APCNews/Noticias readership survey
27 February 2007
Prepared by Karen Higgs, communications manager
APC first started producing 'APCNews', our monthly newsletter, in 1999. Our focus has
always been on disseminating information about the work of APC's members worldwide and APC initiatives on information and communication technologies (ICTs) for social justice and sustainable development.
We appreciate your completing the following questions because:
1. We want to monitor how readers are using our newsletter (especially regarding our original content)
2. We will launch new APC.org websites in English, Spanish and for the first time French and Portuguese in mid 2007. There will also be a new APC newsletter APCNouvelles in French. It's time to take stock.
3. Our newsletter format and distribution has not changed radically since it was first introduced. Is it time to change?
Your answers will help us move forward. Thank you very much for taking 15 minutes to respond!
Please note that questions marked with an asterisk (*) must be answered or you will not be able to move to the next page.
All the best and many thanks, Karen Higgs
APC communications manager
1. I first became aware of and/or started to read APCNews/APCNoticias
· Less than a year ago
· 1 year ago
· 2-3 years ago
· More than 3 years ago
· I can't remember
2. I found out about APCNews/APCNoticias
From the APC website
From another website
From a colleague
From another online newsletter
By searching the internet
Because I attended an APC event
Because I am part of the APC network (member or staff)
Because I have collaborated with or been part of APC in the past
From a bibliographic reference
Other. Please specify below.
3. I subscribe to APCNews/Noticias because I am interested in (Select all that apply)
information and communication technologies (ICT) for development and social justice generally
APC's original news content (eg news articles on ICT)
APC resources and papers (eg analysis, issue papers)
strategic uses of the internet and ICTs by the APC community (eg examples, training)
ICT policy
women and technology
APC members around the world and news about their work
APC's activities and priorities
finding out where APC people are each month
opportunities to collaborate with the APC network
jobs with APC
campaigns and alerts
other (please state)
4. I am MOST interested in: Select one
information and communication technologies (ICT) for development and social justice generally
APC's original news content (eg news articles on ICT)
APC resources and papers (eg analysis, issue papers)
strategic uses of the internet and ICTs by the APC community (eg examples, training)
ICT policy
women and technology
APC members around the world and news about their work
APC's activities and priorities
finding out where APC people are each month
opportunities to collaborate with the APC network
jobs with APC
other (please state)
5. I click on links in the newsletter
Every issue – more than 3 links
Every issue – 2-3 links
Every issue – 1 link
Frequently, but not every newsletter
Sometimes, when something interests me
Once in a while
Never, because my internet access is so limited
Never, because I am not interested in more detailed information
6. After finding information in APCNews (Never, once, 2-3 times, 3-5 times, more than 5 times, regularly), Select all that apply
I’ve passed on that information to others
I've linked to that information from a publication or website
I've reproduced or adapted that information for another publication or website
I've used that information as a resource in my grassroots and/or advocacy work
I've been inspired and actually started something new on the basis of that information
I've replicated a project based on that information
I have corresponded with the authors or the subjects of a story
I've received a training opportunity
I applied for an APC prize
7. Based on your responses to the previous question, if you have time, please give us an example of how you've used APCNews information (include your email address if we may contact you for more details). Remember, this question is optional.
8. As a result of reading APCNews, I have developed new relationships
· In my organisation
· In my country
· In my region
· Internationally
· With APC members
· With an APC project
· With another initiative
9. I forward issues or sections of APCNews/Noticias to my colleagues [or other people]
Occasionally (1-2 a year)
Often (3-6 times a year)
Usually (more than 6 times a year)
10. I forward issues or sections of APCNews/Noticias to other lists
Occasionally (1-2 a year)
Often (3-6 times a year)
Usually (more than 6 times a year)
11. APCNews/Noticias articles are [extremely, very, usually, not, absolutely not]
· Easy-to-understand
· informative
· in-depth
· accurate
· timely
· well-written
· varied in type of content (reviews, analysis, short news, features)
· relevant/useful to my local context
· regionally diverse, there are stories from different regions of the world
· unique, if I did not read APCNews, I would not hear about these stories
· technical or specialised
· full of jargon
· too much focused on APC work and members, you need to write more about other non-APC groups working on ICTs
· focused on APC work and members, and this is of interest to me
12. Is there anything else you would like to say about APC’s news articles or other content? This feedback is helpful to us.
13. The APC newsletters I receive are (tick all that apply):
● APCNews (English)
● APCNoticias (Spanish)
● LAC bulletin on ICT policy in Latin America and the Caribbean (Spanish)
● Chakula on ICT policy in Africa (English)
● Pula on Africa, women and ICTs (English and some French, temporarily unavailable)
● None of the above
14. If you would like to receive APCNouvelles, APC's newsletter in FRENCH, when it is launched later in the year, please write your email address in the box below – or write to .
15. The format I would prefer to receive my APC newsletters in is (choose only one):
● Text only
● Html (eg with enhanced design and possibly graphics)
● Print version (eg a downloadable pdf)
● Print version (sent to your office/house for a subscription fee)
16. Regarding the number of pages, APCNews/Noticias is
● too long
● too short
● just right in length
● other (please explain in the box below)
17. I would like to receive APCNews/Noticias
● every week, but a shorter version
● every two weeks, but a shorter version
● every month, but a shorter version
● every month, it's long but I like it
● every two months
● less often
Anything else to add? (NEW PAGE)
18. Anything else you would like to tell us about APCNews in general before you finish? Feel free to be critical.
You have almost finished!
Just before, please take a couple of minutes to tell us about yourself and your computer/internet access.
Please remember, only questions marked * are required. You may leave the others blank if you wish.
19. First name [open-ended question]
20. Last name [open-ended question]
21. Organisation [open-ended question]
22. Country of residence [open-ended question]
23. Nationality[open-ended question]
24. Email (If you would like to stay in contact with us)
25. I read: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, other (please specify)
26. What best describes your profession/work place. Choose one:
alternative/community media organisation
computer geek
independent activist
international non-profit/civil society organisation
local/regional government
local/national non-profit/civil society organisation
multilateral organisation
national government
private media organisation
public media organisation
regulatory agency
research institution/university
volunteer with a non-profit/civil society organisation
27. My primary access to the internet is through:
● my work computer
● my home computer
● an internet cafe
● a university/educational institution computer
● a shared computer with co-workers/peers
● a public library
● a community telecentre
● none of the above – I do not have regular access to the internet
28. I have to pay for my primary internet access myself: Yes / No
11. My primary internet connectivity is:
● Fast and reliable (eg ADSL)
● Medium and reliable (eg 56 k modem)
● Fast and unreliable
● Medium and unreliable
● Slow and reliable (eg 26k dial-up modem or less)
● Slow and unreliable
● I'm not sure
12. I typically use the following kind of computer equipment:
● Recent hardware (ie less than two years old)
● Relatively recent hardware (ie 2-5 years old)
● Older hardware (ie more than five years old)
● I don't know the age of my hardware
Thank you very much for completing the APCNews readership survey. Your answers are very helpful to us.
If you have any comments or questions, please write to me - Karen Higgs . You can also return to this survey and add to your answers – if you are using the same computer.
And once again, a big THANK YOU!