Category / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Organization / Content is very well organized / Content is organized fairly. / Content is organized, but details are missing. / Content is very disorganized.
Organization / Rule of 7 applied / One violation of rule of 7 / More than two violations of rule of 7 / Three or more violations of rule of 7.
20/20 Rule / 20 seconds per slide, 20 slides max. / Up to 5 seconds over, or slightly less than 20 seconds / More to 5 seconds over, or five seconds less than 20 seconds / More than 10 seconds under or 10 seconds over
Animation / 1 Animation present / 1 Animation present but too obtrusive / 1 Animation over the top (may include inappropriate level of animation) / 1 Animation not present
Quality of Content / Content clearly relates to the main topic. It includes many supporting details and or examples. Easy to follow. All important facts present. Major perpetrators of the genocide are noted and explained. Political, racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural factors explained. Geographic location of genocide explained (location). / Contentrelates to the main topic. It includes some supporting details and or examples.Major perpetrators of the genocide are not fully explained. Political, racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural factors not fully explained. Geographic location of genocide not explained (location). / Contentdoes not relate to the main topic. It includes few supporting details and or examples and is difficult to follow. More than two important facts Missing. / Content has little relation to the main topic and following presentation is very difficult. More than three important facts missing.
Individual presentation / Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time and mispronounces no words, names or geographic objects. Looks at audience. Complete command of content. / Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time and mispronounces one word, name or geographic objects. Looks at audience occasionally. Grasp of content w/ some hesitation / Speaks clearly and distinctly some of the time and mispronounces more than two words, name, or geographic object. Looks at audience occasionally. Reads from paper. Not fully engaged. / Often is difficult to understand and/or mispronounces more than three words or geographic objects. Reads from paper. Inaudible. Lack of content command.
Maps / Two maps present / One map present / Incorrect map(s) / No maps
Timeline / Timeline shows complete step-by-step accounting of country’s genocide and is easy to follow and comprehend. / Timeline is mostly complete with more than one element, such as key date missing. Not completely easy to follow / Timeline is incomplete with more than three elements, such as key date, missing. Very hard to follow. / Timeline missing or mostly incomplete. Extremely difficult to follow
Video via URL / Applicable video or video clip from independent source not affiliated with special interest. / Non-applicable video (Not related to country’s genocide) or associated with special interest. / Video portrays blatant partisan or clear special interests. / Inappropriate use of video by content or lack thereof
Work ethic / Complete individual effort within group. No web surfing. No texting. No unrelated conversation. No mingling with other groups. On task. / Fair individual effort within group. One incident of web surfing, and/or one incident of texting, and/or one incident of unrelated conversation, and/or one or more mingling with other groups. On task. / Not participating fully or not on task / No cooperation
Information / Answers teacher’s question completely, accurately / Some hesitation at questions / Uncomfortable with questions / Little background content offered
Eights Stages / Eight stages of genocide, if applicable, explained in detail. / Eight stages of genocide if applicable explained, but not in detail. / Two or more of stages omitted, or not explained sufficiently. / Three or more stages omitted or not explained.
Opening slide design / Opening slide has title, unobtrusive design, and the following are included: team members listed, name of country or genocide. / Opening slide has title, busy or obtrusive design, but one of the following missing: team members listed, name of country or genocide. / Opening slide has title, but more than one of the following missing: team members listed, name of country, slide design or genocide. / Opening slide is missing
Citations / All citations present and are academically acceptable / One citation missing or one is unacceptable / Two citations missing or two are unacceptable / Three or more missing or three are unacceptable
Images / All images relate directly to subject. Citation (URL) is below all image. Citation is academically acceptable. / One image does not relate directly to subject or Citation (URL) is not below image or Citation is academically unacceptable. / Two images do not relate directly to subject or two Citations (URL) are not below images or two Citations are academically unacceptable. / 3 or more images do not relate directly to subject or three or more Citations (URL) are not below images or three or more .Citations acceptable.
Comment / Total
  1. As a team pick a genocide.
  2. Make a proposal to me.
  3. Pick a team leader.

In your project:

  1. Divide tasks.
  2. Make a cover slide that has title, design, names of team members.
  3. Explain pre-genocidal stages (The history leading up to event)
  4. Explain genocide in detail
  5. Explain the 8 stages of genocide (not all might apply)
  6. Explain history of region, country, religions, ethnicity, etc.
  7. Explain factors that apply:







  1. Explain reaction from external sources (US, other countries, UN, e.g.)
  2. Explain the internal aftermath.
  3. Include valid primary sources/citations
  4. Include valid secondary sources
  5. Images/graphics must have URL underneath them
  6. All sources must be on last page
  7. Include Map of the region (continent).
  8. Include Map showing area of detail (country).
  9. Include Timeline of the genocide
  10. Name of student must by on slide they made
  11. Rule of Seven applies
  • No more than 7 bullet points
  • No more than 7 words per bullet point
  1. 20 slides/20 seconds rule:
  • No more than 20 slides
  • No more than 20 seconds per slide
  1. Seven minutes per group
  • *(video portion not timed)
  1. Each team member must take part equally.
  2. Self-assessment rubric (40%)
  3. Teacher rubric (60%)

*No group grade

TEAM 1: Australia

Kneisel, Katherine
Llamoso, Kristelle
Searchwell, Carlton

TEAM 2: The Third Crusade

Harley, Nafisah

LaBracio, Charles
Colish, Austin

TEAM 3: Bosnia

Hwang, Henry

Harmon, Jada
Roach, Erin

TEAM 4; Stalin

Pienciak, Stephen
Masucci, Christina

Jackson, Johnathan

Team 5: Armenia

Mendoza, Jerusalem

Hamwi, Austin
Louis, Paule

Team 6: Guatemala

Rele, Nisha

Vaccaro, Jessica

Daniella Almonda

Team 7: Rwanda

Chima, Chizoma

Venditto, Nicholas

Velarde, Edilberto