Barry Shellian, ESRDBrenda Ross, communityCraig Langford, Devon
Darren Robins, ImperialDebee Graham, Laebon HomesDon Letwinetz, Encana
Eleanor Vokes, BonavistaGerald Knopp, communityEric Berg, Shell
Jan Palsen, TalismanJennifer Lutz, AERJohn Vandermeer, County
Judy Winter, CommunityLaurence Wenzel, SuncorLee Fisher, TransCanada
Michelle Marshall, CountyMike Haugen, CountyMiles Nielsen, Husky
Monica Rice, EnerplusMurray Welch, communityScott Turner, Keyera
Shane Koss, BaytexTerry Heidt, ApacheTerry Kreese, Baytex
Tim Reay, ConocoPhillipsRick Anderson, community
- ReviewJune meeting notes - approved
- Review Agenda - approved
- Follow up
- SOMAG & CMAC updates– CMAC meeting on September 17th
- Cow Lake – nothing to report - table to October meeting
- Water plant – trucks parked on road, water on road in winter turning to ice and speed. Nothing to report – table to October meeting
- Map – looking for something to project on the wall for meetings. Check with County re: their laminated wall map.
- Aurora–road has had dust suppression applied and seems to be working. There is an upcoming committee meeting.
- Company invites – nothing to report. New companies in area to contact include Scollard, West Brick, Tuzo
- Theft– continued reports of theft and vandalism and tampering with wellsite
- Keyera presentation – see Scott’s presentation (website)for full details regarding 2 new projects at the Strachan plant.
- 1) Fertilizer manufacturing: Looking for input from community on what updates they want, how and any concerns or issues. Project is partnership with Sulvaris to manufacture fertilizer at Keyera Strachan. Currently in approvals stage. Anticipate construction to start fourth quarter of this year with an 18-month construction period. Product called Vitasul. $50 million capital project. Keyera will see 30-40 new permanent positions between this project and the other (see below).
- 2) Improved prilling facility: to replace existing facility there since ‘80s. New more environmentally-friendly technology. $40 million project with construction expected to start in spring of 2014. Project includes new rail spur, granulator, storage dome, off-load pits and degasser and incinerator and waste boiler. Received one statement of concern re: increasing rail traffic. Brenda echoed same.
Will have a turnaround next spring mid-way through construction. This will affect producers that feed into Keyera.
One question about local availability of product once project is up and running. This would be Sulvaris’ department and they will be marketing.
- Member updates
Gerald: nothing new
Rodney/Aurora: absent
Brenda – taking more training. On Area 2 redevelopment plan steering committee
Carl and Sybill- absent
Judy- nothing new. Reminder of Synergy Conference Oct. 28-30th in Red Deer.
GerryLaslo- absent
Rick R – Met AER brass in Calgary with SPOG. Reminder of SPOG’s Neighbour’s Day on Friday in Sundre.
Debee- no update
Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)-Senior AER management and Chairmen; Jim Ellis, Jennifer Steber and Gerri Protti met with SPOG Board of Directors to discuss value of Synergy and Mutual Aid, the response from all parties was very favorable.
As of July 4, the AER began posting notice of pipeline and other energy-related incidents that may impact the public. The incident reports will be available for viewing at AER online incident report is an enhanced public information resource and does not change any existing regulatory requirements for incident notification and emergency response.
With proclamation, the AER introduced a new way to report incidents or inquiries to the AER. The 24hr emergency number is 1-800-222-6514 and the inquiries line is 1-855-297-8311 - this is not stopping Landowners from calling the Field Centre directly; however your calls will be logged and tracked more efficiently if you use either of the new numbers.
Manual 005 (Pipeline Inspections)has recently been released and is available online.
Directive 083: Hydraulic Fracturing – Subsurface Integrity, which establishes new requirements and consolidates existing requirements for hydraulic fracturing operations
Anderson – Regular operations of producing wells.
Angle – absent.
