November 13thMinutes


Time: 5-6pm

Room: NH208

Agenda item / Action / Person responsible
Welcome / Chair
In Attendance:
Kevin Campbell (KC) Chris Dynes(CD) Philip Coupe (PC), Lynn Pilkington (Clerk), Michael Stephenson (MS), Robert Wilson (RW), Matt Grady (MG), Gordon McTweed (GM)
Not in attendance:
Ava Diaches (AD) / Chair
Mark Welsh(MW), Ashley Bell(AB) / Clerk
Approval of Previous Minutes
N/A / Chair
Matters Arising from previous meeting
MG- admitted clear breach of policy. Needed to function as a social enterprise. Enactus wants to work with SA but cannot see how possible with current financial procedures. Outlined checks and balances in place. Felt SA was prohibiting enterprise. Wanted to set up direct debit, make online orders at weekends.
GM – noted that we did have financial procedures in place for direct debit, credit card. May involve forwards planning.
MG – confirmed that Enactus would continue to keep Santander account in place as SA cannot meet immediate needs.
KC – directed MG to Student Voice to change financial procedures.
MG left meeting.
Gordon McTweed – Elections Timeline
GM outlined rational behind proposed elections framework – encourage turn-out in FTO elections, result in better handovers, fit with timeline for training. SA wants to make most of NUS Digital Platform.
AD entered meeting.
RW noted that might be too much info at once.
MS asked if operationally an individual society could run online election at any point during year. GM confirmed they could, but noted the benefit of having a structure that follows
CD noted the risk of societies falling off the radar if not completed in that one week. CD under impression that online elections were not mandatory. LP referred to new policy which states that will the process.
GM noted the fluidity of societies but also the benefits of the digital platform.
GM left meeting. / Chair
Policy Motions
Verbal Reports
Decided that if they were to stay active, they would have to meet the following points:
  1. Arrange a meeting with SA Finance Manager in the near future to explore how the SA can support society finances
  2. Full committee attends training
  3. They deactivate any external bank account
If this is not met, then they will be de-activated.
However, the council will be supportive in them taking an idea to Student Voice to discuss improving SA financial support and flexibility for societies.
LP to email Enactus on Friday outlining this.
Gordon McTweed – Elections Timeline
CD noted the staff challenge of all the activity. PC noted that not everyone will be available.
LP invited council to help design processes to engage all 60+ fluid societies.
Council discussed doing physical AGMs but have an option to vote online there and then.
Council decided:
  1. Elections can be held from week 2 of Trimester 2, but it will be encouraged for them to be held in weeks 5,6,7
  2. Council will support and encourage societies to do this
  3. Council are not against having Council elections in week 7
LP to report this to GM.
MS suggested that in the next meeting Council should discuss:
-Whether students just run for Council, not individual posts
-Whether only 1 committee member per society can stand for council election
-Whether all societies members vote, or one per society / LP
Any other competent business / Chair
Date of next meeting & deadline for agenda
TBC due to bowling night / Clerk