R6 Supplement 2409.15-2013-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 2013
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 2409.15, 23-27
Page 18 of 18
Chapter 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING for included timber
/ Forest Service Handbook
pacific northwest region (region 6)
portland, oregon

fsH 2409.15 – TImber sale administration Handbook

chapteR 20 – measuring and accounting for included timber

R6 Supplement No.: 2409.15–2013-1

Effective Date: April 2, 2013

Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.

Approved: Jeremiah C. Ingersoll / Date Approved: 03/27/2013

For the Regional Forester

Posting Instructions: (Paper copies of this supplement should be printed on blue paper). Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was R6 FSH 2409.15-2012-1 to Chapter 20, issued 3/30/2012.

New Document / R6 FSH 2409.15, 23 - 27 / 18 Pages
Superseded Document(s)
by Issuance Number and Effective Date / R6 FSH 2409.15-2004-1, dated May 12, 2004
R6 FSH 2409.15-2012-1, dated March 30, 2012
R6 FSH 2409.15-2006-1, dated April 5, 2006 / 6 Pages
5 Pages
11 Pages


23.2 - Adds direction for time limit for abnormal delay

27.1 - Minor wording changes

27.12 - Revises painting and branding requirements.

27.32 - Establishes direction on volume changes to tree measurement sales.

table of contents


23.2 - Presentation for Scaling (B6.82) 3


24.1– Scaler Training and Certification 3

24.11 - Forest Service Scaler Training and Certification Program 3

24.11b - Check Scaler 3

24.14 – Maintenance of Certification 3

24.2 – Check Scaling and Reporting 4

24.2a - Requirements 4

24.2b - Standards: 5

24.2c - Evaluation: 5

24.23 - Check Scale Results 6


25.3 – Security-Related Approval Standards for Purchaser/Mill Owned and Operated Systems 7

25.32 – Weighing Services Agreement 7


26.4 – Weight Scaling 7


27.1 - Log Accountability Procedures 9

27.12 - Product Identification (B6.842/BT6.81) 9

27.2 – Accountability on Scaled Sales (B6.84) 14

27.21 – Load Accountability 14

27.22 - Load Removal Receipts on Scaled Sales 14

27.3 – Accountability on Presale Measurement Sales 17

27.32 – Volume Changes 17

23 - Scaling and measuring (B/BT6)

23.2 - Presentation for Scaling (B6.82)

For contracts where weight is the measurement use a time period of six months when filling out the time period in C3.47#, Abnormal Delay. Remedies of the breach for failing to meet this time period can include suspension of harvest activities in additional Subdivisions or Payment Units. For Green Biomass Convertible material required to be removed in contracts, Purchasers/Contractors should not be allowed to delay removal of this material beyond the period of time listed in C 3.47#, Abnormal Delay.


24.1– Scaler Training and Certification

24.11 - Forest Service Scaler Training and Certification Program

When a scaler has met the qualifications of certification, form R6-FS-2400-134, “Timber Cruiser/Log Scaler Certification Application & Record” shall be completed and submitted to the Regional Forester for approval.

Upon approval, a “Certificate of Qualification” and a “Scaler Certification Card” will be issued from the Regional Office for each certified scaler.

24.11b - Check Scaler

In addition to the National Level Certification requirements, Region 6 requires Forest Check Scalers to:

13.  Satisfactorily pass a written examination for each method of scale.

14.  Pass two consecutive check scales, with a satisfactory rating, for each method of scale.

15.  Perform one of the check scales on the trucks or in bunks, if the Forest Check Scaler’s duties include truck scaling.

16.  Maintain satisfactory annual certification requirements.

24.14 – Maintenance of Certification

4. Certification of all levels of scalers is indefinite, providing the scaler has satisfactorily met the annually required maintenance items. If a scaler has been inactive for more than a year, completion of these maintenance items is required, prior to resuming scaling:

a.  Forest Service Production Scaler

1. Qualified. In addition to the National Level Certification requirements, Region 6 Scalers at this level are required to annually pass two consecutive check scales, with a satisfactory rating, for each method of scale.

2. Advanced. In addition to the National Level Certification requirements, Region 6 Scalers at this level are required to annually pass two consecutive check scales, with a satisfactory rating, for each method of scale.

b.  Forest Check Scaler. In addition to the National Level Certification requirements, Region 6 Scalers at this level are required to:

1.  Pass one check scale annually, with a satisfactory rating, for each method of scale and each method of load presentation for which the check scaler is certified.