Apache – 03-18-40-6W5 pad, on production.
06-14-41-5W5 pad, drilled and ready for frac
10-14-41-5W5 pad, drilled and ready for frac
07-14-41-5W5 pad, drilling
09-13-41-5W5 pad, drilling. Frac proceeding September 16th.
11-19-41-5W5 plant expansion and sales pipeline construction
15-14-41-5W5 constructing pad.
Baytex- Drilling on existing pad 14-18-44-10W5. 10-12 remaining followed by 2-week completion. Currently working on 2014 program and budget approval.
Bonavista –
Wilson Creek/ Rimbey: We are tyingin a new well at 16-23-43-3w5 should be online Friday, 03-23 BH. Lease clean up at 16-12-43-3w5
Gilby: Lease cleanup at 15-22-41-5W5.
Willesden Green: Drilling and construction 03-09-041-6W5 surface completed and tied in. Construction well site and pipeline1-26-41-6W5M surface.
Strachan: Finished 2 well pad on 1-10-38-8. Put wells on line third week of June, Plans are for a two-mile horizontal off sec 33-37-8 in October with tie-in by mid November. Added second compressor to 5-34 in June and both are online.
Ferrier: Business as usual
Westerose/ Bonnie Glen / Pembina/ Ferrybank: Well abandonments 2-27-43-28W4M, 02/10-24-43-28W4M, 02/13-19-46-4W5m
Drilling 14-28-45-02W5M double well pad 1-27-45-2W5 and 3-33-40-6W5 BH
02-30-42-27W4M completions and flow back, construction to fallow.
Working with Landowners on the development in Battle lake area.
All areas are on going with pipeline right of ways clean up.
Clearwater County- Bridge closure on Speight road. James River Bridge weight restrictions are down to 10 tonnes.
Road construction happening on Oras Road, Angle Road, Crammond Road and North Fork Road (km 44 on North Fork will be closed starting Sept 23rd).
Number of projects are behind due to weather and emergency events. Budget phase is starting. County operates on a three-year budget.
Deadline for council nominations is September 23rd for election on October 21st.
Reached an agreement with Red Deer Catholic School Division. Nordegg satellite classroom is opening.
Nordegg lots are on market, includes lots in the historic section (south of hwy).
Caroline Expansion project is beginning. Ag Society looking for funding.
Flood damage pegged at around $4million.
Clearwater County Council-see above. John also emphasized the importance of Caroline rec facility and need for partners (funding, equipment and/or labour).
Clear Water Landcare-Celebrating our Success (2013) presentation is one month earlier…on October 17th at Rocky Mountain House Community Centre. 12-15 stories of environmental projects or initiatives. Last two annual events were primarily ASRD and various organizations; this year we are hoping for more industry partner stories and private landowner/acreage type projects. Details about story invitations and sponsorship solicitations were emailed out to WCS members mid-August. More details from Eleanor (WCS rep to CWLC) Gary Lewis and Brooke Sauvé (403-845-4444 or ) or Rick Anderson and Murray Welch (CWLC members).
ConocoPhillips – nothing new.
Devon- One drilling rig moved into the Cow Lake area. Construction started on new Ferrier CPU bat engineering is still on schedule.
Encana – 16-01-44-6W5 completing two wells. 15-30-43-04W5 drilling and 07-03-42-07W5 facility construction.
Enerplus Corp-Enerplus Duvernay pilot well finished at 13-7-455W5 and drilling rig now moving to 1-35-4510W5. There are no plans to complete either of these wells. Location of future Duvernay drilling is contingent on analysis of the core and logs obtained from the pilot wells.
ESRD – Completion of FireSmart interpretive trail at Crimson Lake. Delivered information at AGM and education material on community website. Community FireSmart event in Nordegg with Husky Energy and Clearwater County. Participated in Clearwater County pancake breakfast and attended Fat Tire event at Frontier Lodge.
