FY11-12 Strategic Planning Form – GOALS, ACTION PLANS, ASSESSMENT
Program/Unit/Area: / Presidents Office / Preparer: Jerry Patton / Supervisor: Board of TrusteesFY 2011-2012 Program Goal Unit Goal Area Goal X (Check Appropriate Box) / College wide Goal
1. / Increase success rates of students / 1
2. / Hire, develop, support and empower employees who take an active role in student learning and success / 2
3. / Improve and expand linkages with educational partners, community agencies, COD Foundation and Alumni Association / 3
4. / Mature the integrated enrollment management process / 4
5. / Implement strategic marketing plan / 5
6. / Achieve proficiency at institutional effectiveness / 6
Goal # / Obj # / Objectives / Responsible Unit/Area
1. / 1. / Define and understand student success / Full Cabinet
2. / Increase transfers by X%, degrees by X% and certificates by X% / Full Cabinet
2 / 1. / An informed faculty and staff on student success / HR
2. / Create a culture of building community / HR & Cabinet
3 / 1. / Create a strategic master plan for higher education with UCR and CSUSB / President; IE
2. / Collaborate with Foundation & Alumni Assoc to implement market plan in Goal #5 to include bus/industry / President, IE
4 / 1. / Integrate results of community needs assessment into academic programs and student support services / Cabinet
2. / Continue analysis of curriculum and class scheduling to enhance student success / VPAA
5 / 1. / Coordinate resources and efforts of the college, Foundation and Alumni Assoc to build awareness of COD / IE, IS., Foundation, Cabinet
2. / Build friends and contributions
6 / 1. / Mature and refine strategic planning and budgeting / IE & CPC
2. / Continue the culture of evidence for assessing outcomes and making improvements toward student success / Cabinet
Obj # / Action Plan # / Action Plan (What specific steps will you take to implement your goals and objectives) / Responsible Unit/Area
1.1. / 1. / Expand matrix of student success, inhibitors, contributors and objectives / Full Cabinet
2. / Involve students, faculty and staff in defining and achieving / Full Cabinet
1.2 / 1. / Promote culture of transfer and completion / President
2. / Enhance and use early warning system to catch students before they drop out or fail a course / VPAA & VPSA
2.1 / 1. / Encourage professional development / Senate; HR
2. / Continue dialog on student success at all departmental levels / Cabinet
2.2 / 1. / Develop events to honor faculty and staff, i.e., Dean’s Tea concept / President
2. / Continue games, potlucks, Halloween, holiday events / Pres Office
3.1 / 1. / Work with K12 Superintendents, CSU & UCR to collaborate on valley wide plan / President
2. / Integrate education plan into Coachella Valley Economic Partnership Blueprint / Pres; IE
3.2 / 1. / Meet with Executive Directors of Foundation and Alumni Association to assign marketing plan components / Pres; IE
2. / Contract with marketing specialists to carry out work / IE
4.1 / 1. / Measure needs assessment with alignment and capacity of applicable programs / Cabinet
2. / Measure delivery of student affairs programs with student and faculty needs / Cabinet
4.2 / 1. / Validate CTE program applicability with end-users and advisory committees / VPAA
2. / Validate scheduling sequence is valid for student’s timely progression through to transfer, degree & certificate / VPAA; VPSA
5.1 / 1. / Collaborate with Alumni Association to strengthen and build alumni base / Pres; IE
2. / Continue building Foundation board’s awareness of their role; add strong community members that can raise $ / Pres: IE
5.2 / 1. / Assign various components of marketing plan to IE, Foundation & Alumni Association / Pres
2. / Continue speaking at clubs, rotary, chambers, etc / Cabinet
6.1 / 1. / Assist CPC in refining and institutionalizing strategic planning / IE
2. / Use “best practices” of community colleges around the nation / IE
6.2 / 1. / Strengthen the research agenda by using third party “experts” / IS; IE
2. / Institutionalize assessing outcomes to affirm and improve student success / IS;IE
Action Plan #
1. / Why should this goal/objective/action plan be done?Continue to find ways to improve student success
Will this goal/objective/action plan benefit other areas of the college? If so, how?Yes; student successes is everyone’s mission
Will this goal/objective/action plan impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how?Yes,create new programs
Does this goal/objective/action plan fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Yes, all planning & actions increase student success
