Ft. LeBoeuf Historical Society General Meeting
October 22, 2015
The meeting was called to order by President, Judy Nelson.
Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
The minutes of the September meeting were read by secretary, Rita Russell and approved as read.
Kathy Williams was not in attendance so we did not have a treasurer's report.
Judson House report-Dave Lessor installed the water heater in the kitchen. A wire was cut when drilling the holes for scarecrows for the Boofest. The bill for the electrician will need to be paid.
Eagle Hotel Report-Mike is paying for the new parking lot light which was installed. There is a problem with the gutter above the dining room below the gift shop area that needs to be addressed. Judy, Jim and Ken will be meeting with Mike on a monthly basis to make sure that all needs are being addressed.
Museum report- We are going to purchase four casters and two 6 foot piano hinges to enable Jim to move display cases. This is less than $200 and only had to be approved by the Board.
Ken indicated that bulbs had been planted in Washington Park for the spring.
Boofest-Sandy indicated that until the Haunted Ghost walks are completed this weekend she will not have any numbers. Unfortunately, we could not have had worse weather, but despite that, there were many positive comments.
Melinda Meyers attended the Board meeting to discuss our scanning project. She is going to head a committee that will steer us in the right direction re: the proper paperwork and the correct way to handle the project. We are going to visit the Corry Historical Society which started this project a couple of years ago. We understand this is an overwhelming project, but we need to start somewhere.
Wagon Wheel contracted with us and is our first customer in the Visitor Center.
We received nothing from the Community Foundation towards the roof at the Judson House. It is too late this year to take any action. We have contacted a couple of other contractors for bids. As far as the painting goes, it was suggested that we use the people from Gateway to scrape the paint, under our membership supervision. We will then have the painting done under our supervision. This will be done one side at a time until complete.
We have applied for the Erie Arts and Culture Grant. JoAnne worked very hard on this as this was her first Grant writing job. Hopefully, we will qualify for some money for the entertainment for Waterford Days.
Judy has a meeting with the Assessment Office on November 18th re: tax exemption on our properties.
Members of the Historical Society spent October 9th through the 12th at Port Farms telling the story of the maze to the parents and kids. Thanks to all who participated. A special thanks to Port Farms for the mums, corn stalks, pumpkins and gourds. They have been very generous to us.
We are going to order the Knox Box next week and will discuss the emergency plan at January's meeting.
The following recommendations were made:
$584 to replace the gutter above the dining room at the Eagle. Motion was made by Zona and seconded by Barb. Motion carried.
$150 to join Non-profit Erie for another year. Motion was made by Rosalee, seconded by Sandy. Motion carried.
Gateway is in need of men's winter clothing. If anyone has any clothing they would appreciate them. A motion was made by Barb that we donate $200 and seconded by Zona. Motion carried. Anyone having clothing can get them to Judy and she will see that Leslie gets them.
A recommendation was made that we purchase a ¼ page ad in the Crawford County Visitor's Guide. The cost is $795. Motion was made by Zona and seconded by Sandy. Motion carried.
Colonial Christmas-JoAnne has six houses for tours. Her budget which will include advertising, refreshments, decorations, printing and signage is $1,100. A motion was made to Zona and seconded by Barb that she be given the $1,100. Motion carried.
The regular Colonial Christmas will be held, featuring the Campus. We will need approximately $750, but a portion will be from the wreath sale and the balance will be from the $350 designated in the past. A motion was made by Barb and seconded by Zona. Motion carried that they be given $750 operating expenses.
The slate of officers for 2016 was read:
PresidentJudy Nelson
Vice-PresidentRosalee Holzer
TreasurerBarb Rejzer
SecretaryRita Russell
Corresponding SecretaryZona Miller
There were no nominations from the floor. Nominations closed.
The November meeting will be November 19th at Sugar ‘n Spice at 6:00 P.M. Officers will be installed. Reservations will be needed.
A motion was made by Zona and seconded by Sandy that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Rita Russell, Secretary