2.  Successfully pass an open book exam for each method of scale certified every two years.

3.  Satisfactorily perform all duties associated with check scaling.

24.2 – Check Scaling and Reporting

24.2a – Requirements

A complete check scale contains a minimum of one of the following requirements:

·  A minimum of 200 pieces;

·  A minimum of 8 truckloads;

·  A minimum of 50 MBF or 100 CCF net volume. (A minimum of 75 MBF or 150 CCF gross volume may be substituted when the check scaler’s defect is 60% or greater.)

  1. Partial loads will not be included in check scales.
  1. Check scales will contain all logs in a unit or load.
  1. Check scaling will be done only on National Forest logs required to be scaled under the terms of the timber sale contract.
  1. No alterations will be made to any scale or check scale data for the purpose of changing the results of the check scale.
  1. Logs contained in the check will not be discussed between the Forest Service Check Scaler and TPSO/Contract Scaler while the check scale is being conducted or prior to completing the check scale.
  1. The check scaler should complete the check scale prior to reviewing the scalers scale tickets.
  1. Upon starting a check, strive to complete it within 30 days. The Check Scale Report should not contain data older than 90 days.
  1. When conducting site check scales, each location shall be checked on a continuing basis with at least one check scale completed each 45-day period.

24.2b - Standards:

The following standards will be used to evaluate check scales:

1.  Gross Scale
A variance of one (1) percent in gross volume is the satisfactory standard, unless a greater variance is otherwise justified. An abnormal number of pieces with sloughed sap, fire damage, broken-ends, irregular-shaped ends, or pencil bucking when truck scaling, are examples of abnormalities that may justify a greater variance. The Forest Service Check Scaler shall determine justification, based upon observed conditions at the time the check scale is conducted. Justification shall be documented on the Check Scale Report.

  1. Net Scale

Percent of Defect / SCALER’S
Acceptable Error
0 – 10.0% / + or – 2 percent
Greater than 10.0%
but less than 60.0% / .2 x check scaler’s percent of defect to a maximum of 5 percent
60.0% and greater / .2 x check scaler’s percent of defect with no maximum.

24.2c - Evaluation:

The following categories will be used in evaluating a check scale:

  1. Satisfactory:

·  Combined product volume elements of the check scale report are within the acceptable gross variance and net acceptable error.

·  Log count and species identification are satisfactory to the check scaler.

·  Defect deduction methods and application are in accordance with the National Forest Log Scaling Handbook, FSH 2409.11 or the National Forest Cubic Scaling Handbook, FSH 2409.11a, as currently amended and supplemented.

  1. Conditional:

·  The net weighted error is within the acceptable error.

·  One or more of the other check scale elements are not satisfactory and are not justified by the check scaler.

  1. Unsatisfactory:

·  Net weighted error does not meet the acceptable error and/or due to other causes, which may include but is not limited to:

§  Misapplication of the scaling rules.

§  Large compensating errors in log diameters, lengths or defect.

§  Differences in species identification

24.23 - Check Scale Results

It is the responsibility of the Regional Forester to approve a check scale report that summarizes check scale results. In Region 6, use Cubic or Scribner “Weighted Check Scale Report”. These can be found on the R6 Natural Resources, Forest Products web page: (www.fs.fed.us/r6/nr/fp/FPWebPage/ForestProducts/ForestProducts.htm).

At the end of the calendar year, Forest Supervisors shall furnish the Regional Forester with a summary listing the results of all check scales conducted on the Forest during the year. In Region 6, use form R6-FS-2400-50, “Annual Check Scale/Check Cruise Summary Report”. This report can be found on the R6 Natural Resources, Forest Products web page: (www.fs.fed.us/r6/nr/fp/FPWebPage/ForestProducts/ForestProducts.htm).

25 – scaling audits

25.3 – Security-Related Approval Standards for Purchaser/Mill Owned and Operated Systems

25.32 – Weighing Services Agreement

Approval to use an “Automated Weight Scaling System”, as defined in FSH 2409.15, 25.32, and personnel or parties to operate the system must be approved in writing by the Contracting Officer.

