Commission on Disability Access and Design

Meeting Minutes

December 20,2012

  1. * Leadership Award (online form) deadline? March is the meeting determines the winners. March 8th deadline.
    Matt to shift the meeting 14th
    …needs to be received by NAU person
    three "spots" - person, organization, departments, faculty, staff, student
    Betty previously arranged plaque (used the one on 4th street - Ask David how he wants to order these???)
  2. > long range planning doc (Announcement that Jamie will likely have initial document tomorrow.)
  3. * Strategic Planning Effort - Chris
    what are out clarifications of language for the next iterations of the plan
    including out own strategic
    Dis in curriculum
    Dis awareness
    …still guiding principles?
    there is an online place to interact with the strategic plan input
  4. > elections n February - Officers
    Representative of CDAD to attend City meetings -- noon on a Tuesday once a month for an hour at City Hall
    also need member applications
  5. StAC and Derrick la horne?? Chris - status
  6. Wed. March 6th - 6:30 ish Evening of Poetry and perspective
    …perhaps should have known last week.
  7. > introductory video on home page -- add your thoughts
    communications department
    pictures awards banquet from City
    Cathy Mahusky - video perhaps another video possibility??? (Disability Experience - Keri and Matthew)
    Chuck - Disability History also a possible resource. (March)
    Dis Stud Advisory Board (no more)
    vote to rename -- NAU for All
    focus will be same as before -- better reflects the group's mission
  8. Campus Accessibility Project
    did not want to lead this project
    request that CDAD continue the work from the survey (120+ surveys)
    are you interested?
    student standpoint is important
    aggregate report of data? Yes -
    what's the minimum - stated in the standards but if students expressed a NEED on a local basis then this could provide leverage to require other improvements above the minimum.
  9. > Mental illness- ((Jamie ldr retreat campus health services)
    > joining forces with different groups - health promotions -
    > -- students sometimes indicate in surveys that they have concerns regarding people with mental ilness? Join with a group who might (health promotions or counseling ctr) to provide public education campaign regarding this topic.
    NAMI - national association of mental illness
    counseling and testing
    president's office
    disability organizations in Flag.
    Karen Eberhard - City Communications person

maybe CDAD can host the conversation - maybe next meeting?

  1. City Report
    Thank you for supporting the banquet
    speaker well recognized
    Theme next year "Honoring Caregivers"
    Kathy Chandler - new Chair NAIPTA person
    Zoning Code passed last year (moved to accessible parking standard - van accessible with wider -- asked that this be revisited -- watch the news to potentially revoke the decision made three years ago.
    NAU recently increased strictness of their requirements (no parking printed in striping)
  2. DIS PIL cross listed course -- experimenting with format of the course but already had 15 (Julie Perin and co-teacher)
    Next Fall to present to curriculum course as a true course

DIS 304 UD class (cross listed in special ed) enrollment approx 70 students with 3 sections
cohort in dual major program and other programs are requiring the class (DIS Minor and Lib. Studies)
40 students enrolled in the DIS Minor
Capstone class has 10 people
very please with how it is going but how to continue without Univ. funding??

PO Box 4142 Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4142 (928) 523-0708 (fax)