

  1. Types of Soups
  2. Stock
  3. Bouillon
  4. Consommé
  5. Cream
  6. Bisque
  7. Chowder
  1. Base for Soups
  2. Base for Stock - Mirepoix
  3. French name for a combination of onions, carrots, and celery.
  4. Base for Cream - Roux
  5. A mixture of fat and flour used as a thickener.
  1. Mother Sauces
  2. Béchamel
  3. Veloute
  4. Espagnole
  5. Tomato
  6. Hollandaise
  1. Different Parts of a Meal
  2. Appetizer
  3. Side
  4. Main Course
  5. Dessert
  1. Serving Soup
  2. Piping hot or icy cold
  3. Size of soup dishes


  1. Types of Salads
  2. Appetizer
  3. Accompaniment
  4. Main Dish
  5. Dessert
  1. Where would you use a….
  2. Pasta Salad –Appetizer or Accompaniment
  3. Gelatin Salad –Accompaniment or Dessert
  4. Protein Salad –Main Dish
  5. Vegetable Salad –Appetizer or Accompaniment
  6. Fruit Salad –Appetizer, Accompaniment or Dessert
  1. Nutrients in Salads
  2. Vitamins and Minerals
  3. Carbohydrates
  4. Fats
  5. Protein
  1. Principles of Salad Making
  2. Use fresh ingredients
  3. Use a variety of color
  4. Contrasts in texture
  5. Ingredients should be well drained
  6. Cut into convenient eating size
  7. Break or tear lettuce pieces
  8. Prepared right before serving
  9. Apply dressing just before serving
  1. Salad Dressings
  2. Mayonnaise Based
  3. Vinaigrette – 3 oils to 1 vinegar (3:1 ratio)


  1. What is a casserole? A blend of cooked ingredients that are heated together to develop flavor.
  1. Parts of a casserole
  2. Base
  3. Main texture and flavor
  4. Meat, poultry, fish or cheese
  5. Extender
  6. Thickens a dish
  7. Carbohydrates (potatoes or rice)
  8. Binder
  9. Holds the other ingredients together
  10. The sauce (Béchamel or Tomato)
  1. Advantages of Making Casseroles
  2. Easy to prepare
  3. Saves time
  4. Complete meal in a dish
  5. Economical
  6. Large variety can be made ahead and stored in refrigerator/freezer
  7. Little supervision during baking
  8. Serve in same dish baked in
  9. Leftovers easy to use
  1. Foods and Functions in Casseroles
  2. Protein
  3. Main ingredient
  4. Meat, fish, eggs, dried beans, cheese
  5. Carbohydrates/Starch
  6. Used as an extender
  7. Undercook the rice and pastas
  8. Vegetables
  9. Add contrast in color and texture
  1. Casserole Toppings
  2. Color
  3. Variety in texture
  4. Protects protein ingredients
  5. Common toppings


  1. How many servings from the meat and beans group are needed everyday? 5 ½ oz.
  1. What is the main nutrient found in meats? Protein
  1. What are some other nutrients found in meats?
  2. Iron
  3. Copper
  4. Phosphorus
  5. Thiamin
  6. Riboflavin
  7. Niacin
  8. Fat
  1. Lean vs. Fatty Cuts of Meat
  2. Trimming excess fat

i. Remove all skins

  1. White meat vs. dark meat

ii. Light meat is leaner

  1. Lean cooking methods

iii. Roast, Broil, Grill

  1. Meat is graded according to:
  2. Marbling
  3. Age of animal
  4. Texture and appearance
  1. The different grades of meat are:
  2. Prime
  3. Choice
  4. Select
  1. Bone Affects Serving Size
  2. ¼ lb. boneless –Ground beef
  3. ½ lb. moderate bone –Round steak, most roasts, ham
  4. 1 lb. large bone –turkey, pork spareribs, T-bone steak
  1. Cooking Temperatures for Meats
  2. Ground Meats –155 degrees
  3. Seafood, pork, beef, veal, lamb –145 degrees
  4. All Poultry –165 degrees
  1. Cooking Methods - Braising
  2. Brown meat on all sides
  3. Add small amount of liquid
  4. Cover pan
  5. Simmer over very low heat until tender
  6. Used for less tender meats
  7. Moist heat method
  1. Cooking Methods – Slow Cooking
  2. Place meat in slow cooker
  3. Add liquid and cover
  4. Cook on low for several hours
  5. Used for less tender meats
  6. Moist heat method
  1. Cooking Methods - Broiling
  2. To cook by direct heat
  3. Broiler pan in oven
  4. Used tender cuts of meats
  5. Dry heat method
  1. Cooking Methods - Grilling
  2. To cook by direct heat, usually a fire
  3. Use a grill to cook meats
  4. Used tender cuts of meats
  5. Dry heat method
  1. Cooking Methods - Roasting
  2. Place meat into oven.
  3. Causes caramelization on the surface of the food which is considered a flavor enhancement.
  4. Used tender cuts of meats
  5. Dry heat method
  1. Cooking Methods - Sauté
  2. Cooking meats in a small amount of fat over high heat.
  3. Used tender cuts of meats
  4. Dry heat method