Futures for young adults 17201
Volume 3: Human Services Policy and Funding Plan 2015-19, update 2017-18
Chapter 4: Activity descriptions


Activity information

Service delivery tracking

Output group



Description of the service

Client group

Service delivery

Service redevelopment

Monitoring and review

Service Agreement

Human Services Standards

Monitoring performance

Performance measures

Key performance measure 1: Number of new clients

Data collection information

Key documents


Volume 3: Chapter 4: Activity descriptions1

Activity information

Service delivery tracking

Service delivery tracking activity? Yes

Output group

Disability services


Self-directed support


Futures for young adults aims to assist school leavers to achieve economic and community participation during their transition from school to post-school options.

Description of the service

Futures for young adults provides portable and flexible funding to encourage and support individual choice.

Futures for young adults incorporates the transition to employment initiative, which provides intensive support to build school leavers’ work skills, capacity and experience in the pathway toward employment and further education.

Futures for young adults funding can be used to purchase support to meet social and economic participation goals, including:

•supports which develop school leavers’ independence, with a view to increasing the range of post school options available to them. Examples may include learning to budget, prepare and cook meals, or to work successfully as a member of a team.

•supports to maximise school leavers’ recreational, community participation and social role opportunities. Examples may include becoming active participants in their community, engaging in everyday activities with increasing independence, such as banking, catching public transport and shopping.

Futures for young adults and transition to employment support can include:

•assistance to identify employment goals and work preferences, skills needed to achieve them, work experience that might support transition and any on-the-job workplace training that would help towards an employment outcome

•real, industry-based work placements

•development of skills required to achieve and sustain employment, including general presentation skills (work appropriate clothing, personal hygiene), understanding appropriate workplace behaviours and interactions including interviews, understanding workplace rights and responsibilities and independent travel.

Note that people assessed as requiring ongoing supports at the end of their three-year period of eligibility may be considered for an individual support package under activity 17081.

Transition to employment funding can be used to purchase supports for eligible school leavers who want to pursue paid employment, but who are not yet able to access a disability employment service or other Commonwealth government employment programs, due to the level of their disability and the impact this has on their work capacity.

Client group

The target group for futures for young adults and transition to employment is young people who:

•have a disability as defined under Section 3 of the Disability Act 2006

•are permanent residents of Victoria

•are 18 years old before 31 December

•are in receipt of support through the Department of Education and Training program for students with disabilities or equivalent in the catholic and independent sectors in their final year of school, and

•require support in addition to that available through further education, employment and other community programs.

Students seeking support from the futures for young adults program must complete an application form. These forms are distributed through schools and the department’s divisions and areas.

Service delivery

Community service organisations (CSOs).

Service redevelopment

The department will continue to monitor service provision, and where necessary, may amend service specifications or funding allocations based on community needs or in response to changes to government policy and priorities.

During the current Service Agreement period, the roll out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme will commence in Victoria. The introduction of the scheme will mean changes in the way services are accessed and the funding arrangements for service providers. Community service organisations are expected to work collaboratively with the department and the National Disability Insurance Agency to facilitate a smooth transition.

Monitoring and review

Service Agreement

The Department of Health and Human Services monitors and reviews the organisation’s compliance with the Service Agreement’s requirements set out in the terms and conditions and schedules including the Applicable Departmental Policies. The Service Agreement is used to manage funding provided through the department for services delivered by community service organisations and local government authorities.

The Service Agreement includes two Applicable Departmental Policies:

  1. Department of Health and Human Services Policy and Funding Guidelines
  2. Service Agreement Information Kit

The Service Agreement Information Kit provides information on the Service Agreement terms and conditions (chapter 3) and Applicable Departmental Policies (chapter 4). The Service Agreement Information Kit must be read in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services Policy and Funding Guidelines.

Human Services Standards

Organisations funded to provide services to clients are required through the Service Agreement to meet the gazetted Department of Health and Human Services Standards (Human Services Standards) and can be monitored in relation to their compliance with these standards.

Organisations funded through this activity are subject to independent review and accreditation requirements under the Human Services Standards, except where exempted by the department.

Organisations funded to deliver this service activity are required to be registered in accordance with the department's Policy, procedures and forms for the registration of disability service providers and community services <

Monitoring performance

Funding is subject to the delivery of specified targets in performance measures. Where actual performance is less than 100 per cent of target performance the funded organisation should provide the department with a justification for retaining full funding.

When a person ceases receiving services from a service provider, the provider must advise the department within 14 days. The expenditure must be acquitted and the funding and targets will be adjusted accordingly in the RIS client data.

Performance measures

Key performance measure 1:Number of new clients

Definition / The number of new clients receiving support for their disability related support needs through futures for young adults during the reporting period.
Aim/objective / The aim of the performance measure is to monitor the number of new clients with a futures for young adults package
Target / Provided in Service Agreement.
Type of count / Cumulative
Counting rule / Count the number of new clients accessing funded support through futures for young adults (incorporating transition to employment) each month.
Count all clients in July of each financial year as being ‘new’ and then only count new clients in subsequent months.
Monitoring frequency / Monthly
Data source(s) collection / Service delivery tracking
Definition of terms / A client is a person who receives direct support funded through a futures for young adults package.

Data collection information

Data collections comprise data management systems and data sets.

Data collection name / Data management system / Data set / Reporting cycle
Service delivery tracking (SDT) / FAC/SAMS2 / SAMS2/Service delivery tracking data set / Monthly

Key documents


Futures for Young Adults/Transition to Employment Guidelines (2015)

Individual Support Package Guidelines 2014

Individual Support Package Acquittal Information Pack

Senior Practitioner - Authorised Program Officer practice advice

Senior Practitioner - Independent Person toolkit

Senior Practitioner - Behaviour support planning toolkit

Undue financial hardship guidelines – Disability Services

To receive this publication in an accessible format, emailService Agreement Communications<>
Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
© State of Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services, 1 July 2017.
Where the term ‘Aboriginal’ is used it refers to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Indigenous is retained when it is part of the title of a report, program or quotation.
ISSN2207-8347 (online)
Available on the department’s website

Volume 3: Chapter 4: Activity descriptions1