Maintenance of FireSmart work adjacent to Burnstick Lake to begin soon. Creation of FireSmart demonstration area. Attended community pancake breakfast and AGM.
Maintenance of FireSmart activities near Coalcamp.
Horburg FireSmart , as proposed by community, to begin this winter.
Completion of final 2 of 6 FireSmart treatment areas near Goldeye Centre. Continued maintenance of FireSmart treatment area adjacent to Bighorn Reserve.
Prescribed fire: ignition operations in the Blackstone/Chungo/Wapiabi are dependent on weather. Scheduled to commence mid September.
Junior Forest Rangers: another successful season based at Shunda Fire Base.
ESRD participated in management of flood relief in High River and Calgary. Crews returning home from Montana and Idaho.
Husky- completed drilling two sweet gas wells from on e pad in the Strachan area and are moving over to a 4-well pad to drill two more sweet wells in the Strachan area.
Imperial- In Everdell area: normal operations, no rigs in area, no planned turnarounds, no planned drilling activity.
Keyera – Preparing for sulphur and prill plant projects. Currently waiting for approvals for construction to begin.
Lightstream (formerly PetroBakken)– absent.
NewAlta- absent
Pengrowth – absent
PennWest – absent
Shell – surface facility construction currently underway at 3-15-40-7 pad. Congratulations to Clearwater County on successful start-up of the “Sasquatch – Respect our Backyard” program.
Student Members – n/a
SuncorFerrier Gas Plant: Business as usual
Suncor Wilson Creek project; Business as usual, fracked last pad of wells in August. Drilling rig to move in in Jan 2014,to start next phase of drilling.
Suncor The Wilson Creek gas plant: Business as usual
Suncor Gilby Gas Plant; Business as usual,
Suncor Nordegg Area; Dealing with damages from mudslides in summer at our Chungo area facilities. Small turnaround at our Phoenix/Deanne area as Husky Deanne plant is down. Sept 9-13th. Manitok and Carrick tying in third party gas to system.
Update; Sale to Centrica and Qatar expected to be finalized in September, still pending on regulatory approvals.
Talisman-Completing one well at the 4-27-41-5, just off Highway 761, in the Aurora area. Notification cards were provided to all residents living along 761, from Highway 12-the Aurora Community Hall.No other activity scheduled until next year.
TAQA- absent.
TransCanada- Regular maintenance activities throughout the area.
- Committee Reports
- Communications-
- websiteis “this” close to being complete and will require a new website address, which will require updating WCS brochures and display. Mike volunteered to print them at County.
ACTION ITEM: Krista to update and email to Mike for printing for Neighbour’s Day.
ACTION ITEM: put AER new call-in system on next agenda.
- Newsletter upcoming – potential articles – new AER, update on Devon and Keyera projects, County’s Sasquatch program
- Agenda
- Sub-committee has met
- November 19th at Lou Soppit. Caterer booked
- Topic: Reclamation. Looking to industry to provide presentation. No confirmation from ESRD. Suggestion to have Tervita or Secure speak on new ways of dealing with waste.
- BOPs
- Noise: ongoing.
- Fracturing (SPOG) –discussed if WCS wants to use SPOG fracturing BMP and if yes how. Suggestionsincluded: look at a portion of it at each meeting; keep it general (communication tools vs numbers); Aurora group could edit; go to social media for input; use spring info night input to help customize it for WCS area.
- Decided to have Krista circulate and Companies take a look at SPOG’s internally and come back with recommendations. Will discuss in portions at future meetings.
ACTION ITEMS: follow up with noise subcommittee and circulate SPOG’s fracturing BMP.
- West Country management
- Brochures were out for summer months. Krista will pick up soon.
- Discussion items
- Student bursaries – Krista to get info to schools to begin the process of finding new students to be with us in October.
- Next meeting(s) :
- Tuesday, October 8that the Walking Eagle – 3:30 with supper to follow.
- Info Night- Tuesday, November 19th at the Lou Soppit Community Centre.