abstentions. Mr Titchard was re-elected as Chair for a 2 year term of office.
Election of Vice Chair
1 nomination received for Mrs Findlay; no other nominations were put forward at the meeting. The Governors voted 9 in favour, 0 against and 0 abstentions. Mrs Findlay was re-elected as Vice Chair for a period of office of 2 years.
Appointment of Governing Body Clerk
Miss Morris was re-elected as Clerk to the Governors. The Chair thanked the Clerk for her work over the last 12 months.
Minutes and Actions from FGBmeeting on 1 July 2015
The minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record. All actions completed. Minutes to be published on school website.
2 new governors had been recently appointed; Mrs Brammeier (Foundation Governor Chester Diocese) and Mrs Coleclough (Staff Governor). One vacancy remains for a Foundation Governor Liverpool Diocese.
School Improvement
Headteacher Report
Headteacher Executive Summary mirrored the Ofstedinspection categories showing the schools strengths and areas for development. Governors noted the significant changes in staffing for the new academic year and the positive impact this should have on key departments and students. Governors recognised the improvements in teacher performance management since the introduction of the School iP system and clearer Appraisal Policy.
Impact statements from the recent Peer to Peer Deployment are due in at the end of this term.
Health and Safety Inspections had recently been undertaken by the Lead Governor, Mr Gilmore. Recommendations arising from the inspections will be reviewed in February 2016.
Measures must be taken to avoid a significant deficit budgetfor this financial year and expenditure is being closely monitored. Mrs Brammeier asked if there were likely to be any redundancies? A curriculum review and modelling for restructure is to be undertaken to account for the falling roll in student numbers.
Quality assurance processes have taken place for all senior leaders and most middle leaders. The data from Working At 1 (WA1) would suggest that there is a greater quality of teaching, leadership and assessment across a wider range of subjects. Governors noted that there is still inconsistent practice evident both within and across departments. Staffing issues remain in maths and English. Senior Leadership team are to shadow some students for a day to assess the teaching and learning they receive.
Single lunchtime continues to have a positive effect on teaching and learning however some behaviourneeds to be addressed. There has been a reduction in the number of exclusions.
There have been some positive results in achievement and student progress. Recent year 11 mock exams report achievement at 40% A*-C English and Maths which is significantly higher than at the same time last year. Progress 8 is currently
-0.53 (-1.52 last year). Areas for improvement are the disadvantaged students Year 11 and Governors expect that suitable and immediate interventions will be put in place for these students.
Governors were aware of the scrutiny undertaken into theEnglish data and assessment, including comparison with other schools, lesson observations etc. and are expecting that this will benefit the next rounds of mock exam results. However Governors remain concerned over staffing, assessment and data accuracy within English especially as the school embarks on a new syllabus.
Excellent work has been and continues to be undertaken on transition, stakeholders and student voice.
Our school’s Pupil Passport template has been recognised as good practice and recently shared with other schools. Teaching Assistants are now leading on a number of effective interventions in social and communication, literacy and numeracy 1:1 interventions. The absence of the Designated Provision teacher remains a cause for concern around marking, and teaching provision for those students with Special Educational Needs.
There has been significant improvements in student attendance (95.14%) which is above the latest nationally available average figure (HMI-October). Governors noted the work undertaken by the Attendance Officer and the positive impact this was having. The governors also noted the reduction in the number of bullying incidents and exclusions but were concerned that the expenditure in alternative provision is excessive.
Regular meetings now take place with the Safeguarding Team and the Safeguarding Policy is due to be ratified by the Governing Body.
Mrs Findlay requested that governors reflect on the content of the Executive Summary by the Headteacher and recognise the significant improvements and contributions that have been made by the senior leaders, middle leaders, teachers and support staff in taking effective action to the removal of special measures.
-Governors asked if there were likely to be any redundancies.
-Governors advised that intervention for the Year 11 disadvantaged students needs to appropriate and immediate.
-Governors remain concerned about issues within the English Department (staffing, data, assessment and new syllabus)
-Governors were concerned that the expenditure in alternative provision is excessive.
Interim Executive Committee Evaluation Report
Governors noted the report and accepted that the model of governance was one that governors were moving towards. An active, inclusive and skilled Full Governing Body is crucial to enable the successful transition from the IEC to full control by the FGB. A plan of training and continuous professional development is planned as well as a clear programme of transition.
Lead Governor Reports
Pupil Premium and Year 7 Catch up Funding
Governors noted that the position on tracking expenditure and measuring impact had greatly improved and that further improvements will be made.
There are concerns about the designated provision and pupil progress. A further school visit by the lead governor is planned for late January and an update report will be submitted.
Health, Safety and Buildings
A number of health, safety and buildings inspections have been undertaken by the lead governor and governors were pleased that the school was compliant. Governors noted the issues concerning site security.
The school is still without a Chaplain albeit lots of work is being undertaken to support SMSC. Governors noted that the school is due a SIAMS Inspection.
Governors requestedthat there is more reference to the PREVENT agenda for future visits/ inspections.
External Reports
Site Security
Governors noted the report.
Safeguarding Policy
Governors praised the work undertaken by Safeguarding Officer in the production of the policy. Governors approved the policy.
Any other Business
None declared.
Meeting ended : 17.50
Actions / Owner / Timescale
-Impact statements from Peer to Peer to be reported to IEC / BSH / 15 Jan 2016
-Governors to work closely with Business Manager and HR Manager on staffing review and budget deficit / CF/LH / Ongoing
-Update report on budget and curriculum/ staff modelling to IEC / BSH / 15 Jan 2016
-Papers for meetings to be with Governors at least a week before the meeting / BSH/JM / Ongoing
-Minutes to include more scrutiny and recording of questions asked by Governors / JM / Ongoing
-Update report on 2nd SEND school visit by lead governor to IEC / PK / 12 Feb 2016
Date and Time of next meeting / Wednesday 9th March 2016
Agenda Items / -tbc
Miss J Morris
Clerk to the Governors
Signed…………………………………………………………….…………………………………(Chair/Vice Chair)
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