FSL 90 - Course Outline



Being able to understand and use French is an important aspect of being a Canadian and a global citizen. By learning French, students gain both personally and academically, and are able to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to communicate efficiently and effectively in a variety of real-life contexts.

Further, the learning of French naturally implies the learning of French culture (North American and European), and, therefore, allows students to recognize, understand and respect cultural diversity in our society and in others.


The FSL 90 program is based on the concept of a multi-dimensional approach which reflects learning outcomes that are centered around 4 components:

1.Experience and Communication: Language experiences and the ability tocomprehend and express ideas and negotiate meaning.

2.Language: The linguistic elements of the French language – the sounds,

writtensymbols, vocabulary, word order, grammar rules and discourse features

3.Culture: The development of intercultural skills and knowledge; the ideas, behaviours, cultural artefacts and symbols shared by francophone peoples.

4. Language learning strategies: Students learn to communicate by developing specific language skills i.e. Listening, Comprehension, Reading Comprehension, Oral Production and Written Production.

Textbook: C’est à toi #1

Workbook: C’est à toi #1 (online ressource)

Reference books:

Strongly recommended:

-French/English dictionary

-Previous French notes, assignments, etc.


Aural and oral assignments (dialogues, discussions,

oral presentations, skits, debates, listening exercises,

oral questions and answers, projects etc.)30%

Tests and Quizzes30%

Final Exam30%

Participation, effort and work habits10%

*** Please note: You are responsible for missed assignments!

You must talk to your teacher to avoid being sent to

the test centre to complete your given assignment

and have to deal with the school administration.


Absences not verified by 8:00 a.m. on the day the student returns to school will be treated as inexcusable. Students who are absent for a major test or assignment must have their absence excused and write the test or submit the assignment as soon as possible after returning to school.

Extended Absence

Parents may wish to remove their son or daughter from school for an extended period of time (longer than 3 days) for reasons other than bereavement or illness. The practice is not encouraged by CHS staff but in the event that parents make this decision a letter is to be written to the principal outlining the reasons for the absence. The school does not grant approval for a student to be absent but rather records the parent intent to remove a student from school. It should be noted that teachers are under NO obligation to provide additional work or tutoring for work covered during the time missed, as this is a parental choice. Refer to the individual teacher course outline for details on how missed work and/or tests will be handled.

Bienvenue à la classe de français!

M. Rancourt