Does this goal/objective/action plan address a safety issue? If so, how?No
2 / Why should this goal/objective/action plan be done? Increase and enhance skills of faculty and staff to better use SLOs
Will this goal/objective/action plan benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? Yes, improve completion rates of student goals/successes
Will this goal/objective/action plan impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how?Yes, develop human resource master plan that includes recruitment and training components
Does this goal/objective/action plan fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? No
Does this goal/objective/action plan address a safety issue? If so, how?No
3 / Why should this goal/objective/action plan be done? Meet the needs of the community; develops support for COD
Will this goal/objective/action plan benefit other areas of the college? If so, how?Yes; community support, relevant curriculum, serve students
Will this goal/objective/action plan impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how?Yes; update & support educational master plan
Does this goal/objective/action plan fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how?No
Does this goal/objective/action plan address a safety issue? If so, how?No
4 / Why should this goal/objective/action plan be done? Concentrate on core mission and programs; reduce unfunded FTES
Will this goal/objective/action plan benefit other areas of the college? If so, how?Yes;relevancy of programs, focus on mission
Will this goal/objective/action plan impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how?Yes; achieve program/unit/area master plans
Does this goal/objective/action plan fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how?No
Does this goal/objective/action plan address a safety issue? If so, how?No
5 / Why should this goal/objective/action plan be done?Additional revenue streams; achieve effective/efficient organization
Will this goal/objective/action plan benefit other areas of the college? If so, how?Yes; additional funding sources
Will this goal/objective/action plan impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how?Yes; coordinate with Fdn; embrace innovation
Does this goal/objective/action plan fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how?No
Does this goal/objective/action plan address a safety issue? If so, how?No
6 / Why should this goal/objective/action plan be done?Budget the plan; achieve mission/goals/objectives; efficient, effective organization
Will this goal/objective/action plan benefit other areas of the college? If so, how?Yes; justify operations; achieve program/unit/area goals
Will this goal/objective/action plan impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how?Yes; robust planning to acquire funding
Does this goal/objective/action plan fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how?Meet ACCJC standards
Does this goal/objective/action plan address a safety issue? If so, how?No
Resources Requested Action Plans
Plan # / Staff/Faculty / Operations / Equipment / Facilities / TOTAL
1. / 0 / $50,000 / 0 / 0 / $0
2. / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / $0
3. / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / $0
4. / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / $0
5. / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / $0
6. / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / $50,000.00
TOTAL REQUESTS / $50,000.00
Assessment(how will you measure the “success” of your objective)and Indicators(the specific information that will be collected)
Action Plan # / Who is Responsible? / Assessment Interval (When will you measure?) / Method of Assessment (How will you measure?) / Target Result (What will change and by how much?) / Indicator (What are you measuring?)
1 / Pres/Cabinet / Monthly / Complete/disseminate matrix / Understanding / Knowledge of student success
2 / Pres/HR / Quarterly / Number of PD activities / Increase PD / Summary to Board
3 / Pres/IE / Monthly / CVEP Mbrshp; collaboration / Awareness / Valley knowledge of education plans
4 / Pres/Cabinet / Quarterly / Assessment of Programs / Match needs w/Prg / Advs Cmte affirmation; schedule
5 / Pres/IE / Monthly / Integrated marketing plan / Friend/fund raising / Number of contacts
6 / Pres/IE/Cabinet / Quarterly / Research agenda / Use of data / Data-informed decisions
For CPC use only:CPC Initials ______
Approved contingent on available funding Approved w/no funding Re-submit with noted changes Not approved