Frontiers of Biotechnology

Chapter 9

Mr. Scott

Manipulating DNA

•How can scientists manipulate the code?

•Scientists use their knowledge of the ______and its chemical properties to ______DNA molecules.

Manipulating DNA

•Tools of Molecular Biology

–Genetic Engineering

–DNA Extraction

•Use a chemical to separate the DNA from the rest of the cell parts (an alcohol)

Manipulating DNA

–Cutting DNA

•DNA molecules are very long
•Restriction enzymes
•Restriction Site
•Hundreds of different restriction sites from enzymes

Manipulating DNA

•Sticky ends –

–Pieces can ______

–Used in biotechnology

Manipulating DNA

– Separating DNA

• Gel electrophoresis
– A mixture of DNA fragments is placed at one end of a porous gel (______), and an electric voltage is applied to the gel
–The molecules will move from ______

Manipulating DNA

•Restriction Maps

–Can be used to study mutations

Manipulating DNA

Copying DNA

•PCR or Polymerase chain reaction

•Use strands of DNA that are called ______

Copying DNA

•3 – Step Process

–Need DNA to be copied, 4 bases, and two primers

•Primers – short segment of used for starting point


DNA Fingerprinting

•DNA Fingerprinting

–______and run through gel electrophoresis

DNA Fingerprinting

•Greatest differences in DNA are found in regions not used for genes

–Each person has ______

DNA Fingerprinting

•Indentification and Probability

DNA Fingerprinting

•Uses of Fingerprinting

–Criminal cases

–Family relations

Genetic Engineering


–Clone –

•Gene or organism

–Dolly –


Genetic Engineering

•Cloning has potential benefits.

•Cloning raises concerns.

–clones ______than original animal

–decreased biodiversity

Genetic Engineering

•Genetic Engineering

–Can insert healthy genes or cloned genes

Manipulating DNA

–Cutting and Pasting

•Recombinant DNA

•DNA synthesizers

–Enzymes join ______of DNA with natural pieces

Genetic Engineering

•Transforming Bacteria

–Foreign DNA is joined to plasmid

•Plasmid –

•Genetic marker – a gene that ______(that is marked) and which bacteria are not.

Genetic Engineering


–This external DNA becomes part of the cells DNA

Genetic Engineering

•New genes can be added to an organism’s DNA.

–Genetic engineering involves ______DNA to give it new traits.

–Genetic engineering is based on the use of ______.

–Recombinant DNA contains genes from more than one organism.

Genetic Engineering

•Transgenic Organisms

–Firefly and tobacco plant

–Genetic engineering has ______

Genetic Engineering

• Transforming Plant Cells

–Using ______and cause tumors

–Taking away the cell wall some plant cells ______

–If successful recombinant DNA will be found in a chromosome of the cell

Genetic Engineering

•Transforming Animal Cells

–DNA can be ______

–Enzymes help insert the new DNA into the eggs existing DNA

–New DNA contains ______that tell which cells picked up the DNA

Genetic Engineering

–Transgenic microorganisms


–Can grow human proteins

Genetic Engineering

–Transgenic Animals

•No more food poisoning

•Grow human proteins

Genetic Engineering

•Transgenic animals are used to study diseases and gene functions.

–Transgenic mice used to study development and disease

–Gene knockout mice used to ______

•Leptin –

Genetic Engineering

–Transgenic Plants

•Grow vitamins or proteins

Genomics and Bioinformatics


–Comparisons of genomes within and across species

Genomics and Bioinformatics

•DNA Sequencing

–Genomes of several different organisms have been sequenced

Genomics and Bioinformatics

•The Human Genome Project

–Has sequenced all of the DNA base pairs of human chromosomes.

–Still working to identify and map human genes

Genomics and Bioinformatics

•Technology and Genes


–DNA microarrays


•Genetic screening can detect genetic disorders.

–Determines risk ______

–Used to ______

–Can ______related to an increasedrisk of cancer

–Can detect some genes______

Genetic Screening and Therapy

•Several experimental techniques are used for gene therapy.

–Genetically engineered viruses used to “infect” a patient’s cells

Genetic Screening and Therapy

•Gene therapy has many technical challenges.