26 – alternate scaling services

26.4 – Weight Scaling

Execute a Weighing Services Agreement with weighing facility when the weighing facility is not covered by Yard Scaling Location Agreement. Site specific operational procedures and Forest Service controls for accountability shall be documented in the Weighing Services Agreement. An Alternate Scale Site Request and Agreement is used by purchaser/contractor to request weighing facility location(s) and used by Forest Service to approve those locations.

1.  Scaling Provision B6.8 defines Scaling as log rule, sampling, measuring, weighing, or counting.

2.  Scaling Services Provision B6.81 states that: “Scaling services shall be performed by Forest Service personnel or parties under contract to Forest Service, except that weighing services may be performed by personnel or parties approved by Forest Service.”

3.  Scaling Location Provision B6.811 refers to yard and truck scale locations where Scalers use a log rule (such as cubic or scribner) to measure individual logs for payment. The sentence “In no instance shall Purchaser or employees of Purchaser perform Scaling services” refers to Scalers using log rules and does not apply to 100% Weight sales.

4.  Weighing Services Provision B6.814 states that “Weighing services for stumpage purposes may be provided by either public or private owned and operated weigh facilities.”

  1. Security-Related Audit Standards for Sample-Weight Scaling FSH 2409.15-25.12 through 25.32 applies only to sales sold Sample Weight and is not applicable to sales sold 100% Weight. Requirements for 100% Weight sales can be found in B6.814 Weighing Services.

6.  Weight Scaling FSH 2409.15-26.4 states that “Even though most weighing of timber is done at purchaser-owned and operated facilities, weighing is not considered as consumer scaling. It is important to separate the weighing from the operator. The operator does not do the weighing, but only activates the system. As such, the operator is not scaling.”

7.  Accountability R6 FSH 2409.15-2008-3, 61.64 outlines the use of Alternate Scaling Agreements and Weighing Services Agreements as they pertain to 100% Weight sales.

Utilize the following personnel or parties as the Weigh Master for contracts sold 100% Weight.

1.  Third Party Scaling Organizations (TPSO) that have the ability to input and process weight data, provide Forest Service approved reports and electronically transmit volume through the Timber Statement of Account (TSA) system.

2.  Third-party individuals not associated with the timber sale purchaser or weigh facility owner. Examples include third-party security guards, employment agencies and public scales. This category of weigh master will not have the ability to input and process weight data, provide Forest Service approved reports, and electronically transmit volume through the Timber Statement of Account system requiring the Forest Service to perform Scaling services or have the Purchaser /Contractor provide weight data to a TPSO Scaling Organization for processing. When Forest Service provides Scaling services, pursuant to C6.815/K-G.8.1.5, the Purchaser/Contractor shall bear the cost for Scaling services as shown in the Alternate Scale Site Request and Approval and will be charged monthly to the Purchaser’s Timber Sale Statement of Account.

3.  Company weigh masters employed by the weigh facility owner. The weigh facility owner may or may not be the purchaser of the timber sale being weighed. This category of weigh master will not have the ability to input and process weight data, provide Forest Service approved reports, and electronically transmit volume through the Timber Sale Statement of Account System requiring the Forest Service to perform Scaling services or have the Purchaser/Contractor provide weight data to a TPSO Scaling Organization for processing. When Forest Service provides Scaling services, pursuant to C6.815/K-G.8.1.5, the Purchaser/Contractor shall bear the cost for Scaling services as shown in the Alternate Scale Site Request and Approval and will be charged monthly to the Purchaser’s Timber Sale Statement of Account.

4.  Personnel or parties to activate the weigh scales, other than those listed above, must be approved in writing by the Contracting Officer. Approval is dependent on the weighing services cooperator being present, providing oversight of the weighing process and following the requirements of the Weighing Services Agreement. This category of weigh master will not have the ability to input and process weight data, provide Forest Service approved reports, and electronically transmit volume through the Timber Sale Statement of Account system requiring the Forest Service to perform Scaling services or have the Purchaser/Contractor provide weight data to a TPSO Scaling Organization for processing. When Forest Service provides Scaling services, pursuant to C6.815/K-G.8.1.5, the Purchaser/Contractor shall bear the cost for Scaling services as shown in the Alternate Scale Site Request and Approval and will be charged monthly to the Purchaser’s Timber Sale Statement of Account.


27.1 - Log Accountability Procedures

The use of Product Removal Permit, R6-FS-2400-81T, will serves as evidence of authority to transport National Forest logs on presale measurement timber sales.